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Commenting on lessons when it's a Youtube video

There's 1 core key problem right now with my new course platform that I want you to know about, which is that If you're watching a video and you're in the middle of it and you're adding a comment, just know that you should just remember approximately where you are in the video before you add your comment because or maybe finish watching the video before you submit your comment because it'll refresh the page And then it'll it'll, you know, basically start the video over if you don't for example, let me show you. So let's see. I'm watching this video right now. I'm gonna turn my volume down so I don't hear myself. I'm watching this video.
I'm like, oh, yeah. That's a really cool idea. And, you know, I'm like 7, 8 seconds, whatever. However, I'm and then scroll down and I'm like, oh, that's great. That was a great idea and then click post comment.
That's what? It refreshes the page. And now I go back and it's back in the beginning. I'm playing from the beginning. So I do recommend, like I said, if you want to make comments, here's probably what you should do.
You you could you could still, like, be listening to me while you while you type but just don't click on post comment until you're ready for the page to refresh. So I hope this has helped goal. And please do like I said, post comments because it really helps me to know what ideas are really working for you and of course, any questions that you have. So I hope this is helpful. Thanks.
Last updated 9 Jan 2023.


yes! i noticed this too when I left a comment for the first video :D

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I just commented midway through the "mobile" video. It paused the video but when I hit play it resumed playing in the right spot. Yay! 

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George Kao

Oh, that's great to know!  I wonder if that's true only for the videos I upload directly to Simplero.  I have a bunch of embedded Youtube videos in another Simplero course and that might not work the same way.  Going forward I'm thinking about uploading videos directly, so hopefully it'll work as well as you experienced.

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Ginny Branden

Thanks for the heads up! I could have been a little confused the first time that happened!

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Heather Tobin

Did the same for me as Angie.  It paused it, but continued on where it left off with my tests. :)

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George Kao

@Heather Tobin great to know.  I think this is only for videos that I directly upload to Simplero.  Going forward that's what I'm going to do with new courses, but for older courses I move over, it'll be embedded Youtube videos and alas, they will reset to the beginning when one posts a comment 😔

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@George Kao normally on youtube these days, they also jump to where you left of after refreshing... maybe this is an update on youtube since you did this video? Maybe that would mean that this video might no longer apply...? 

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George Kao

@Jasmin Peters thanks!   Let's see if that's true for others too.  Glad it's working better for you 🙏🏼

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Dorota Godby

George, thank you for having our backs with this aspect of interacting with the course materials. I really appreciate you tracking what it's like for the user. 

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I'm commenting to see what happens

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Ok, like above commenting paused the video, and brought me back to just a few seconds earlier in the video.

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This is really useful to know, thanks George

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Thanks George!

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Thanks for the heads-up!

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Thanks for the heads up @George Kao! :D  And, FYI, I just tested this on my Mac using Safari browser and it "Paused" the video in the refresh but did not start it over. So maybe the Simplero team figured this out and fixed it. :-) 

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cool will remember this 

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helpful thanks

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A potential work around (only suitable for those on computers) could be to have the video open in one tab and the comments section in another tab, with half the screen for each one so you can type away while the video is playing and even if you forget and hit 'post comment', the video will still keep playing.

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George Kao

@Clare Dominguez that is a great idea!  Thank you for this 🙏🏼

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I’m not really following this. The importance of it that is. I think it will make more sense in context. That is when i start the actual course.

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