πŸ“² Accessing my courses on mobile - use the Simplero app!

Updated Jul 26, 2023

Download the Simplero app from your phone's app store πŸ™ŒπŸΎ


the app looks different on my android phone. When I click on the course I registered for, it opens in a mobile browser, and and then it asks me to log in. So is it no longer possible to watch it within the app itself?

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart πŸ’— Conversation Booster πŸ”€ ABC

@Julie Nowak indeed they have a new app since about a week ago and it looks different from the above tutorial now -- I need to update it. Can you check your mobile app store to see if you have the latest Simplero app? It might ask you to login via mobile browser but should then direct you back to the app to watch the lessons? Let me know πŸ™πŸΌ


@George Kao thanks, I do have the most up to date app. But I discovered that if I click on "pick up where you left off", rather than on the main page that says "click here for access to the George Kao courses", then I'm able to watch the videos within the app!


I just bought a new Google Pixel 8a and can't download the app because "it was made for an older version of Android". Just FYI

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart πŸ’— Conversation Booster πŸ”€ ABC

@Sherrie St. Cyr indeed -- they are hard at work putting together a new version of the app! Hopefully within a month they'll have it ready.

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart πŸ’— Conversation Booster πŸ”€ ABC

@Sherrie St. Cyr ...and until then, I recommend using your phone's browser to access Simplero.


I downloaded it  but it says I need an account . They start at $59/Mo . 

Is this needed to access the course by mobile ? 

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart πŸ’— Conversation Booster πŸ”€ ABC

@Kieron Deahl thanks for asking -- definitely do NOT need a monthly subscription to access the app.  You already have an account with me.  Check out any email you received from me recently (about your course) and at the bottom of that email, there's a username and password you can use to log into the Simplero app πŸ™πŸΌ

@George Kao  Ah yes , That worked . The App is great , I can catch up/ review all my courses , anytime . Which is handy as they overlap a lot !   Thank You . 
Mary Veerkamp πŸ”€ ABC

Thank you for this helpful tutorial. I'll admit, I originally skipped this "module" b/c I didn't intend to put another app on my phone. Since watching, I've decided to download the app and be open to using it :)

Jessica Jennings, MS Ⓜ️ MasterHeart πŸ”€ ABC

@Mary Veerkamp same. I have been watching on my phone and I just downloaded the app and it is SO much easier!!

Christine Weddle πŸ”€ ABC

@Mary Veerkamp  and @Jessica Jennings, MS , me too! I've downloaded it too and didn't think I wanted another app! Looking forward to trying it out! 

Christine Weddle πŸ”€ ABC

@Helen Giles , this is great! Thank you. I will be adding the Simplero app. It looks really helpful! 

I have been away from all of you wonderful people and George for the past several months, and I am happily re-engaging with the Groups course! 

My delightful friend @Mallu Moilanenis joining us! Please welcome her if you get a chance. πŸ’•

Mallu Moilanen

@Christine Weddle Thanks for welcoming me! I am so happy to see such a great guidance on how to use app and the course before the course starts!

Jessica Jennings, MS Ⓜ️ MasterHeart πŸ”€ ABC

@Mallu Moilanen Welcome! Feel free to post any questions as there are a lot of smart, helpful people in this community. 😊

Christine Weddle πŸ”€ ABC

@Jessica Jennings, MS , I agree about how many smart, helpful people there are here! ☺️

How do you tag someone on mobile through the Simplero app? I’m trying to use a @helen but it’s not pulling up her name.
George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart πŸ’— Conversation Booster πŸ”€ ABC

β˜’ another great suggestion.  I've added it for Simplero:


Like nobody in the world I do very little on my phone… but I’m logged on and it’s downloaded!

Thank you, very helpful and clear :)

Coleen Chandler πŸ’— Conversation Booster

Thanks for the nice tutorial, Helen. It's going to give me another option to catch lessons when out and about. Well done, Simplero. 


Brilliant. As a millennial, I'm always on my phone woot woot

George Kao STAFF Ⓜ️ MasterHeart πŸ”€ ABC

You can now use the Simplero mobile app to add comments & replies! Check out the tutorial video above.