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📲 Accessing my courses on mobile - use the Simplero app!

Hi, everyone. This is Helen Giles, 1 of George Calves course helpers here to walk you through the Suppliero app with some of the new updates it's had. So when you first open your Simpler O app on your phone once you've downloaded it, you'll see the screen. Click here for access to the George Cal courses you're enrolled in. 1 other note here is if you click this menu, you'll see other stores.
So if you have bought a course from someone else in the world who uses Simclaro as well, you'll be able to access any of them through the Simclaro app. But for now, we're just focusing on George's courses. So pretty self explanatory here. We're gonna click in and then here you'll see all the George Cal courses that you're enrolled in. From this 3 bar menu, you can also see all of George George's courses.
So, like, this is just a full list of courses he's got. So this is just other information. But the ones that you need are here in your courses. For this tutorial, I'm going to use the biz plan authentic business planning here at the bottom. This course is great just to get on the same page as George as far as authentic business strategy.
And is highly recommended for anyone involved in this community with him. So when you first open the course section, you'll see all the different lessons here listed. And these get added to as the course happens over time if you are taking a live course. And you can see some of these have green check marks. Those are the ones that I have already watched and marked as complete, and then some still have this playback button.
And those are the ones that still need to be watched. So that's a really great way to just keep track of where you are in the course and what you still want a need to do. So we're gonna click into authentic consistent creation. And then here, you'll see the video as well as any additional information. Sometimes there are more videos and then all of the comments underneath.
With the video itself, you know, play fast forward rewind. Experience I didn't know how to And then you can also make the video go full screen by clicking the kind of square button. And then once you are full full screen, it's down here at the bottom right, and that'll take you back to the kind of overview of the lesson. The other thing to see here is this triangle with a dotted line circle around it. This is how you change playback speed on the app, so you can make it go slower.
You can make it go faster, whatever works for you, and your needs. In the comments down below, this is 1 of the new updates that the app just released, which is really exciting. So we can now comment through the app itself. So you'll see anybody that has commented. And you'll see the like button here.
Someone There are 2 hearts to this 1 already. If you hold this down, that's how the other emojis pop up. So I'll add a heart. It's very similar to the Facebook app. You can also reply and that'll reply to this comment specifically.
If you don't wanna reply to this comment specifically, you can hit cancel again and then you're back just in the main section. As you scroll, you'll see this right a comment stays at the bottom as you scroll and that's how you can add your own comment that's not responding to anyone's in particular. And you can just tap anywhere on the main screen to make that go away. When you are done with the full lesson, you've gotten all the content and information that you want. You can mark that as complete.
Yay. You did it. And then Oh, yeah. Oh, that's okay. And then automatically, the very next lesson in order will load.
If you click this back arrow over here, it'll take us back to the main list of videos, and now you'll be able to see authentic consistent creation, which was looking like these now has that green check mark, so that shows that we've done it. The only other thing I wanna show you is that on these, let's say I go into this 1, just random. This arrow with the bar underneath it, you see it there as well as there, that means download. So that's something that you can do on the app for watching, listening when you don't have access to Internet WiFi. You're going on a road trip and you don't wanna use all your data, your cellular data, or you're, you know, gonna need to be on airplane mode.
You can click that. You'll see it loads the downloading button. And then you can go back out. And then from this main screen, this folder with the arrow. If you click that, it shows Probably needs to reload.
Might take a second for it to appear, but this is where you'll see all the different Oh, it's in here. There we go. All the different lessons that you've downloaded, so you could download lessons before you leave somewhere and then have them on your mobile device so you're not eating your cellular data. I think that's everything for me from the moment. I hope you enjoy the app and we still look forward to seeing you participate in all the places.
Thanks again everybody.

Download the Simplero app from your phone's app store 🙌🏾

Last updated 26 Jul 2023.


George Kao

You can now use the Simplero mobile app to add comments & replies! Check out the tutorial video above.

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Brilliant. As a millennial, I'm always on my phone woot woot

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Reply over 1 year ago
Coleen Chandler

Thanks for the nice tutorial, Helen. It's going to give me another option to catch lessons when out and about. Well done, Simplero. 

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Thank you, very helpful and clear :)

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Like nobody in the world I do very little on my phone… but I’m logged on and it’s downloaded!
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Reply about 1 year ago
Fara Grim

How do you tag someone on mobile through the Simplero app? I’m trying to use a @helen but it’s not pulling up her name.
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George Kao

another great suggestion.  I've added it for Simplero:

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Christine Weddle

@Helen Giles , this is great! Thank you. I will be adding the Simplero app. It looks really helpful! 

I have been away from all of you wonderful people and George for the past several months, and I am happily re-engaging with the Groups course! 

My delightful friend @Mallu Moilanenis joining us! Please welcome her if you get a chance. 💕

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@Christine Weddle Thanks for welcoming me! I am so happy to see such a great guidance on how to use app and the course before the course starts!

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Jessica Jennings, MS

@Mallu Moilanen Welcome! Feel free to post any questions as there are a lot of smart, helpful people in this community. 😊

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Christine Weddle

@Jessica Jennings, MS , I agree about how many smart, helpful people there are here! ☺️

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Mary Veerkamp

Thank you for this helpful tutorial. I'll admit, I originally skipped this "module" b/c I didn't intend to put another app on my phone. Since watching, I've decided to download the app and be open to using it :)

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2 replies 9 months ago
Jessica Jennings, MS

@Mary Veerkamp same. I have been watching on my phone and I just downloaded the app and it is SO much easier!!

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Reply 9 months ago
Christine Weddle

@Mary Veerkamp  and @Jessica Jennings, MS , me too! I've downloaded it too and didn't think I wanted another app! Looking forward to trying it out! 

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I downloaded it  but it says I need an account . They start at $59/Mo . 

Is this needed to access the course by mobile ? 

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George Kao

@Kieron Deahl thanks for asking -- definitely do NOT need a monthly subscription to access the app.  You already have an account with me.  Check out any email you received from me recently (about your course) and at the bottom of that email, there's a username and password you can use to log into the Simplero app 🙏🏼

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@George Kao  Ah yes , That worked . The App is great , I can catch up/ review all my courses , anytime . Which is handy as they overlap a lot !   Thank You . 

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