Fara Grim

I am a bold adventurer, working remotely and building my global network with each passport stamp.

Travel and connection with people are at the core of my personality.  I am a social butterfly at heart and I love meeting new people. 

Active 1y ago Joined 21 Jul 2023 (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)


Hello All,

There will be no writer's circle meeting this Friday, August 11.

Hope yo see you there when we meet again on the 18th! 




See you on the 25th!

Day 2: How does your attitude hold you back or propel you forward in the workplace?

I used to declare, "I can't do that..." So I understand how it's easy to look at your surroundings, whether family, work, or circumstances, and have a less-than-rosy perspective. I have been there and done that. If you find yourself there right now, don't despair.  Change is the one constant in our lives. 

Remember when you were a kid, and someone asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up?  You could have had an 80's childhood response mirrored after a popular national toy chain "I don'…


Wow! This is valuable! Did you post this on social media anywhere @Fara Grim?  If so, let me know and I will give it some props. :-)


@Antonio Aversano Thanks Antonio! I will keep you posted if I add it to social media.

Day 1 - Content Challenge - Here we go

Today I followed up on a topic that came to mind over the weekend—learning about tea. 

I need clarification as to where I should be posting. 

Hi, my name is Fara, and I am new here but have fallen in love with the weekly Writers Circle Group. @Antonio Aversano 

Below is: 40 minutes of work - research to post

Recognized as China's national drink pre-1000 during the Tang dynasty, however, preparation of whole leaves in the water started in the 1300s, under the Ming dynasty. 

In t…

Heather Tobin 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

@Susan Tutt  thought I'd tag you in this little love note ;)

Why The Future of Medicine Is Rooted in Wellness and Lifestyle: A Focus on Perimenopause

I am Dr. Sarah Bonza, the founder of Bonza Health, an online medical practice dedicated to helping women navigate the perimenopausal changes. Our focus lies in a deeply holistic approach, with an emphasis on wellness coaching, lifestyle medicine, and functional medicine. Today, I'm excited to talk to you about the future of medicine - a future that I passionately believe rests firmly on the pillars of wellness and lifestyle medicine.

Why the future of medicine rests on the pillars of wellnes…


So, yes, this was a post I generated w Chat GPT that reflects the modalities I’m integrating in my business.  (Please don’t judge too harshly!  I am working 15 hour days in the hospital and generated this before a hospital shift.  This is my dream to be able to truly help women and find freedom for myself.)


@Sarah Bonza No judgment at all! I found this piece very intriguing. I have lived with a medical student before so I have some glimpse into the long hours and sacrifices your profession makes to take care of the rest of us. Thank you for all that you do.  

The niche soup I'm swimming in // what I learned from Tad Hargrave

Two nights ago, I watched George's video with Tad Hargrave coaching people on their niches. I found it incredibly generative. Here's some possibilities I'm playing with now: 

1. Tad suggests "your deepest wound is your truest niche." What I immediately recollected was a despair in me saying, "Will I ever figure this work thing out?"

*To be clear, I don't feel so much despair in this moment, but over the past year, I've become aware that it's there. 

2. Tad talks about talking someone from Isl…


I am going to do the energy audit. Thank you for sharing it! @Brandon Wong