Coleen Chandler
💗 Conversation Booster

Hello, George's tribe, 

I wear three professional hats:

Coach: after over 15 years of coaching people from every walk of life - executives, leaders, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, artists, performers - I have come to the conclusion that too much of this world's talent and potential is left unused du…

Active 1hr ago Joined 6 Jun 2022 (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Simplero Mobile App tutorial 5:29

Coleen Chandler 💗 Conversation Booster

Thanks for the nice tutorial, Helen. It's going to give me another option to catch lessons when out and about. Well done, Simplero. 

Make sure others are seeing your replies in Simplero 2:07
Make sure others are receiving your replies -- @mention them 😊

To make sure that the people you're replying to get notified of your comment, use the @mention feature. Watch the video above. Note that this feature isn't currently supported in the Simplero app but will be in the near future. For now, to mention others, use the web (computer) version.

Coleen Chandler 💗 Conversation Booster

That's what I'm really appreciating with your teaching,  @George Kao, this kind of attention to details that teaches me the nitty-gritty of the modern online world. Thank you for that.