To make sure that the people you're replying to get notified of your comment, use the @mention feature. Watch the video above.
Note that this feature isn't currently supported in the Simplero app but will be in the near future. For now, to mention others, use the web (computer) version.
I find the specificity of detail intriguing - step you step you walk us through. I know you said it's okay to skip around in a prior video but so far it seems like each video is another brick in the hat manual and I don't want to miss anything...@George Kao
Thank you so much George, you do really care and take good care of os
Many thanks for the clarification,@George Kao , it makes so much sense that it made me want to say "duh!!" when I did it!!
Thanks so much George. Believe it or not, I hadn't figured out how that worked in emails in other contexts. Very helpful.
I was trying to replay to a comment, I clicked replay, and I went to @ but their name didn't pop up, will try again another time
Helpful thanks
Good information, thank you!
This piece of information was very helpful, thank you!
That's what I'm really appreciating with your teaching,@George Kao , this kind of attention to details that teaches me the nitty-gritty of the modern online world. Thank you for that.
Thank you for showing this@George Kao Very helpful for me to learn 😊❤️
Good thing you clarified this,@George Kao , thanks!!