Craig Forster

I am a coach providing Transformational Life Coaching. This is built on the foundation of a 35 year experience in a corporate career in technology sales,  consultancy and management in a variety of multinational companies. I love coaching leaders and future leaders to help them realise their potenti…

Active 2y ago Joined 12 Sep 2022 (GMT+00:00) London
As you get more attention, be more aware of your cybersecurity 5:16
As you get more attention, be more aware of your cybersecurity... (use 2FA)

Click the following links, one by one, and follow the instructions to enable 2-factor authentication on these important websites (assuming you use those websites regularly)...  Google FB Instagram LinkedIn Paypal Stripe (scroll down to Two-step authentication) Any other payment methods you use


Thanks for the helpful and important reminder.

Make sure others are seeing your replies in Simplero 2:07
Make sure others are receiving your replies -- @mention them 😊

To make sure that the people you're replying to get notified of your comment, use the @mention feature. Watch the video above. Note that this feature isn't currently supported in the Simplero app but will be in the near future. For now, to mention others, use the web (computer) version.