As you participate in my courses, you're going to notice one of the benefits is to interact with other course participants, or you may be posting in one of my private forums, membership programs.Either way, the comments can sometimes come in quite quickly, you know, several, per per lesson, sometimes several per day.Here's the key.You are not expected to read every comment.This is the same thing I say in my live sessions on Zoom.
You know, the the especially on Zoom, the comments go fast.You don't not required to read it.But but in our course platform, the comments don't come in that fast.They come in, like I said, several usually several per lesson, and each course has multiple lessons.You are not expected to read every comment and certainly not expected to reply to every comment.
But here is a general principle that I like to recommend.Comment once, reply twice.That's a great ratio for keeping all our course learning community active and and supportive, mutually supportive.So what I mean by comment once, reply twice.So as you are working through a course or as you're making a post in one of the private forums, it's like you putting out your message and your energy.
You're you're putting out your message and your kind of your subtle request for others to benefit from the message and to maybe respond to the message.Right?Posting in a forum, you're certainly, you know, hoping people comment.You're posting a comment if you're or if you're posting a comment underneath the course while you're hoping somebody sees it, at least George will see it.I, by the way, I look at every single comment.
Although, as you can imagine, I'm not able to reply, usually to to a lot of comments, but I but trust me, I'm reading every single one.Now, comment once, reply twice means once you make a comment underneath the course lesson, try to look at to see if there are other comments underneath that same lesson and try to reply even lightly, even briefly to 2 of them if you can.Particularly, any comments that don't have a reply yet, that's called a lonely comment.It's like or if you're if you're doing this in a forum, any post you just made a post.Is there any other post that doesn't have any comments yet?
That's a lonely post.Try to bring it some companionship by adding a, it doesn't have to be long.It just you can simply show appreciation for for the person's post or the person's comment.It has no that comment has no replies.That post has no comments.
Either way, lonely comment or lonely post, try to show it some companionship by adding a reply underneath that that post or that comment.The easiest way is to bring some appreciation to say, oh, I really like the when you said that.That's all.Or, like, I agree because of this reason.Just saying I agree, you might as well just click like, but try to say a little bit more than just I agree or a 100% or something.
Just like I agree because of this or I my my own experience has is confirming what you said.Or you can add if you have a little bit more, energy or a little bit more time, you can add your own nuance or your own, disagreement to it.You can add your disagreement.Of course, always do it with kindness and with grace as much as possible.But that's it.
That's the principle.You're not expected to read every comment or post, of course.But it's it's wise, I think, when you do make a comment or you do make a post to then try to reply to another lonely comment or lonely post.Try to reply to 2 of them if possible, and that keeps a really good ratio.And it also shows that you are a good, part you are good fellow community participant rather than just someone who posts and expects other people to read.
You're also responding to others as well.So I hope this is helpful, and thank you so much for taking part in my courses and groups.
Love the caring notion in commenting. It's much better to be a loved comment rather than a lonely comment.
@Stephanie Morrison indeed! Thank you for being one of the caring ones 🤗