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The power of commenting

I wanna thank Nadine for being one of the engagers in this course, you know, someone who's actually watched the modules and been commenting on the beat, and Nadine, you had something to say about. Commenting. Go ahead. Yeah. There's two ways that I have found commenting really useful.
Typically, I find that it's not my style, but I'm I guess I'm transforming and changing. And one is that the the comments to make a comment on, like, my takeaway. Like, what's landing in my energetic heart from the lesson? Or maybe it's a technical aspect, but often it's more of just something that resonates with me. And so And I really appreciate you doing that because it helps me to see that something is making a difference.
And it also helps the others watching the module, watching the lesson to to kind of be reminded of it. So I appreciate very much stuff. Those kinds of comments. Yeah. You're you're so welcome.
I mean, it helps me too to kind of integrate when I am saying like what has resonated with me. And then the other thing that was I noticed is that on this platform of Sombrero that when I go to my profile, I can see all the places that I've commented. And so it's actually a little bit of an archive. And so if there's something that I wanted to kind of highlight for myself or remember for myself. Making a comment is kind of a way I can can do that, like sharing what resonated, what really landed in my heart about this content, or what was useful technically.
And then I can easily find it in the by going to my profile. So that was just it is. That's awesome. I've so appreciate you being an active commenter in. I hope that this encourages others who are watching this to to do to do the same, and as I, you know, said in a different segment, like, please feel free to add questions also.
Underneath whichever lesson you're watching, you have a question that's related to that lesson. You just add a comment there. And if for some reason I don't respond in in, you know, Give me 3 days to respond to a question, a comment. If I don't respond, feel free to reply to your own comment and do an at, George Cowell, click my name, and that'll, like, you know, email me again. To make sure that I see it.
So thank you Nadine and others for adding comments to underneath the lessons.

Under every lesson in my course platform, there's a place to comment.ย 

If you don't see a place to comment under a particular lesson, it means you're either logged out, or not yet enrolled in the course.

Last updated 13 Dec 2023.


Jeffrey Keefer

This is helpful; thanks!

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Donna Becker

@Nadine Mazzolaย 
This is an interesting point, that we can go and review our past comments. It is always good to remember what we learned or appreciated, incase there is a particular day when we needed to hear it again.ย 

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Yes, it is one of the things I love about the Simplero platform.

Also, reflecting on what my personal take away was from a lesson, or what touched my heart, really helps me incorporate the learning and what it means for me.

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Kat Fitzpatrick

Love the archive facet. I hadnโ€™t thought of it as a repository of all the videos Iโ€™ve seen and their impact at the timeโ€”Nadineโ€™s point is well made and gladly noted!
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