The power of commenting

Updated Dec 13, 2023

Under every lesson in my course platform, there's a place to comment. 

If you don't see a place to comment under a particular lesson, it means you're either logged out, or not yet enrolled in the course.

Love the archive facet. I hadn’t thought of it as a repository of all the videos I’ve seen and their impact at the time—Nadine’s point is well made and gladly noted!

Yes, it is one of the things I love about the Simplero platform.

Also, reflecting on what my personal take away was from a lesson, or what touched my heart, really helps me incorporate the learning and what it means for me.


@Nadine Mazzola 
This is an interesting point, that we can go and review our past comments. It is always good to remember what we learned or appreciated, incase there is a particular day when we needed to hear it again. 


This is helpful; thanks!