Donna Becker

Hi. I am an energy medicine practitioner
in New Jersey, USA and Eastern Time Zone. 

I work remotely to feel where energy is stuck in my clients’ energy field and their body and then work on restoring flow.

I help them to understand their unwellness issues through the lens of Chinese medicine and see h…

Active 1d ago Joined 4 Jul 2022 New Jersey USA, Eastern Time Zone (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Google calendar issues & HAT Manual Qs

i'd like to set up my google accounts so that the default is my business account. I have tried to change this and cant figure it out. 
A weird problem I am having with joypro calendar -
When I try to add joypro calendar to my calendar, it only adds to my non business account calendar. 
I also want to talk about HAT Manuals. Are there some that you have as templates to share? 
Could we have access to your HAT manuals that are all in one place? And then others can add those that they have to share as well? 

Writing posts to launch!

Edit: Post is launched!!
Here's the links: 



After getting George's support on figuring out how to launch, I wrote a post to use as my launch post in November. I was actually inspired to create a slightly different package for this, but I don't know that it matters that I go into detail in this post. I'd love to hear thoughts on that, and on the post as a whole:

Where did November come from? I don’t know about you, but I’m not r…

Donna Becker 🔤 ABC

I love this. It is so timely. I have a hard time with acting in a timely speed. If i had a nervous pet, your offer would catch my attention. Maybe add something about stress management may often involve being proactive . . . to help things go smoothly for your pet so you do not have even more stress dealing with their behaviors. 

So much clarity on what I need to be doing

So much clarity on what I need to be doing

Looking back on my day I would say today was nothing short of amazing how this was made so clear!

The seed was sown yesterday in Authentic Speaking class when we were to think about our signature story.

I shared with George & others in the chat a bit about my dilemma, that my life experience involves childhood trauma with divorced childlike parents , a narcistic mother (who is now 90, and reads my stuff on Facebook), issues with my marriage relating to…


@Donna Becker Thank you for sharing! How do you deal about your mother or someone else reading along? I also wonder about some stories that might hurt the one reading or be an offense.

Donna Becker 🔤 ABC

@Yvette Berg - van Groeningen
Well for the most part I havent dealt with it. It would certainly help to be able to because it shows readers how much I understand other peoples journeys and suffering.

I havent posted what I think would hurt others with exception of once accidentally.
There was one interview that a colleague did with me where I spoke about what it is like to be raised by someone with their own childhood trauma.

I was being naive. I didnt post it on my FB page but the interviewer did and she had tagged me in it. So of course my mother saw it - and was not happy.
Ironically, not because I was talking about her business and sharing her trauma without permission. I could have agreed with that being wrong to be honest.
But she didnt agree that being left in a camp at age 6, not able to speak English, and not having her sibling or parents with her, qualifies as having had trauma.
Anyway I was upset that she saw it and felt bad.

I think the way around this is to just tell the story as if it happened to your reader or a friend. More like a case study that would help others to understand the problem/ dilemma, and what could have been done differently.

There was a recent wild conversation with my Aunt that would make for an interesting story about how not to show up for a conversation/ conflict with someone you care about without hurting the relationship.

My last 3 years income

Here's my monthly income from last 3 years.

Do you see a pattern too?

Whenever I'd have a high income month, it'd be followed by a low income month.

After this happened a lot of times since I started my coaching business... I finally recognised the pattern and worked on understanding it.

Turns out, I have a deep rooted fear of success.

I'm afraid if I fully step into my light, it may make people blind.
I'm afraid if I fully own my fire, it may make people burn.

When I write them so clearly, they sound…

Donna Becker 🔤 ABC

@Dipanshu Rawal I'd love a conversation about it. I want to understand it better. I am convinced at times in our business we get stuck because we do not have a good energetic relationship with our future selves. Or we are stuck in the energy of dealing with our past selves.
Kind of like regret gets in the way of hope and moving forward with faith in the future. Would you like to explore this with me in a chat?

I was wondering who has created podcasts

I have 1 credit left for this year.
George course - Simple Podcast creation is 1 credit. 
Have you creating a podcast? 
What did it do for you? Did you love it? Was it fun? 
Did you take this course? 
Would you want to take it with me?  

Brigitte Gemme 🔤 ABC

I've been recording an irregular podcast since March 2021, and I have 59 episodes so far. Some of them are blog posts that I just read and post as-is, and most episodes are interviews with people I find interesting that are at least tangentially connected to my niche and whom I know will be sharing insight that my audience will (probably) enjoy. For the most part, really, I do it because I enjoy it, I love having this opportunity for deep conversation with my guests. I'm a former academic researcher with lots of interview experience, and worked on radio as well, and it's always been my favorite medium. As a nice aside, the podcast also serves as outreach, as my guests share the podcast episode with their audience. I have a mix of guests, some of whom have bigger audiences than me, and others with smaller audiences, and I'm happy to help them spread their message. I'm getting pitches from PR agents/publishers on a regular basis now, too. For the past two years or so, I've been recording video and posting that part to YouTube as well. 

My business podcast is hosted on Podbean and I'm happy to pay the $100 or so per year for hosting. I have a separate podcast-for-fun project that I now host on Substack because it's free with zero monetization plan. I've enjoyed every minute of work on it, but it's really been a hobby so I didn't want to have to pay to keep that one available for downloads. 

Donna Becker 🔤 ABC

@Brigitte Gemme Thank you for sharing your experience and enthusiasm for interviewing and creating podcasts. Not sure what I will be doing but it would be cool if I tried it and enjoyed doing it.


I have created two podcasts. The first was a place to share my Wild Creation Stories, started in 2019 (I think) and it's since been "retired" as I'm not adding to it.

The second podcast is Wildspire, my conversations with inspiring entrepreneurs, alternating with short reflective episodes from me. This one is still active, though I'm slow in releasing them (especially when I've been traveling!) It's not monetized and I don't directly get any clients from it.

They were both fun and I don't recall any tech issues in putting them out. Of course, I'm more on the "just get it done good enough" side, so it doesn't bother me if things aren't perfect. Wildspire has been a great way to connect with people and have enjoyable conversations. (George was a guest before I joined ABC, by the way.)

Rather than "starting a podcast," why not do 10 episodes? Then you can decide if you want to "have a podcast" as a regular thing. It's what I did in the beginning and it allowed me to release a bunch in rapid succession, getting ahead of the game if I wanted to publish episodes regularly. I didn't follow any of the best practices or do much research. I started with zoom recordings and let that be enough. 🤗

I hope this is helpful and wish you much joy on your podcasting (or not) journey! 🙏

Donna Becker 🔤 ABC

@Stephanie Benedetto Thanks Stephanie. Good suggestion, to start with 10 episodes and see how it feels.