
Donna Becker

About Donna

Hi. My name is Donna Becker. 

I am an Chinese medicine energy practitioner. specifically a Medical Qigong practitioner.
Most of my work is done remotely. 
I connect with my clients' energy . . . the energy of their organs, tissues, their meridians, acupuncture points, energetic trauma impact points on their time line, which are at the root of their current health issue. 

I  also teach Pangu Shengong, a form of qigong, which is a very powerful for cultivating Lifeforce energy for healing and daily living. 

I've started this work in 2018. Since beginning to study with George in summer of 2022 I have gotten more clarity about what I want to offer and to whom. Sometimes with more clarity comes more questions. 

My clients are diverse
-  anyone struggling with an emotional / mental / physical health issue 
-  those with physical / emotional issues rooted in past trauma (often they are unaware of the connection) 
- an acute or chronic injury or infection
- Those with any other wellness issue - fatigue, digestion, sleep, irritability, memory, etc.
- relationship issues - current one or in their family of origin
- or those with a serious condition even if believed to be life threatening, chronic and something that they 'have to live with'.
- pets or other animals with any of the above

When I am not working,
I love nature, cooking, gardening, and spending time deeply connecting with friends, family and colleagues. 

My entrepreneur challenges are many.
Time management is a big challenge for me. George teaches so many wonderful strategies for bringing ease and joy into our running our business. I have implemented many of them and am still working on others. 

I would love to make connections with others for
- regular coworking sessions. It helps to keep me in my seat and focused. 
- brainstorming about launches & offers
- possible referral partners and other collaborations
- to learn about each other and cheer each other on. 🤩

I am looking forward to meeting & supporting others in the community and helping them to be inspired.


Posts and comments

17 Jun 2024 Replied to a comment on Welcome to Module 2! Here's an overview...
8 May 2024 Commented on "Is Instagram just for younger people?"
1 Feb 2024 Commented on In a sea of comments under a lesson, how to quickly find yours again?
22 Jan 2024 Commented on Energy signature requires energy…
19 Jan 2024 Commented on Notice and help name each others' energy signatures...
16 Jan 2024 Replied to a comment on Notice and help name each others' energy signatures...
Replied to a comment on Notice and help name each others' energy signatures...
Commented on Notice and help name each others' energy signatures...
6 Jan 2024 Commented on ⏳ How to manage your time with ABC / MasterHeart
Commented on ✍🏽 What is your joyful productivity structure for 2024 of working your business?
2 Jan 2024 Commented on The power of commenting
8 Nov 2023 Commented on My holy fear of NOT making content...
Commented on Whenever you've been away from content creation... how to get back on track?
18 Oct 2023 Replied to a comment on Let's begin imagining your 20...
Replied to a comment on Let's begin imagining your 20...
Replied to a comment on Let's begin imagining your 20...
Commented on Let's begin imagining your 20...
25 Apr 2023 Commented on Where to find your copied Google templates?
16 Dec 2022 Commented on Calibration skills for depth junkies - setting boundaries and not going down rabbit holes...
17 Jul 2022 Commented on 🧘🏻‍♀️ Developing Consistency and Discipline, and moving through resistance...
Replied to a comment on 🧘🏻‍♀️ Developing Consistency and Discipline, and moving through resistance...