George Kao
Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

Hi All!

I'm grateful to be able to teach courses and run group programs to help people grow their authentic business and joyful productivity.

Active 5h ago Joined 26 May 2022 (GMT-06:00) Guadalajara

The course experience is best with simplero

Hi @George Kao

Just signed up for "Frameworks" course and the way it's delivered via YT unlisted playlist... it's not a pleasant experience.

Any chance you'd be putting this on native simplero backend?

Likewise, the previous version of simplero was way better experience for consuming your courses, than the newer version. Not sure if I have the option to switch back now.

Thought of mentioning the feedback here :) 

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

@Dipanshu Rawal I'm doing a refresh of the Frameworks course in early 2025, at least that's my current plan. When you see it being launched let me know and I'll comp you into the new :)

Dipanshu Rawal 🔤 ABC

@George Kao Dropping a request for this. Please and thank you :)

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

@Dipanshu Rawal you got it! check your email.

Upgrade to the Newest Version ✨

You're here in an older version of this course. It's got plenty of great info! However, if you'd like to upgrade to the newest version of the course – at a discount – take these steps: 1. Go to this course's sales page: www.georgekao.com/instagram 2. Scroll down there and click to enroll in the course – you'll land on a page that has a special discount for you. If you don't see the discount, you'll need to be logged into my website first. Then you'll see the discount. Any questions, comment below here 🙏🏼


I'd love to upgrade to the newest version of the course! I'm logged in but don't see the special discount. Is there a code instead? Thanks George!

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

@Gaia Tedeschi thanks for asking! Here is the link:


If it doesn't work, make sure you login on that page to see the upgrade discount :)

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

Discovered this great quote thanks to @Michael Williams --

“Being afraid of quantification is tantamount to disenfranchising yourself, giving up on one of the most potent prospects for understanding and changing the world.”

~ from Carl Sagan, Billions and Billions: Thoughts on Life and Death at the Brink of the Millenium (1998)

Lynne Young 🔤 ABC

@Heather Lakatos you must be my cousin (in engineering). I also track: a) finances (income, major expenses), b) hours spent on biz (each month general, learning, marketing, proposals), c) billable hours (looking for monthly trends), and d) other unbillable hours. Also because I'm a grant writer, I track grants written, and grants $ won as well as new processes documented (which George calls HAT Manuals).

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC
George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

Live chats:

Heather L:

I track: a) finances (income/expense/projections for both), b) hours spent on biz (each month, to see if I hit the 10 hours per week), c) billable hour trends (looking for busy / not so busy trends), d) unbillable hours (helping buddies/helping hubby in his biz), e) social media analytics for X/Twit and LinkedIn, f) performance against annual/3-year plan. (Remember that I'm a recovering corporate engineer/strategic planner)

Suki Fang:

I used to track clients only, and decided to track prospective clients since yesterday…but I have not defined what that means yet.🤣

Katie Smethurst:

Yes to measuring. I am tracking number of patient visits and income. I would like to track website effectiveness.

Judy Yodit Solomon:

I can measure my joy for working on my biz

Arthur Cendrier:

Social media (views, likes, & other stats), and then less business focused my spendings in general + some daily subjective stats (sleep, satisfaction, energy, productivity & inspiration)

I stopped tracking time spent (in details at least) because it was time consuming and not that actionable / insightful

Dr. Michael Williams:

Tracking content on Medium and Substack; time spent working; joy; time spent writing; income (cash flow)

Ginny SoulPet Connections:

Tracking on a white board where it's in front of you and you can see it daily is fun

Heather L:

I like how you're tracking non-biz things. One of my goals is to track exercise this year, to help me build (re-build) that habit

On what platforms should you distribute your content? 6:20
On what platforms should you distribute your content?

How to choose platform(s)? Which one(s) do you enjoy and want to become effective at? Which one(s) do your ideal clients visit regularly? (Ask your clients, past clients, and colleagues who have people like your clients in their network.) I teach courses about these platforms: Substack Threads Instagram YouTube LinkedIn Facebook Ads You don't have to use all these platforms!  Choose based on your enjoyment and where you can reach people similar to your ideal clients.

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

Live chats:

Ruth Toledo Altschuler:

Substack also is a place where people who want depth may be

Wesley Evan Smith | Mindful Productivity Coaching:

I'm all in on Substack as my new content home. I've even decommissioned my WordPress and my domain is now directed to straight to my Substack: https://wesleyevansmith.com


 My audience is older and likes Facebook and YouTube. Instagram I get the least response.

Wendi Gordon:

Substack has NO ads and in Notes (it’s version on Twitter) and your newsletter (blog) posts you can include photos, video, make them as long or short as you wish, etc. You can also do podcasts there that go to Apple and Spotify

Alexandra Madsen:

FB, Insta, Substack. Still discovering my audience.

Brian Cohen-Doherty:

YouTube & Instagram as far as I know

Juliet Kapsis:

That is also what I have found, Ruth. There are some authentic voices I follow on Substack - Heather Cox Richardson, Paul Millerd, Adam Grant… I’m considering starting one, too. Looking forward to following those on this call who have mentioned they have Substack!


or choose a different audience??

Wendi Gordon:

Planning to do the same with my website. Substack rocks! And if you don’t like it you can export your email list anytime and move to another platform if you don’t like Substack.

Denitsa Atsova:

Lots of you guys seem to be on SUBSTACK already! Can you share your substack link? Maybe someone resonates and follows, and even teams up on content. I am here: https://denitsa.substack.com/

Wesley Evan Smith | Mindful Productivity Coaching:

Substack is such a great platform with incredible authors, meaningful content, a highly engaged audience, and a powerful infrastructure for creators.

Tina Greenbaum:

Linkedin -

Thea Stone:


Tina Greenbaum:

My clients are B to B

Darcy Lewis:



I’m thinking about Substack because it seems to be a safer space for authenticity.

Megan Montero:

I enjoy YouTube, not sure what my clients enjoy, I think YouTube and they like my newsletters.

Denise Hancock:

I enjoy text-based stuff like threads, BlueSky & Substack. I hate short form videos. My clients are all over the place, many of them send me reels and tiktoks

Ruth Toledo Altschuler:

Presently I enjoy Substack and hope to inspire my audience to get into to it, while I an excited about the prospect of them help me expand my audience.

Ali Duffey:

I enjoy Insta and YouTube and writing newsletters, will check out Substack also. I don’t know what my people enjoy… but will find out!

Amanda Jane Turner:

I think my people are similar to me and enjoy the platforms I do.

Margo Helman:

I find this is so true! It's a wonderfully responsive place for vulnerable authenticity as well as intelligent musing.

Wendi Gordon:

Substack is one platform to publish newsletters on and it’s so popular many of us refer to our newsletters as our Substacks.

Denitsa Atsova:

George's newsletter is a compilation of his best content across all of his platforms. He doesn't create special content for his newsletter. Love his light approach on this!


Substack can also host a community, depending on your needs, as you can have posts, comments, chats, multiple formats (text, audio, video, etc.). If you want a private community, you can create a private Substack. Better to start a community leanly before investing in community platforms like Circle, Mighty Networks, or all in one platforms like Simplero.

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

Live chats:

Meng Chen 蒙蒙:

No struggle

Megan Montero:

Letting go of perfectionism

Duanna Pang:

Create without attachment to outcome.

Alexandra Madsen:

Bare minimum outline, written, maybe edited once, posted

Ali Duffey:

Be nimble, quick, unattached to any one piece of content.

Lori Atkinson:

Not too much


Creating lightly means I end a writing session with a smile and joyful heart


lightly= creating without attachment

Karlen Wilson:

Creating without pressure

SD Shanti:

Create without stress

Christopher Jones-Warner: Self-Mastery for people who lead:

To get the essence of the idea out without perfecting it

Brian Cohen-Doherty:

To be free to only create as much as wants to come out, with no attachment

Darcy Lewis:

not making to a big overwhelming deal



Thea Stone:

Creating lightly means making the workflow from creation to publication as easy/simple/quick as possible and don’t worry about it being perfect


Don’t overthink, just do and be.

Denise Hancock:

Gordon White said "post more, care less" and that seems like a good way to create lightly. Don't get ego invested into each piece of content

Gema Ramirez:

create lightly is to enjoy it


Create without pressure or attachment.

Amanda Jane Turner:

Not holding expectations. Surrendering to cocreation with my audience

Juliet Kapsis:

To feel as if I am in service while writing, and then also to be enjoying what I am writing.

Peggy Wonder:

Create lightly = create what feels genuine, let go of perfection and of trying to present something that appears glossy.


Creating lightly means to be in a space of knowing what you are creating, that is meaningful to me and to those who resonate with me, my energy, without perfection or stress.

Denitsa Atsova:

Lightly for me means short and in conversational tone, anything long makes my perfectionism take over

Peggy Wonder:

Experimental. I love that! I use that attitude in my space organizing work, and coaching. Perhaps that's a measure of authenticity - every valuable process or concept is applicable to other aspects of life.

Donna Becker:

what I have learned from George is to create lightly means

I am not going to get burned out,

working on something for a longer time than necessary,

that may not get the results I want,

or will get good results but may not need me to spend all that time on it,

and then i am able to do the other things my business needs while also working lightly on that, . . . . and so I can do netcaring, more creating, selfcare, breaks, breath. . . .