Hi, Stephanie here. I am a bit everything and nothing in particular who is joyful by nature. I am on a quest to contribute to shifting humanity into a kinder, gentler nature through nurturing.
The chaos of too many choices has me stalled on creating a website. I am also an observer/learner👀 rather than a participant on social media. I don't use FB if I can avoid it.
My ideal client is potentially someone interested in exporing the benefits of engaging with the answers they hold in their body. Anyone who has found that holding onto the same old story is in fact giving them the same old results.
I'm still trying to figure out whether there is something in particular that I can do for clients. Right now I hold space primarily for social entrepreneurs who benefit from coaching, a bit of consulting, and some metoring. My few clients have mostly been women which is wonderful. With my background, I can wear multiple hats and approach issues or objectives multidimensionally and integrative. Creating a contain of ease and grace is essential. Clients are invited to come as they are, not as they think others think they should be.
I left the corporate world in 2017 and began to explore what it means to show up with integrity and curiosity without the overhead of pressure to be the perfect corporate citizen. This journey started with several programs with The Moment Institute including Narrative Coach (one-on-one), The ID Way (organizations), and Narrative Release (personal development).
Along with individual coaching, I work with a group of women conducting programs with a theme of Healthy and Healing Culture Cultivation. My own calling (business) is still emerging.
I am currently working on an embodiment coaching certification that beautifully enhances my narrative learnings. As a former engineer, then corporate strategist, it is safe to say that work kept me in an eye brows and up state. The craving for a new story has finally started to form passion with the exploration of eye brows and down. In addition, I have been studying and exploring spirituality, especially non-duality. The impacts and shifts of clarity I have experienced are something I want to share with others.
Some potential areas of focus include:
helping people establish an upright strength of dignity combined with the compassion and openness of a soft belly as a powerful way to be in this current world
Rewriting stories using bodystorming rather than brainstorming
I have always been a team player, especially knowing what I don't know. I find this sort of work benefits from multiple perspectives and approaches. It would be great to find collaborators that work from a foundation of 'Yes, and'. I also know that having an accountability partner is helpful for me. I love creativity and am curious so helping or supporting others is something I would enjoy.
I am looking for honest and open conversations and feedback. I am very comfortable sitting in 'my cave' and exploring on my own. Signing up for this program is pushing me out of my comfort zone... and it's a good thing.
Hi, Stephanie here. I am a bit everything and nothing in particular who is joyful by nature. I am on a quest to contribute to shifting humanity into a kinder, gentler nature through nurturing.
The chaos of too many choices has me stalled on creating a website. I am also an observer/learner👀 rath…
Active 3h agoJoined 22 May 2023Tucson(GMT-07:00) Arizona
I'm not sure if I love this or feel guilty for all the courses I have not completed. Can't wait to populate my "Steph's Addiction" tracker. Thank you @George Kao
I'm not sure if I love this or feel guilty for all the courses I have not completed. Can't wait to populate my "Steph's Addiction" tracker. Thank you @George Kao