Marianne Nygaard


My name is Marianne and I live in Copenhagen, Denmark.

I'm a mentor and teacher / facilitator, and I have been self-employed for the past 10 years.

I support people (mostly women) who want to take personal leadership from the heart. They want to clarify their callings, move past self-doubt…

Active 1mo ago Joined 6 Jun 2022 (GMT+01:00) Copenhagen

New clients -- how are they finding you?

Look at your new clients from this year... how did they find you?

  • Content?  If å new client has signed up because of your content, on which platform did they find you?

  • Netcaring?  Did a conversation turn into a client or a referral?

  • Market discovery?  Did a market research call turn into a client or referral?

  • Aligned Offer?  Did improving your offer make a noticeable difference in getting interest in your work?

  • Collaboration?  Did you get an interview or other collab that resulted in a new cli…

Marianne Nygaard 🔤 ABC

My primary income comes from my 6 months 1:1 mentoring program. And they sign up for my service from:

  • My content - especially after having read some articles on my homepage which is SEO optimized.

  • My book - I have some signing up after having read my book.

  • Free webinar - I haven't done a lot of free webinars but I have actually got one new client from each of them. So maybe I should do more of them going forward 😉

  • Following my newsletter for years - I got a new client who told me that she had been following my email newsletter for years and that she now was ready to sign up.

Intentions : September 2024

Participate by commenting below -- it can help you clarify (or reiterate) your priorities.

As you see other members post their intentions, cheer them on by replying to a few comments 💛

How to participate:

  1. Comment with your most important intentions for the month. Feel free to @mention your Accountability Buddy so they know what you're up to.
            Examples: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.
    Tip: What method will you use to remind yourself of thi…

Marianne Nygaard 🔤 ABC

Intentions for the month:

1. Finishing the different doorway sales pages for my mentorship program

2. Gentle launch for the program

3. Continue exploring the new level of joy in running my business

4. Net-caring / Seeking new connections with kindred spirits / Market discovery

5. Planning / Building a sustainable daily structure

6. Content creation and distribution

Spirit words: Love, Service, Trust, Presence

@Dipanshu Rawal
Heather Tobin 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

Monthly Intentions:

1) Content cross-posting sharing plan/marketing/content creation

2) Vacation, rest and body reset time

3) Book considerations

4) Sit with the Spirit of my business - what's working, not, and what needs adjusting

5) Connection / net-caring / opening myself up to meeting new people, and spending time with people I haven't yet had a chance to

Distractions: Worry & Excitement, lots to celebrate, and also lots new to come this month

Spirit Words: Trust, Faith, Love and Presence.

Marianne Nygaard 🔤 ABC

@Heather Tobin Best wishes for your monthly intentions! May your spirit words carry and guide you through it all 😇💜
Dipanshu Rawal 🔤 ABC

1. September in my birthday month (24 September 🎂) I love my birthday and I've decided to completely take 3 days off this year. Yay 🥳 Not sure if I'll be traveling on my birthday. We will see.

2. My ebook launch in the first week, and then promoting it throughout the month.

3. Next 2-day workshop on 28-29 Sept. Create it, promote it, deliver it, rock the minds of participants. Eventually, create more invitations for 1:1 coaching.

4. Continue my daily posting streak on IG + LinkedIn

Spirit words: Love, Surrender, Faith 💞

@Marianne Nygaard
Marianne Nygaard 🔤 ABC

@Dipanshu Rawal Happy Birthday Month 🥳 May you enjoy it fully! And best wishes for your intentions for the month. Looking forward to hear more about how it goes at the end of the month 🍀😊

ok I'm baffled -- you're not getting your questions answered on the call?!

Hi Folks, I'm really baffled by this... several people are saying that when you come to my Q&A calls, you don't get your questions answered. WTF?

I swear that I do my best (I thought) to make sure I answer all your questions... but I think what happens is that I ask for your questions... and then I wait for 10 seconds... and I see no questions... so then I start my segment. 

Maybe I need to wait 30 seconds, 1 minute, 3 minutes?

Truly, from the heart, I'm sad and embarrassed that you've had tha…

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

I'd love to hear from those who are actually there for most calls... @Beth Budesheim Kaoihme @Marianne Nygaard @Jessica Jennings, MS @Mike Wang @Donna Becker @Jenny Clift @Kayli Larkin ... thank you for being there often!

Marianne Nygaard 🔤 ABC

@George Kao You are doing a great job of answering our questions on the Q&A calls! I have nothing to complain about, and I can testify that you always ask for our questions on the call. I don't have the impression that we leave the call with our questions unanserved.

The journey from the head to the heart

Hi, my name is Marianne and I live in Copenhagen, Denmark.

My work is born out of my own suffering and my own longing. I’ve been raised as a head person, but that way of being didn’t work for me at all. Fortunately, nearly 20 years ago I met my mentor, who introduced me to the intelligence of the heart and I found my way home to my true being. 

15 years ago, I went through a serious dark night of the soul, and I changed my life completely. For the past 10 years I’ve been self-employed guiding…

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

So wonderful to have you back, @Marianne Nygaard!  Love what you wrote... "intelligence of the heart"... "truth of the heart"... such powerful work that you do with your clients.  Looking forward to seeing you shine and thrive even more this year.

Marianne Nygaard 🔤 ABC

@George Kao Thank you for your warm welcome - and feedback on my introduction! Looking forward to continuing this journey of authentic marketing and heart-centered business building with you and the whole community.