Sonja Amundson

Hello! I'm an Astrologer and Wizard 😁🔮🧙‍. I offer readings, clearings, and spellwork, along with a paid membership with community and content.  I'm on IG @SonjaTheGrey and LinkedIn at Sonja Amundson. Happy to connect.

I'm a huge fan of spreadsheets, crows, tabletop gaming, video games, and long drives in pretty places. 

Happy to meet you!

Social Links




Active 6mo ago Joined 21 Jul 2022 (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Connecting and Contributing

 I was just wondering how many Facebook groups related to the George Kao community you belong to and how many do you utilize. For myself, I belong to Authentic Business, AI Tools Community, Soul Gym Lounge. I get enthusiastic at the beginning, and then I stop participating. My intention for the new year is to choose two at a time and participate fully so I can connect with the community and contribute and be contributed to. There are some amazing business people and entrepreneurs in our circles.


I'm in those same three. I tend to be pretty open to contributing when I am connecting to the topic (AI is a good example where I connect, soul gym has been more observer-level). 

My frequency tends to follow the group - if a group is dying out, I'll try to post a little longer, but I'm not comfortable being a lone contributor without engagement so I struggle to keep going if the group energy fades.

Don't get scammed by 'Facebook'

Last week I shared gratitude for 

@George Kao helping me to create an Instagram Ad. We put the ad in place with a limit of 6€.

The next day I started getting repeated messages to Facebook User. Warning me that my account would be closed.
Here's the wording
We've reviewed your account and noticed some unusual activities that go against our Community Standards and Advertising Policies. As a result, we've decided to suspend your account for the next 30 days. 
This suspension will take eff…


Oh no! I'm sorry this happened, @Jenny Clift . I hope it resolves easily 🤞

List of Courses - Text Format

Hey y'all, 

In looking where I wanted to use my remaining courses, I ended up making a checklist of the courses I already had, and then used that to see what was left that I might want to purchase. 

Thought the text list I yanked from a screenshot might be useful to others 😁

Here's George's course list based on the "courses" dropdown, in text format: 

Joyful Pro
Al Tools
Authentic Content Flow 2023+
Authentic Copywriting
# Authentic Outreach (AO)
Authentic Video Creation
Authentic SEO

Is there a wise and authentic alternative way to use ‘lead magnets’?

Many years ago I created a short two page guide  to simplify and demystify the essential steps to achieve success in container gardening. I have been giving this away when people subscribed to my list.

After watching a video by George, questioning the use of ‘lead magnets’ I’ve recently stopped offering it to new subscribers. This doesn’t look to have affected the number of people subscribing to my newsletter :). 

This is good news - but I’m now looking for other ideas on how I might make bes…


Oh this is an interesting question, I'll be curious what @George Kao has to say on this one. 💜

Left over course credits, which course should I sign up for?

Can anyone help me with what course to take with my last 2 credits? 
I thought it was going to be FB/IG ads but I see that I do not need to use my credits for that. 
create your own framework? 
simple course creation? 
offer revision?

I am just releasing (today in fact) my 1st group offer. Am currently in the middle of the Launch your 20 person group program - so not finished yet. 
I dream of one day putting together a course on welness and healing yourself.  But this is a ways off. 

I am lean…


Hi @Donna Becker !

I'm in the same boat, looking to use up my final credits. 

Since the courses you buy with credits don't expire (meaning you'll still have access to them later), I would get whichever courses resonate for now or in your upcoming future. Meaning you don't have to be ready to take it right now, to choose to enroll right now.

I've got a couple courses I'm looking at for my last credits, that I'm certain I won't start for another few months - but I know the topics will be on point for me once I get there.

How to get back on track with ABC MasterHeart Program 19:33
💛 How to get back on track with ABC MasterHeart Program

First thing... get back in touch with your Helper! Perhaps also let them know your simple plan for getting back on track :) Click on any of these links for more info: 3 Q&A calls every week just for ABC/MH Joyful Productivity Helper-led Calls BizPlan – 111 Formula Simple Authentic Moneymaking (SAM) Add a comment below with any questions!  (Be sure to @mention me) Or to share your get-back-on-track plan 🙌🏾


Thank you for this segment.  I have been absent for about 2 months.  I have totally changed my business model.  


@Liz Underhill ooh. What / how did it change?

Follow up emails re my upcoming retreat

Hi @George Kao 

I wanted to ask this in the Q&A call tomorrow, but I won't be able to attend so am asking it here instead.

I recently sent an email out to my list regarding my upcoming yoga retreat at the end of October. A few days after doing this, I went into Mailchimp to see if anyone had clicked on the "more info" link and found that 17 people had gone to that page.

I was wondering what your thoughts were on following up on those 17 people with another email? I've always felt a bit funny …

Mike Wang 🔤 ABC

Curious what others and George will say. Personally I wouldn't be shy about reaching out to the 17. I might not personalize the follow up email. That way they wouldn't know they were the only ones receiving the follow up email out of the entire list.


@Mike Wang this is what I was thinking, too. Follow up "lightly" and no need to say anything that indicates the targeting.