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πŸ’› How to get back on track with ABC MasterHeart Program

Time to get back on track with ABC and Mastercard programs. So thank you for watching this. I'm gonna do a quick whirlwind run through of well, you you are in this program and you know that there's a lot of benefit that you could probably be getting from it that you aren't using because there's a lot going on. So let me just kind of give you a summary of what I think is the most effective way to get reengage of the program. Kao.
So thing number 1 is, did you know hopefully you do that you have an assigned helper of the program from the program. So hopefully, you're in touch with your helper, but if you're not in touch with for some or even know who your helper is, I think you probably do. But if you don't know, please contact me personally and I will make sure I make that reconnection. But those of you watch, most of you watching know who your helper is. And guess what?
They are eager to hear from you. So please send them a quick email and say thank you for being my helper and I just wanna let you know I'm getting back into the program and here's what I'm planning to do. Well, you might say, well, how how do I know what to plan to do? Well, I'm gonna be telling you this in the next next 3 minutes. And if if you still don't know what's the best way of getting ringDNA's, ask your helper, hey, how are you engaging with program, so you can give me an idea of how to best engage with it.
So your helper is there. They really love hearing from you. And I hear on my helpers helper. So I hear from my I hear from the helpers that some of them don't hear from you. So That's why I want you to reach out to them and say thank you and and tell them that you're engaged.
I'll be so happy. So that's 1 way because the helper is there to at least once a month checking with you just to see that you're making use of the program. Kao. Number 1. Number 2 is that to use a program like this means that there is some rhythm that you are connecting with the material and with the community.
So my question for you, what is your rhythm of connection? You might say George, well, what's available to me? Let me go ahead and share my screen so that I can kind of walk through some of the things I would recommend. Alright. And I wanna thank Heather Locados for being here for the live recordings.
So thank you. And with a wonderful new background. So So here is the rhythm that I would recommend. These are so first of all, there are 3 q and a calls every week. Just for ABC Mastercard members.
Did you know that? Well, I'll help you do. Now you do. And they are on Mondays at 9AM Pacific, which is 12PM eastern and 5PM BST, that's, you know, United Kingdom, London time, you you know, 6PM Central European European time, etcetera, etcetera. Okay.
So the Q and As, let me just tell you what the Q and As are first and then I'll describe when you should come to them. So Thursdays also at 9AM and also Thursdays at 6PM Pacific 9PM eastern. And what does World time buddy say? Right now, It is 9AM Sydney sorry, 9AM Singapore, 11AM Sydney on Fridays. So Friday Sydney No.
Singapore. Singapore or 9AM Sydney, 11AM. Kao. So what are these for? These are for all kinds of questions.
So let me give you an example. Let's say you're stuck in a particular marketing tactic or strategies like George, I know that it's gonna be so helpful for my business to get my message out to a lot more people, and I know that face spoke ad, Instagram ads are the cheapest and most targeted way of doing that. I don't know what the first step is for that. Perfect. Come to the q and a.
Let me help you with the first step. Or you're already, you know, 35 steps into it and you're getting stuck now and say, George, How do I target my audience better? How do I spend my budget more wisely? Well, perfect. Or if you have questions about any part of my courses, it could be about outreach, it could be about you know, creating a program.
It could be about some technical challenge. It could be about joyful productivity. All the courses I teach, you're welcome to just show up to the q and a and ask about any of it. Even if you didn't take the course, this is really important. Even if you haven't taken the course, you're welcome just to show up to q and a's.
George, I'm curious about your, you know, your course about net caring. I hear it's important. I haven't taken it. Tell me based on what you know about me or let me tell you where I'm at with things what do you recommend as my next step? Let me be your George GPT.
Okay. Alright. So those of you don't know, that's an inside joke for ChatGPT. Okay. Alright.
So you can ask specific questions about courses or you can simply show up and say, George, I am stuck in my business right now. Here's my situation. You're either at the beginning or you're somewhere along the road, you're stuck. And you would just want my guidance, my feedback, my insight into whatever situation you're in right now. I'm happy to do it.
You don't have to have looked at anything else from me. You can show up as you are and just ask based on where you are right now. Really, it's really that accepting and the people on the calls are amazing as you probably know you're you're 1 of them. And so show up, people love you and love you both support you. The the q and a calls are not just for me to help you, but for you to reconnect with the others in the community.
So that's a really nice rhythm. You don't have to come to all. Most people do not come to all 3 q and a calls. So choose 1 of these 3 times that work for you. I'm hoping 1 of these and by the way, you don't have to show up for the entire call.
You could show up at the beginning and leave at the end or you could show up at the beginning, leave, you know, 15, 20, 30 minutes into it, or you could show up in the Midjourney, any anywhere in the middle, and then leave at the end. It's it's really up to you. Okay? Show up whenever. I I hope 1 of these times works for you.
If the times don't work for you, you can still host, you know, host your questions didn't mean for you to be all cats, but there you are. Post your questions in our group slash forum. We now have that we have the Simplero ABC Forum or you post in our Facebook mass ABC Group, post your questions and I will record my answer for you in 1 of these calls and send it to you. Sounds good. So there really is no excuse for you not to engage with me and with the community.
Either posting your questions or showing up. Okay. So that's a really nice rhythm. Just choose 1 of the calls. Show up every week if you Kao.
If you can't show up every week, try to show up once every 2 weeks, just to touch in on what strategy you're working on and how can we support you and and help you to, you know, make it more savvy, make it more, you know, you know, comprehensive or make it more focused. So alright. That's a that's a nice rhythm. The other rhythm you might wanna show up for is the joyful productivity, pep talks. And these this is for inspiration, for motivation, and also for connection because in those pep talks, I do 15 to 20 minutes of pep talks, and then I do a breakout group on most weeks, not every week, but but I'm I'm trying to do them on a on a regular basis.
So the pet talks are 08:30AM Pacific, which is 11:30AM. 11:30 11:30AM eastern which is 04:30PM PST. Okay? So that happens then, and it also happens, alright, Mondays. Mondays and also happens Mondays at 05:30PM pack 08:30 east PM east, which is let me give you that quick 1.
So that would be 10:38 30 Singapore, 10:30 Sydney on Tuesdays. Right? Tuesdays sorry. It it should be let me let me let me show you more accurately here. So, yeah, Tuesdays, 08:30AM Pacific, Singapore, 10:30AM Sydney on Tuesdays.
Alright. So those pep talks and breakout breakouts for connection. And by the way, these peptides are available not only to ABC Master Heart, but also to the to the few people who are in the joyful productivity 20 23 program. Again, wonderful, you know, authentic business owners that that you might wanna connect with. So pick 1 of these calls, come to it.
If you can't come to it, you know, you get the recording at the at the end of the week. Alright. So that is the that's the essential rhythm of the the live calls and mass start. Now, they're all these are the ones that that I lead. They're also ones that are helper helper led calls.
Kao. So let me tell you there are going to be net caring Kao calls happening soon. As of this recording, they're not announced yet, but they're about to be announced in the next few weeks. They're gonna be regular weekly calls where you show up a helper facilitating just for connecting with the community where people get to know you, you get to know them better, you get to talk about what you're working on, and it's wonderful. And then there's also helper Hangouts, which are co working calls, they are talking about specific topic such as hat manuals, things like that.
So helper Hangouts, I will put a link below this video so you can you can find them more easily. In fact, I'll put a link below this video for each of these things. So the helper led calls are 1 of a way not to get my teaching quote unquote, but to get community connection. So let me just kind of summarize for you. Here's the path to authentic business success in the idea.
I could talk I could slice this in a thousand ways. But here's how I'm gonna slice it right now. Okay? Inspiration. Kao?
You need you need regular inspiration because we all kind of get anxious and down and blocked and and stuck in various things. So inspiration Where do you get inspiration? You get it from connecting with others? And you also get it from the pep talks. And you also get it when you listen to some of the q and a, you might get some for what to do next.
Kao. So inspiration, knowledge, which comes from courses, for example, courses, books, videos content that you consume. And as you know, in my in ABC program, there are an abundance of courses. I'll talk about that next. But inspiration knowledge and connection.
When you connect and collaborate with your fellow members, you kind of expand your world multiples, in multiple ways. So I really hope you will take this to heart and say how am I going to have a regular rhythm of inspiration knowledge and connection. I'm using I'm I'm paying for this program. I might as well use it, okay, for for these for these key things. Okay.
So what about knowledge? Alright? What which courses do I recommend? Well, you've got a bunch. I will put the link below.
You can see all the ones you're that you have accessible to you. But if I were to just say what everyone should consider taking, I would say joyful productivity is the foundation, I've revisited. I mean, I find it so important than literally doing a regular call just to remind people of that. Java productivity has a suite of skills where you learn how to create hat manuals, you learn how to do sort of like clearing your inbox, managing your to do list, ecluttering your browser tabs and bookmarks and and energy reboot and sort of like the softer parts of your corporate productivity, like working lightly, working deeply. All those things help you to, well, show up on a regular basis and actually enjoy work.
You know? So, joy for productivity. That's core that course is available to you. You don't have to buy it with credits as an ABC Mastercard. Remember, you have access to it already.
Number 2, this plan. This, I think, all of you hopefully, all of you have taken this. If you haven't taken it, I really that's foundational for business and marketing knowledge, my strategies. Particularly I want you to pay attention to the 01:11 formula because that's sort of if I were to give you a prescription of, alright, here's literally what to do. To reach the success that I can help you reach, that everything I know I put into the 111 formula as a kind of an outline of what to do.
Okay? So biz plan 1 to 11 formula, I recommend it to all of you. And finally, this is a good 1 that I just recently recorded simple authentic money making. Right? And Heather, you were the course helper for that.
Yeah. So simple authentic money making. Otherwise, I don't understand. Is just a nice way to touch back into, alright, George, I've got the joyful productivity or, you know, you could take these 3 in parallel if you want to. But Simplero think the money making kinda gets back into what just what it sounds like.
Well, how do I actually make money or get clients make my business work? That's a really nice 1 just to clarify things. There's a really a very active course discussion there as well. So that is the basics of how to get back on track, think about your rhythm of connection with our community in terms of our calls, and in terms of the courses. Right?
The calls help OSR, helper. That was the first 1. That your helper is sort of your your touch point into the community. Say hello to them. Let them know.
Thank you for for supporting me. You know, even if it's a light touch, they care. Kao? So touch in with them, let them know you're getting back on track with the community. Here's what you plan to do.
Right? And then the rhythm of calls, what's gonna be your rhythm of touching in. Again, you don't have to attend every week. But try to attend every 2 weeks. Every 2 weeks, just try to show up for at least half an hour or 15 minutes on 1 of the calls to say hello, touch back into the inspiration and knowledge that's here, and just here, I mean, not just my courses, but the whole community is always offering their contributions to 1 another.
And finally, the knowledge, which is there for you in the courses, especially joyful productivity, biz plan and simple authentic money making. So I hope this is helpful. The last thing I'll say real quick is, you know, the reason why we have to keep getting back on track Actually, let's set this in the beginning, but here here you are at the end. Thank you for watching all over here. The reason why we have to why is getting back on track even necessary as as a consistent reminder because you are your own boss and most of us are not used to being our own boss.
We grew up with parents being our boss, teachers being our boss, the school system being our boss, and then we we, you know, got a job in our our supervisors were our boss. The government's our boss gonna pay taxes. So we're so used to maybe the church or whatever other authority figures you're used to. We're so used to getting direction from other people. And essentially, the route to authentic authentic business success means that you have to have authentic authority within you to say, this is what I'm gonna do.
I I know how to tap into my own designs and design my own optimal life and business schedule essentially. So it's this is all about learning how to be a really good boss to yourself. No one's gonna tell you what to do. Content is not gonna make itself. Money is not gonna make itself.
You know, yes, you're gonna be lucky sometimes clients will come to you through word-of-mouth, but you'll know that that word-of-mouth engine isn't as strong, especially in the first couple years of business. The first couple years, for some of us, the first 10 years, right, is where you have to make that engine strong. And how do you make that engine strong, you work on the engine, you design the engine, and then you fuel the engine, you oil it, you take care, you nurture that engine. That's 1 metaphor. You can also say, an orchard.
An orchard, you know, how will you get the fruits? The fruits aren't gonna The the trees aren't gonna the fruit trees aren't gonna grow themselves. The garden the vegetable garden is gonna grow itself. The farm is gonna grow itself. You have to put work into growing the orchard, growing the farm, growing the garden, the first couple of years.
And then you got a system going. Now you have a rhythm of you know, tilling the soil and nothing about farming, but tilling something like tilling the soil and and, you know, harvesting. That's those are the 2 words I know. That is when you go, I got a system, I always have fruit, you know, hopefully you're around because you have different kinds of fruits. Right?
Multiple offerings, Right? This is how we do it. We have to learn how to be our own boss. We have to learn how to cultivate our own system that bears fruit for us. And that's why we have to get back on track regularly.
Because in the beginning, it's just just kind of kind of thinking that you're gonna go by inspiration. You'll notice that it's a a few of us might be privileged enough to have enough port from our family to be able to just go by inspiration. Most of us don't, myself included. And In fact, the less regular support you have from family or your own savings, the more you realize you have to get back on track regularly to create that system that bears fruit. So that becomes easier and easier.
I mean, just 1 quick example before it ends getting a bit long. But 1 quick example, you know, with Facebook ads, for example, I talk about all the time where it's like it's like it just grows the audience almost automatically. Right? Content plus Facebook ads. Now, you know, how much I how much time I spent on Facebook ads?
Half an hour a month. So that's an example. I spent 30 minutes a month nowadays on Facebook ads and it's just a system that keeps growing my audience consistently re replenishing the ones who leave, but, you know, what do you call attrition is normal for every business. And that's what I want for you too. Like, my system of, you know, launching my programs, launching my course, launching my services is now a system.
And I don't I just have a lot less anks and confusion around things because it's a system now that I've built, I've tweaked, and I've continued to nurture over time. And that's what you need to do get back on track is get back into creating your system. You need you don't have to do it alone. That's why you're here with my help, with the help of this community because we're all doing it together. So I hope this is inspirational for you.
I hope this is guiding for you to get back. And look forward to seeing how this helps you to show up on a regular basis. Thank you so much for watching.

First thing... get back in touch with your Helper! Perhaps also let them know your simple plan for getting back on track :)

Click on any of these links for more info:

3 Q&A calls every week just for ABC/MH

Joyful Productivity

Helper-led Calls

BizPlan – 111 Formula

Simple Authentic Moneymaking (SAM)

Add a comment below with any questions!Β  (Be sure to @mention me)

Or to share your get-back-on-track plan πŸ™ŒπŸΎ

Last updated 2 Jun 2023.