Simple Podcast Creation πŸŽ™

In this course you'll learn:

  1. How I choose my best-performing videos, or if you don't have videos, how to simply record a podcast episode.
  2. The mic and other tech I recommend, such as my the hosting platform I use and why.
  3. The types of content I recommend uploading to help your podcast succeed.
  4. Why I don't edit my podcast episodes, but if you need to, what I recommend for simplicity.
  5. Step-by-step what I do to publish an episode in just 5 minutes.
  6. All my tips for launching a podcast: the essential things to do.
  7. We'll also discuss the common (non-famous) person's strategy for promoting a podcast.

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How to engage with the course material

Before getting into the course material, visit the Orientation first...

Here is the link to the orientation...


Welcome + Agenda for this course

Reminder: Podcast success has to do with longevity...

Introducing my course helper: Sarah Cashmore

Why are we even making podcasts? The purpose behind creating content...

General Questions (if you don't know where else to ask)

Preparations and Tech

What mic do I recommend for recording podcasts?

Should you record both audio and video?

is the zoom file big?

If you don't make videos you can still record podcasts simply...

Why I like Captivate as my podcast hosting platform

Why I don't use Anchor fm even if it's free...

Be doubtful of any free podcast hosting platforms...

The Content of Your Podcast

How long is the ideal podcast episode?

Do you need a musical, or other intro and outro, to your podcast episodes?

How I choose my best videos to upload as podcast episodes

My recommendations for Content Formats for podcast episodes

Keyword research for episode titles?


Upload podcast episodes as Youtube videos too?

2023 update: Youtube Podcasts?

How about just uploading from phone to Captivate?

Simple Process for Uploading a Podcast Episode

Editing podcasts

Why I don't recommend editing podcasts: Your true fans resonate with your authentic expression...

If need to edit podcast audios what app to use?

To put musical intro, use Captivate pre-roll ads

How I insert ads or announcements into all my podcast episodes at once?

What kinds of ads can you put on your podcast?


How to name your podcast?

Creating a cover image for your podcast

Distribute your podcast to the major platforms...

Distribute the whole podcast, or per episode?

Get reviews for your podcast

Get ready to receive sales messages when you start a new podcast...

How to get engagement from your podcast listeners?

My promise to you on how your podcast will be successful...