
Heather Tobin

About Heather

I'm a little bit practical and a little bit magical. For all things Life & Biz.

I blend the best of both worlds to offer support to people who are looking for guidance, support, and healing.

This looks like a blend of energy healing, intuitive insights and channelled messages from Spirit.... as well as my own past experiences, and my favourite realistic and practical teachings that I picked up along the way from an array of teachers.

I offer guidance on thriving and learning how to live in what I call the gap.Β  Which is how to get from where you are, to where you want to be.

The best place to start is with reality, current circumstances and your capacity. Then we build, one step at a time, the way forward.


Posts and comments

2 Jul 2024 Replied to a comment on What are Soul Gym Circles? πŸ”΄πŸ”΅πŸŸ’πŸŸ‘
16 May 2024 Commented on "I'm not naturally an IG user... can I still build an IG following and help my business?"
3 Apr 2024 Replied to a comment on 🀩 Whose IG presence do you admire... and why?
2 Apr 2024 Replied to a comment on 🀩 Whose IG presence do you admire... and why?
Replied to a comment on 🀩 Whose IG presence do you admire... and why?
Replied to a comment on 🀩 Whose IG presence do you admire... and why?
18 Feb 2024 Commented on πŸ€” Concerned about judgment from potential clients?
7 Feb 2024 Replied to a comment on Students: your way of organizing courses you'd like to take?
22 Jan 2024 Commented on Your business priorities need your time and attention...
20 Jan 2024 Replied to a comment on Energy signature requires energy…
19 Jan 2024 Commented on The experience of uploading first YT video and finding flow for regular creating - Shoubhik's example
15 Jan 2024 Commented on How to find your own past comments & replies
13 Jan 2024 Commented on Energy signature requires energy…
10 Jan 2024 Replied to a comment on Welcome to Energy Signature! + Our community values
9 Jan 2024 Commented on Welcome to Energy Signature! + Our community values
23 Dec 2023 Commented on Etiquette for sending private messages: text, audio, or video?
20 Dec 2023 Commented on ✨ Bonus Q&A Segments
18 Dec 2023 Commented on ⏳ How to manage your time with ABC / MasterHeart
17 Dec 2023 Replied to a comment on Students: your way of organizing courses you'd like to take?
14 Dec 2023 Commented on The stupid secret to my success -- more focused hours and way more breaks than most people take...
24 Nov 2023 Replied to a comment on What's Claude Ai?
Commented on What's Claude Ai?
22 Nov 2023 Commented on Students: your way of organizing courses you'd like to take?
21 Nov 2023 Commented on Track completions of courses
18 Oct 2023 Replied to a comment on Soulful game of hide & seek πŸ‘ΌπŸΌβœ¨πŸŒŽ
Replied to a comment on Soulful game of hide & seek πŸ‘ΌπŸΌβœ¨πŸŒŽ
17 Oct 2023 Replied to a comment on Let's begin imagining your 20...
Replied to a comment on Let's begin imagining your 20...
Commented on Soulful game of hide & seek πŸ‘ΌπŸΌβœ¨πŸŒŽ
Replied to a comment on Let's begin imagining your 20...
Replied to a comment on Let's begin imagining your 20...
Commented on Let's begin imagining your 20...
Commented on Pricing your Membership program -- Resist the temptation to do low prices...
4 Oct 2023 Commented on What are Soul Gym Circles? πŸ”΄πŸ”΅πŸŸ’πŸŸ‘
12 Jul 2023 Replied to a comment on PSA: Instead of Google Workspace just use an email redirect address for newsletter sending...
7 Jul 2023 Commented on PSA: Instead of Google Workspace just use an email redirect address for newsletter sending...
6 Jun 2023 Commented on Basic pathway for Soul Gym Spirituality
2 Jun 2023 Commented on πŸ’› How to get back on track with ABC MasterHeart Program
31 May 2023 Commented on Where to find your copied Google templates?
28 Feb 2023 Commented on Warm Welcome to Soul Gym πŸ’›
22 Dec 2022 Commented on Calibration skills for depth junkies - setting boundaries and not going down rabbit holes...
21 Dec 2022 Commented on Ways I dislike -- and ways I like -- for you to ask me questions πŸ˜…
29 Jun 2022 Commented on πŸ§˜πŸ»β€β™€οΈ Developing Consistency and Discipline, and moving through resistance...
24 Jun 2022 Commented on Affil Orientation -- How to turn ANY link into your affiliate link :)
22 Jun 2022 Commented on Use the "Complete" button to help you organize your progress!
4 Jun 2022 Commented on Commenting on lessons when it's a Youtube video