Heather Tobin
💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

I'm a little bit practical and a little bit magical. For all things Life & Biz.

I blend the best of both worlds to offer support to people who are looking for guidance, support, and healing.

This looks like a blend of energy healing, intuitive insights and channelled messages from Spirit.... as well a…

Active 19d ago Joined 4 Jun 2022 (GMT-05:00) America/Toronto

Podcast Advice Needed

I started a paid subscriber-only podcast on Substack (this worked - I now have 2 more paid subscribers). 

I was keeping each episode at 5 minutes, but then I heard that it was too short. This makes no sense to me because reels/tiktoks are around 1:30 and they have terrible retention for most. So why does 5 minutes seem short for a podcast?

Should I make the 5-minute version the free preview and the longer version the paid one?


Heather Tobin 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

@Fi Kahani too short according to whom? And... is this just the latest rule of the week in "how to..." ? (I'm being serious.. I swear every time I turn around there's a change in how people say we "should" do things.. and I think we know how I feel about shoulds)

Podcasts are generally longer than 5 minutes sure .. but, it's your podcast so you could do whatever you'd like? Maybe some are 5, maybe some are 15. Are you in love with the idea of 5 minute podcasts? Then keep doing what feels good to YOU. Because YOUR people will find you.

Are you in harmony with what you're charging, for however many paid podcasts your subscribers get per month?

I'd rather have 5 minutes of beautiful intention than a longer one that felt forced... 💜

and my 🦄 take - I have to sit and pay attention, I can't have it on in the background, because I will miss something - which is probably why I don't listen to many podcasts... I want to be fully doing whatever I'm doing - so for me, committing to sitting and listening to someone share their words fully - I'd LOVE 5 minute podcasts. 😍

Feedback for (another) sales page

Hi Everyone,

It's me again 😅 If anyone has the interest/bandwidth, I'd love to get some quick feedback on the sales page for my new offer I just finished creating:

For context, it's a qigong-inspired practice I created, primarily as a supplemental tool to my shorter intro course (the 4-week challenge) and my longer training program.

I'm not really planning to market it as a stand-alone product - though some may find it an interesting doorway to my other offerings.

FWIW, I am intentionally not calling it qigong (at least for now).

Thank you!


Heather Tobin 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

@Mike Wang you may have said it in the video... but I only focused on the written portion... it wasn't immediately obvious to me how many sessions there were for the $97. ... What You'll Experience.... there are 3 topics then each session is 15-20 mins.. so I'm assuming it's 3.. but may be good to specify?

The rest is happy on my eyes. :)

Feedback for sales page

Hi Everyone,

If anyone has the interest/bandwidth, I'd love to get some quick feedback on the sales page for my new offer I just finished creating:

It's framed as a "4 week challenge," even though it's evergreen. At some point, I might offer discounts and/or special bonuses if people commit to specific "cohort" start dates.

To give some context, I think this course is analogous in many ways to how BizPlan is a gateway to George's other offerings. I see it as a great starting point for people wanting to get a basic understanding of what my deeper process looks like.

Thank you!


Heather Tobin 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

Hi @Mike Wang

I love how clean this looks; the black and white is perfect for my judgmental eye, and I especially appreciate not having to scroll for 24 days before I see a buy/join button

Great video at the top so we can tune into the energy

You mention it being evergreen but suggested as a 4 week challenge, does this mean it is dripped out week after week? Or all unlocked immediately? 

How do you feel about the word.. challenge? It feels overused to me (in this industry in general).. but also kinda just “meh” for the essence that I know you bring..

Perhaps… Journey, Discovery, Immersion, Quest .. ?

… instead of “Challenge”

Underlined text makes me want to click and see where it’s going to take me, maybe italics or bold instead?

Do you have a “next step” on the client/customer journey after this? That would automatically show up somewhere? After those 4 weeks? Like a “module 5” that says next steps?

Such as - 1:1 work.. or… 30 minute coaching consult… etc.

The course experience is best with simplero

Hi @George Kao

Just signed up for "Frameworks" course and the way it's delivered via YT unlisted playlist... it's not a pleasant experience.

Any chance you'd be putting this on native simplero backend?

Likewise, the previous version of simplero was way better experience for consuming your courses, than the newer version. Not sure if I have the option to switch back now.

Thought of mentioning the feedback here :) 

Heather Tobin 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

New Simplero feels like a better educated Facebook experience. 🤣 Still not a fan. 

@Dipanshu Rawal -- I guess you weren't around in the OG days of George when he didn't breakdown his videos into snippets and it was a straight 1-2 hour class? 

Dipanshu Rawal 🔤 ABC

@Heather Tobin I signed up for his netcaring course somewhere in 2022-23 -- and got the hour-long 2 videos ;)

Heather Tobin 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

@Dipanshu Rawal See.. the rest of us have been initiated through that process years ago! 🤣

🟢 Intentions : November 2024

Participate by commenting below -- it can help you clarify (or reiterate) your priorities.

As you see other members post their intentions, cheer them on by replying to a few comments 💛

How to participate:

  1. Comment with your most important intentions for the month. Feel free to @mention your Accountability Buddy so they know what you're up to.
            Examples: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.
    Tip: What method will you use to remind yourself of thi…

Heather Tobin 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

This month is about..
Gathering - all the learnings from the year and itemizing which...
Ideas / Practices / Offers - will be brought forward next year and remembering to
Care - for myself, and my business with grace and tenderness.

Update about ABC-Masterheart 2025

I'm brewing up some exciting updates for the 2025 program... will start some discussions in the coming weeks to get your feedback, and announce it officially in October.

The price will be increasing in 2025, hopefully not by so much that it's prohibitive:

ABC will be $150/mo or $1,500/year.  Maximum of 60 members (this year we had 75.)

There will continue to be helper roles for those who need a stipend to support the cost!

Also, what's included in the price is the Joyful Productivity Club 🙌🏾 


Heather Tobin 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

Hi @George Kao any additional exciting updates to this as of yet?