What are Soul Gym Circles? 🔴🔵🟢🟡

Updated Oct 3, 2023

Dear Soul Gym Members,

The Helpers and I are excited to announce a big improvement to our program. We believe it can help you to continually uplevel the engagement-value of your content:

Soul Gym Circles

Imagine bringing your content into a small group of kindred spirits – fellow Soul Gym members – who will offer you the supportive/helpful critique that you request. 

  • What aspect of your writing is landing (or not?) How might your writing be improved?

  • Or if you make videos – what aspects of your video were especially good (that would be good for you to keep doing)... and, what simple changes might you experiment with, to improve the engagement value of your videos?

Over time, this kind of peer mentoring will continually make you a better and better creator. 

How? By learning from the supportive feedback on your content, of course… but just as importantly, you’ll be studying others’ content to observe what you might emulate, or otherwise do differently in your own style. 

This will result in your ability to produce higher quality content. And you’ll see it in the new level of engagement that you get!

By participating, you’ll have fresh motivation and accountability to create consistently. Sign up for an upcoming Circle, with the intention to bring a piece of new content for feedback! Your buddies will be looking forward to supporting you to keep growing.

How to participate?

  1. Sign up for a circle – http://smpl.ro/SGCircleSignup (bookmark that link and set a reminder for yourself to check every week!)

  2. The zoom link for the call will be in the email confirmation you receive upon registration.

  3. You'll get about 15-20 minutes to read/share a link to your content (including things like written pieces, videos, your About page, a sales page and so on).

  4. We will get to as many feedback requests per session as we have time for.

    • How to know if you’ll be picked to share your content for feedback?

      Always come prepared with a piece for review!

      If you’d like extra feedback from the rest of the community, post it in our Forum as others may also comment.

    • At this time, given limited Helper resources, you are allowed to share once every 3-4 weeks (regardless of which call you’re on), unless there are no other members in attendance who need to share their work for feedback.

  5. When it’s others’ turn on the call, provide gentle, kind, and helpful feedback as you can. By providing feedback, you also learn about your preferences and what ways of creation you’d like to emphasize (or distinguish yourself from others’ style).

If you have any questions about how this all works, comment below.

We really look forward to hearing how this helps your content creation growth going forward!

–George Kao, Heather Tobin and the Soul Gym Helpers