Dorota Godby
💗 Conversation Booster

You’ll resonate with my work if you tend to process things deeply and if you need support for improving your work rituals or relationships (incl. with clients).

I'm also a decluttering doula which overlaps with the above (the value of realigning for thriving) but this is also a distinct area of sup…

Active 10d ago Joined 28 May 2022 (GMT+01:00) Dublin

Sunsetting the Soul Gym Program 🌅

Dear Soul Gym Members,

I hope you have truly benefitted from the program!

It's been a joy to interact with the members who have been coming to my calls! And to see you creating from your heart and connecting with one another here in the forum.

Given the declining activity in the Soul Gym program for many months now, Heather and I have decided to close the program after August.  

I've already canceled everyone's payments going forward.  (Those who had an active annual subscription -- I've …

Dorota Godby 💗 Conversation Booster

I'm very sad about Soul Gym Sundays ending. Gratitude to all the beautiful Souls I've experienced that space with and especially to George for holding the vision and the space for it. 💖🙏🏻 🦋

Dorota Godby 💗 Conversation Booster

@George Kao Really? This news has made my day! Yippee! 🙏🏻🌞🌻
Welcome to Effortless Yes 5:46
Welcome to Effortless Yes! + Our community values (5 - 10)

A warm welcome here! It is so valuable to have a community of wise and grounded soulpreneurs to explore these things together in a focused way. The most important part of a community is its culture. I consider each of us to be culture-setters. We influence the culture with every interaction we have here.  A few values I recommend that we keep in mind: Comment once, reply twice. For each comment that you make, look for 2 other people's comments (especially ones with few comments) and add a reply – with your encouragement and suggestions (if appropriate). This helps to balance the comment/reply ratio, and gives you practice in seeking and giving support in this community. Notice and name each others' energy signatures. Each person's presence is unique, and each person has their strengths. It can be difficult for us to notice our own, and easier to notice others'. Whenever you reply to someone’s comment, try to name something, however small, that you appreciate about their energy signature. We all have a fear of being fully seen. Let’s help each other feel fully accepted and received. Receive deeply what others see/feel from you. It’s a meaningful practice. It’ll help you integrate and express better your energy signature.  Share generously. As you do the homework and add comments under lessons, try to include screenshots or quotes where appropriate, so that we can learn from real examples.  Keep all sharings confidential.  Let's keep this a safe space for sharing by promising to keep all comments confidential. Let me know below if these values are helpful, and if you have any suggestions. The values we embody together here is what makes this course experience amazing for each other 😊

Dorota Godby 💗 Conversation Booster

VERY helpful values, George, esp nr 2 helping us to get more at home with being seen for our signatures. Funny thing with being seen: you want it (and need it, in business) yet receiving it is another matter altogether, ha ha! <3

Annual Compassionate Review Hangout with Dorota

Last opportunity in this ABC year to reflect on where exactly the time went in your business choices, what you've learned and what you'll want to build on.

This time, we'll apply the annual lens so you may start or add to your annual reviewing with this hangout. And because it's a "big one" and close to the Winter Solstice which is significant to my cosmology, I'll also offer some ritual, not only stock-taking.

We'll first use journalling prompts and then compassionate, colleague witnessing. T…

Dorota Godby 💗 Conversation Booster

Help: I'm printer-jinxed. Any recommendations for super simple, cheap printer model?

It suddenly dawned on me that someone in the ABC community might have a recommendation to put me out of a printer-related misery.  

I've really struggled with a host of "mysterious" (i.e not logical) connection issues, both wifi and cable, with 3 different printers recently and I'm really disheartened. It seems that the newer more computerised printers come up with all sorts of issues, or is it me?

Can you recommend a printer make and model that I can buy in UK and:

- will be happy with a Mac an…

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

I don't have a recommendation but just to say that I feel your pain!  I've had troubles with printers for a long time too.  Indeed I've resorted to only using cable-connected printers.  I hope someone else has a recommendation.

Dorota Godby 💗 Conversation Booster

@George Kao Finally, I've had a breakthrough with printers!
 A new generation of printer called "ecotank" in that it has no cartridges (so no recurring plastic pollution). You pour ink into its inbuilt compartments (and the supply can last for up to 3 years on average use). PLUS the installing of the ink is manual, so nothing can go wrong with electronic communication. Such a relief!!!

The model I got is EPSON Ecotank ET-2810

Works with cable or wifi. Sharing in case useful to others.

Netcaring with fellow course participants 10:10
Netcaring with fellow course participants

These are rich sources of colleagues who are actively growing and meeting many other people. Most course comments don’t get replies. You can be one of the few. What you get to practice in re: netcaring: Deep listening to understand more perspectives and be more able to truly connect. Deep encouragement: say what you specifically appreciate about their energy, words, their efforts. Share your own related vulnerability about the course topic. Connected commenting: aim to be more specific about what they said, and less generic in your response. It’s a practice of being an excellent commenter. Look for ways to connect with them 1-1 for co-working, co-learning. Most course participants don’t reach out 1-1 to offer encouragement, accountability, mutual coaching about the course’s topics. By being one of the engaged commenters – and especially, repliers to comments – you get to know the themes of what the students are most engaged with, and confused about.  Reach out to the instructor in genuine appreciation and support: That you have seen some common themes in your review of student comments, and they are…  That you’d be happy to be a success story for the course.

Dorota Godby 💗 Conversation Booster

I can attest to the power of engaging with fellow course participants George is highlighting here. My very best allies (to my business and my inner world)  have come from fellow course participants I've reached out to (or cherished meeting where buddies were allocated).

Because I thrive on connections where there is mutual support for a beloved purpose (rather than only socialising). 

With gratitude to my precious allies: the Source, George, this community and the one to one connections. 🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆
Dorota Godby 💗 Conversation Booster

@Dipanshu Rawal Yey! Enjoy the new allies on this path. ☕️🍵

Realignment Hangout to rethink/course-correct an aspect of your workflow

November 28th,  2023 at 4:30 pm London = 8:30 am Pacific

Have you noticed an aspect of your work (or HOW you work) that's important for you but which has been frustrating or stuck?

The hardest thing to see when things are tangling up or stuck is the simplest move you can make that will generate the most leverage.

I've noticed that my earnest pursuit of workarounds can be weirdly counterproductive if I don't pause to check in and re-align first.

So this hangout offers that space: to pause and …

Dorota Godby 💗 Conversation Booster

Thank you for alerting me, Ericka. The Hangout is very much on and you can come without registering (See the Zoom link provided above). I'll attend to the Acuity link issue tomorrow as tending to a framily emergency away from home today.