Elaine Harding

I'm a branding and marketing coach for soulpreneurs struggling with being too vanilla.  Through my Elevate Your Brand programs and coaching, you discover and express your authentic brand voice in your marketing so that your ideal clients can now you're the one!

Active 1y ago Joined 27 May 2022 Denver (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)

Are your words hindering or empowering you?

In this post, I experimented with writing in a direct fashion.  Getting straight to the point yet hopefully still in my signature heart-led way.  If you read this post, I'd love to know how you experienced it.  Is any warmth lost as a result of succinctness/directness?

The language you use creates your experience of your world.  

Our individual and unique life experiences means that words that one person finds empowering can feel disempowering to someone else, depending on the meaning we …


@Winnie Sher I enjoyed your clarity of describing the topic while giving a helpful example about your client.  I'm also a lover of words and so I appreciated your insight about the words you choose and use!

A Year to Truly Live: Going Beyond Our Limitations

This article on Medium is from a talk I gave at our local spiritual center and it has given me an opportunity to review and renew my view on living fully and from my Divine truth.

Hope you enjoy it!  Here is the link: A Year to Truly Live

@Michael Williams


@Elaine Harding I've posted my comment in Medium. I will enjoy following your posts. Thanks!


@Michael Williams Thank you for reading and responding!

The Stickyness of the Ego

The intensity brought by events in my life over the last year have quietly eroded my concept of being a strong and compassionate person into insignificant particles that no longer resemble my identity.  The grinding factors have been the loss of a dear friend under traumatic circumstances, grief of a relative’s mental breakdown and working hard without enough counterbalancing play.  

Several days ago a strong wind of awakening swept this dust of identity into space.  It felt immediately freei…


Thank you @Elaine Harding for directing some of that "strong wind of awakening" my way. You have articulated something that I've been feeling but not dealing with as clearly as you. Thanks for sharing your experience and wisdom. 


@Michael Williams - Appreciate your thoughtful response and I forgot to add your name at the end:)  How interesting that you're feeling some 'awakening' and perhaps some struggle with that sticky ego?


Interesting question! And I love how you can relax into it once you've brought the fear out into the open. I look forward to seeing how that divine force guides you!


@Tamsin Young Oh yes... I am definitely relaxing more as the divine guides me into a new way of being.  I appreciate your response and look forward to your writings too.

Embracing Darkness

As the nights draw in and we’re back on daylight saving time, we’re making our descent into darkness. For many of us, this is where SAD rears it’s head. We have various scientific explanations as to the cause of this from lower levels of light reaching the cornea, to lower levels of vitamin d. We try to fix it with our typical strategy of trying to escape the darkness by forcibly lighting it up- we have massive daylight lamps and sunrise clocks, all which do help. Anything to avoid the darkne…


@Kat Teall I can relate to your reflections as I live in the Rocky Mountains where darkness and cold is a dominant feature in the winter.  I am learning to let the dark embrace me and vice versa! Thank you.


@Kat Teall This will be my 5th winter and I'm still resistant but softening:)

3 Reasons to Tune Into Your Intuition

Over the last 30 years, I've come to appreciate my intuition as a dear friend who guides me, sometimes in ways that are illogical to my rational mind, but the pathways always becomes clear when I walk it!  I hope you enjoy this short Instagram video


This was great, Elaine!

I love how you set out with the intention to inspire in this first video and I cannot wait to tune in further!  In my experience, sometimes the hardest part is just "getting to stillness" or "getting into my chair" to meditate if you will.  Once I'm there, things are waiting for me intuitively speaking!  This video is encouraging, warm, and fun!  Thank you and thank you again! :)


@Dylan Perese Thank you Dylan for your response!  I know you understand the fine tuning that is required for intuition to deepen.

Building Trust in your Intuition using Mental Imagery

Also appears on California Spiritual Therapy.


Intuition can seem vague until we define it.  It can seem abstract until we give it a name, meaning, and story.  The intention behind this post is to help you start defining your intuitive experiences by attributing meaning to them so that you can trust yourself more.  The end goal is for you to strengthen your intuitive GPS. 

It is important to define and describe our intuitive feelings because when we give them a story, we can bette…


@@Dylan Perese - I really enjoyed the way you created a simple process for people to use so they can begin to tune in more deeply to this 'intuitive' hits.  You might enjoy the video I just posted on '3 Reasons to Tune into Intuition'.

Your 'Why' Matters - In Life and In Business

I wrote this article on Medium which describes how our understanding of what deeply motivates us - our why - is important to tap into for greater flow, ease and energy in our business and life.

Link to article

Why a Compassionate 'No' is a Gentle Strength

I wrote this article as a contribution to the #Practicing Gentleness publication on Medium.

I would enjoy hearing your thoughts!


I loved the article :)


@Colleen Adrian Thank you for reading my article!  It's my first one on Medium:)

this is you I have no friends

A little background on me. I have, mostly as a self-healing hobby and partially professionally, studied the paradigm of what we eat and why. And I know a lot. I have been on a 25-year journey that healed me from near collapse and spiritual growth, and much of the path has been through the food I choose. Now I pretty much eat what I refer to as organic, whole food, plant-based high-frequency diet. It helps me feel GREAT. And that also means I take food wherever I go and often eat before I go t…


 It's strange how food elicits such a strong reaction in people.  I've always felt that food choices are very personal.  I had a friend who only consumed vegetable smoothies and some fruit and said he felt great!  I applauded him to follow his truth but couldn't imagine that pathway being mine:)

Messages from Nature

As I walk in nature, I often receive messages ... the chatter of the squirrel may harken for me to talk less, listen more.  I also photograph nature in all of it's glory and in doing so I feel the elemental power in the many faces of rocks, animals, plants, sky and sun (and moon and stars at night).

In this Instagram Post, I share my photographs of the beauty of the Colorado Rocky Mountains in fall and ask if there are messages there for you?

IG Post Link: Messages from Nature


I believe that Mother Nature speaks to us in so many ways. Thank you taking us on your photographic journey. 


@TeAroha Haunui I agree... it's up to us to be aware and listen!

The Difficult Lesson of Idiot Compassion

Over 15 years ago, a Tibetan spiritual teacher was giving a talk on Compassion and he told us that we could fall into the trap of ‘idiot compassion’.  This occurs when we believe we are doing ‘good’ by offering support to someone in need, but in fact we are doing the opposite: our acts are actually keeping them stuck in a negative pattern.

At the time when I heard this, it struck a chord within me and over several years I began to see how my actions – driven by my need to be ‘good’ where not …


@Elaine Harding, in pyschological language, the one offering "idiot compassion" is known as an enabler. There is a fine line between love and compassion and actual assistance, and enabling a person to remain frozen.


@Pam Sourelis Thank you - I have heard that term before and I agree about the fine line ... one must learn to walk it.

What does it mean to trust the universe?

I recently read some books that advocate trusting the universe: If there is a problem that you are grappling with, you can just offer it to be resolved by the universe, rather than worrying about it. 

I had some resistance to embracing that mindset, so in my post I am exploring why I am resisting it and what I actually do believe and want to practice.

Here is my post on LinkedIn:

The same post on Instagram:

The same post on Facebook:


@Manuela Pauer - I have contemplated this same topic more than once!  I responded on LI.

Healing Burn Out

I wrote this piece later last week... but it feels like it's just the beginnings of a very ongoing relevant topic..  so I wanted to share here too.


@@Heather Tobin Thank you Heather for sharing your feelings and thoughts about this important topic.  If I begin to feel some aspect of my life 'pressing' on me ... I step back to see what is the pressure and how can I shift it?  I agree that we can often abuse our bodies under stress, and yet I also see that we can abuse our mind.. thinking too negatively and without compassion.  Look forward to hearing your next insight!

An Inner Shift Sweeps the 'I'

I’ve been feeling within my being a shift coming for the last few months.  It is like a wind from another part of the globe which is making its way to my land.  As it arrives, it stirs up my inner landscape, breaking old tree limbs, and scattering the dry leaves from this year’s growth.  I also know that it brings news – small messages that will also fall like the leaves at my feet – first gently and then more strongly as the wind fully comes to inhabit my world.

As it fills my being, my emot…


@soumya Karkera I appreciate your response!


Yes I can feel it too @Elaine Harding :) 


@@Kate McNeill Oh that's an interesting synergy - maybe others do too?


How beautiful is your writing @Elaine Harding  and sharing! Rejoice with the shift u are experiencing ❤️


@Angel Ng I appreciate your reading my post and feeling the energy behind it!

Exploring My Resistance To Taking Myself On Artist Dates

This week I was thinking about weekly "Artist Dates" that Julia Cameron recommends in her book "The Artist's Way." These dates are simply times when you treat yourself to an experience by yourself to inspire you. They don’t have to be artistic per se, but just something you find interesting and fun. It could be going to a bookstore, attending a play or a going to the museum. 

I found myself resisting artist dates. So I started to wonder why.

Here is my post on LinkedIn:

The same post on Instagram:

The same post on FB:


@Manuela Pauer Very interesting observation and I commented on your LI post!

Embrace This Life

This is one of my favourite poems which I wrote in 2008 during a time when I was under much duress due to feeling my past wearing heavily on me.  Yet, I also felt insights that this challenging time would pass and bring renewed life to my soul and mind. 

Embrace this life of contradictions,

  let its subterfuge sweep through the dark passages,

  gathering as one the remnant guests of past and future.


Bestow upon your crown a glorious vision,

  without boundaries, containing endless time.

Taste the immense spaciousness of light,

  invite the glowing embers to sink deeply down,

  until no meaning is found.


@Elaine Harding beautiful poem! Peaceful and affirmative of your inner power.


@Anastasia Salichou Yes, that is the feeling of it.


What a beautiful poem, @Elaine Harding ! I love the feeling of expansiveness the poem gives me after sensing the contraction in the beginning. 


@Manuela Pauer Thank you for sensing the energy behind the poem!

God, are you talking to me?

About 7-8 years ago, I thought I was going nuts.

I told myself there is probably something wrong with me and I started getting a little scared too.

The reason?

I started observing number patterns everywhere and ALL the time.

Back then, I had no idea what that could mean. And I had no one to talk to about it. 

I would see patterns every time I looked at the clock, or get a glimpse of a license plate.

A few weeks of this I started researching it and realised what could be happening.

Fast forwar…


@Anastasia Salichou I can relate to your post - but not about numbers, although I see multiples at times too - but in relation to how God and our guides talk to us.  Sometimes a squirrel will chatter incessantly at me, and then I realize it's got a message!


@Anastasia Salichou I think so ... I relate to nature well and so often look for messages there!