Tamsin Young
💗 Conversation Booster

I am originally from South Africa and emigrated to Australia in 1998. I am a CPA (Certified Practising Accountant) by profession, and use my years from the industry and my love for energy work to change women's relationship with money.

I inspire women entrepreneurs, through the combination of teach…

Active 1y ago Joined 9 Jul 2022 (GMT+08:00) Perth

Change is a Process, not an Event

Change is a Process, not an Event

If only we could do something once and it became the norm for us, but alas, change is a process, not a one time event!

Change requires us to move through the following stages:

We start in Unconscious Incompetence where we really don’t know what we don’t know ;)

When we have an awareness of something that we can improve, we move to Conscious Incompetence - we are a work in progress and we have a willingness to bring about change

As we start implementing the c…


Thank you for this helpful post! I've never heard change be described in the stages: Unconscious Incompetence → Conscious Competence → Unconscious Competence.

Tamsin Young 💗 Conversation Booster

@Jemira Payne It helps us step through the stages that much easier when we realise that we don't have to become experts overnight!

Meet Your Money Meditation Thursday 23 Nov 6pm New York |Friday 24 November 7am Perth

"Meet your Money" meditation is an opportunity to go on a journey and discover your relationship with money and have questions answered in relationship to you and money. Join me for this money meditation and written guidance session. 

Time 60 mins

Our money is often only considered from a practical point of view, but there is a very strong, underlying emotional component to our money story.

This meditation and written guidance session will enable you to see money from a different perspecti…

Meet Your Money Meditation Thursday 26 October AND Friday 27 October

"Meet your Money" meditation is an opportunity to go on a journey and discover your relationship with money and have questions answered in relationship to you and money. Join me for this money meditation and written guidance session. 

Time 60 mins

Our money is often only considered from a practical point of view, but there is a very strong, underlying emotional component to our money story.

This meditation and written guidance session will enable you to see money from a different perspective …


Hi @Tamsin Young 

I really wanted to come to last night's session but the timing is not good for me this week. I'm hosting a 3 night retreat this weekend and have been in planning and preparation mode the last few days. 

Do you think you'll offer this session again next month? I'd love to attend if you do.



Tamsin Young 💗 Conversation Booster

@Leah Cooper I'm planning on offering them every month. If you've got the booking link, you'll be able to see future dates. Currently it is only showing 1 for next month, but I think I'm going to rejig to do the Thursday and Friday options. Hope to see you on one of the calls soon!

Donna Becker 🔤 ABC

I just tried to register and I think i just missed the deadline. 

Tamsin Young 💗 Conversation Booster

@Donna Becker we're on in half an hour. If you can get on in time, you are welcome to join us on https://zoom.us/j/4137701149 but I'll be starting pretty much on time and can't let anyone in if they're late as we'll be in meditation.

Meet Your Money Meditation Thursday 28 September 5.30 New York | 10.30am London | 5.30pm Perth | 7.30pm Sydney

"Meet your Money" meditation is an opportunity to go on a journey and discover your relationship with money and have questions answered in relationship to you and money. Join me for this money meditation and written guidance session. 

Time 60 mins

Our money is often only considered from a practical point of view, but there is a very strong, underlying emotional component to our money story.

This meditation and written guidance session will enable you to see money from a different perspective …

Conscious Co-Working Friday 25 August 2am PDT | 5am EDT | 10am UK | 5pm AWST

An opportunity to connect, and co-work with your fellow participants. Bring your latest business task that you want to work through and work with like minded folk.

Register here:
