Tamsin Young
💗 Conversation Booster

I am originally from South Africa and emigrated to Australia in 1998. I am a CPA (Certified Practising Accountant) by profession, and use my years from the industry and my love for energy work to change women's relationship with money.

I inspire women entrepreneurs, through the combination of teach…

Active 8mo ago Joined 9 Jul 2022 Perth (GMT+08:00) Perth

Change is a Process, not an Event

Change is a Process, not an Event

If only we could do something once and it became the norm for us, but alas, change is a process, not a one time event!

Change requires us to move through the following stages:

We start in Unconscious Incompetence where we really don’t know what we don’t know ;)

When we have an awareness of something that we can improve, we move to Conscious Incompetence - we are a work in progress and we have a willingness to bring about change

As we start implementing the c…


Thank you for this helpful post! I've never heard change be described in the stages: Unconscious Incompetence → Conscious Competence → Unconscious Competence.

Tamsin Young 💗 Conversation Booster

@Jemira Payne It helps us step through the stages that much easier when we realise that we don't have to become experts overnight!

Meet Your Money Meditation Thursday 23 Nov 6pm New York |Friday 24 November 7am Perth

"Meet your Money" meditation is an opportunity to go on a journey and discover your relationship with money and have questions answered in relationship to you and money. Join me for this money meditation and written guidance session. 

Time 60 mins

Our money is often only considered from a practical point of view, but there is a very strong, underlying emotional component to our money story.

This meditation and written guidance session will enable you to see money from a different perspecti…

Meet Your Money Meditation Thursday 26 October AND Friday 27 October

"Meet your Money" meditation is an opportunity to go on a journey and discover your relationship with money and have questions answered in relationship to you and money. Join me for this money meditation and written guidance session. 

Time 60 mins

Our money is often only considered from a practical point of view, but there is a very strong, underlying emotional component to our money story.

This meditation and written guidance session will enable you to see money from a different perspective …


Hi @Tamsin Young 

I really wanted to come to last night's session but the timing is not good for me this week. I'm hosting a 3 night retreat this weekend and have been in planning and preparation mode the last few days. 

Do you think you'll offer this session again next month? I'd love to attend if you do.



Tamsin Young 💗 Conversation Booster

@Leah Cooper I'm planning on offering them every month. If you've got the booking link, you'll be able to see future dates. Currently it is only showing 1 for next month, but I think I'm going to rejig to do the Thursday and Friday options. Hope to see you on one of the calls soon!

Donna Becker 🔤 ABC

I just tried to register and I think i just missed the deadline. 

Tamsin Young 💗 Conversation Booster

@Donna Becker we're on in half an hour. If you can get on in time, you are welcome to join us on https://zoom.us/j/4137701149 but I'll be starting pretty much on time and can't let anyone in if they're late as we'll be in meditation.

Meet Your Money Meditation Thursday 28 September 5.30 New York | 10.30am London | 5.30pm Perth | 7.30pm Sydney

"Meet your Money" meditation is an opportunity to go on a journey and discover your relationship with money and have questions answered in relationship to you and money. Join me for this money meditation and written guidance session. 

Time 60 mins

Our money is often only considered from a practical point of view, but there is a very strong, underlying emotional component to our money story.

This meditation and written guidance session will enable you to see money from a different perspective …

Conscious Co-Working Friday 25 August 2am PDT | 5am EDT | 10am UK | 5pm AWST

An opportunity to connect, and co-work with your fellow participants. Bring your latest business task that you want to work through and work with like minded folk.

Register here:


Intentions: Week of Aug 14

  1. Comment with your intention for this week. @mention your Helper so they know what you're up to 🙏🏼
            For example: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.
            Tip: What method will you use to remind yourself of this intention? Perhaps schedule time on your calendar 😊

  2. You might set a reminder mid-week to check-in here, to help you keep on track with your intention 👏🏽

  3. End of your week, reply to your comment with an update on how the intentio…


Funnily enough @Sophia Leone, this is my first day back after what turned into a 6-week break with a trip back to the UK.

So my intentions are really about easing myself back into it. I'm focused on gently building up my routines and structures again while I figure out what the hell I'm doing with the rest of the year! 

It's a back-to-basics week:

  • Content day
  • Netcaring day
  • Some gentle planning 

Great to see you back on here. Let me know if you want to have more regular check-ins again :)

@Tamsin Young I imagine you're just landing back after your Bali holiday too.

Tamsin Young 💗 Conversation Booster

@Vix Anderton yes I'm got back home on Friday after a wonderful break in Bali. I really enjoyed my time there and had time to let go and relax. Sorry we never got to connect while I was there.

Co-Working 4am PST | 7am EST | 12pm BST | 7pm AWST

An opportunity to connect, and co-work with your fellow participants. Bring your latest business task that you want to work through and work with like minded folk.

Register here:


From Detachment Comes Objectivity

I just had the most amazing conversation with my good friend and fellow ABCer @Winnie Sher . Between us, we have uncovered brilliant insights, which I'm sharing here in case this resonates 🔆 with anyone else on the entrepreneurial journey. 

I've noticed that I take what happens in my business very personally, and that my emotional investment is very high. As in, my business is about me doing what I do, so in a real sense, my business IS me, so anything that happens to my business is also happ…

Tamsin Young 💗 Conversation Booster

@Susan Tutt this is brilliant! I like to see a business as having it's own energy (like money!), and it is separate to us - energetically - we just happen to be the vehicle that the actions for the business are taken, so taking the view of being the CEO and reviewing those actions and their results gives you some objectivity. It's not YOU who is "wrong", just the actions that need tweaking. Looking forward to seeing how your relationship with your business progresses.

Connect & Co-Working Session Wed 14 June 5am PST / 8am EST / 1pm BST / 8pm AWST

An opportunity to connect, and co-work with your fellow participants. Bring your latest business task that you want to work through and work with like minded folk.

Register here:


Looking for a Blueprint

I think I have spent my life looking for a blueprint.
Wanting to have the mysteries of life reduced to a checklist that I could systematically tick my way through.

This way I could feel safe. 
I knew where I would be heading.
The result would be predictable
And I wouldn’t have to be vulnerable.

But in recent times I am finally accepting that this is not how life flows.
Not if we want to fulfil our soul’s destiny.
That if we were to have a checklist, that we’d all be bored and want more from life!



@Tamsin Young "Start looking to yourself and your inner wisdom" - wise words, indeed no matter what field you're working in. It's interesting because since I started dabbling in investing some money, I found myself relying heavily on what others recommend. But slowly, I'm beginning to learn that I have to rely on my inner wisdom - learn as I go. By all means listen to others but trust my own inner wisdom. Not always easy to do.

Tamsin Young 💗 Conversation Booster

@Michael Williams yes, great insight - there's certainly no harm in listening to others, but then distilling that information and working out what works best for you.

Helper Hangout - Write Your Newsletter Monday 29 May 2:30pm AEST / Sunday 28 May 9:30pm PT

Want some accountability for writing your newsletter?

Join us for a co-working session where you will have the opportunity to briefly share about what you're planning to include in your newsletter and then spend time working on it. We'll check in at the end and share our progress. 

Alternatively, use the time to create a HAT manual for your newsletter or work on another task that you'd like to complete.

All ABC/MH members welcome.

Please join the Zoom meeting room using this link:


Meeting ID: 982 246 5930
Passcode: 064098

See you there!


Tamsin Young 💗 Conversation Booster

@Leah Cooper thanks for the invite. Sorry I won't be able to make it as I'll be in the office.

Software to create a music "playlist"

I'm taking part in a music concert next month and would like to create a playlist of the songs so that I can play it and it flows from 1 song to the next effortlessly! These are the vocal tracks that we are singing to in mp3 format. So I'm just looking at a playlist of audio.

Is there some free software to help me do this?

Or some other clever way of me doing it?


George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

@Tamsin Young yes a YouTube playlist!  Can be unlisted or private if you wish.  Then you can download the YT Music app and play that playlist.

Tamsin Young 💗 Conversation Booster

@George Kao thank you. I'll have to provide some more clarity in my post - these are mp3's and are the vocal tracks for what we'll be singing with the different parts for a choir, so I can't just take a youtube video with the song.

Tamsin Young 💗 Conversation Booster

@George Kao thanks - this will be wonderful if I can get it to work. I've loaded the songs over, but they haven't appeared in my library yet. When I try and load again, it tells me it is already there! The instructions say it can take a while for them to show, so I'll just have to be patient.

Getting rid of a review

How do I get rid of a review on my FB page that isn't a review, but someone talking about they made lots of money through trading and putting a link to their page?!?!?

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

@Tamsin Young sadly, FB has been totally unresponsive and ineffective about deleting those spam reviews. As a result I had to completely remove the Reviews tab from my FB Page.

Tamsin Young 💗 Conversation Booster

@George Kao I rather feared that. Thank you.

What do I do with my time when I have more of it?

I have gifted myself with two weeks off from my massage job, in order to "get stuff done" in my business. 

I wonder how that will go? Already I find myself making two extra trips into town today because I didn't say no to my teenagers. Already that feels like a day slipping through my fingers- and I'm glad it's happening on Day 1, so I can correct the problem right away. I guess it's good that I notice the boundary violation for what it is. 

I will also encounter resistance to the tasks I hav…

Tamsin Young 💗 Conversation Booster

@Susan Tutt so easy to be pulled in a different direction and away from our priorities. It takes conscious effort to stay on track. 

Exploring Different Parts of the Self Through the Astrological Seasons

Each time the Sun moves through a sign it's a gentle invitation to explore that part of yourself. 

When the Sun is in Aries, what does it feel like to try on more courage, assertion, and action? When in Taurus, how does it feel to explore your instinctual self, to rest, to find simplicity, to listen to your body? In Gemini, you get to embrace your curiosity, your intellect, and yourself as a reader, writer, speaker, and listener. 

Each astrological season puts a spotlight on these archetypal …

Tamsin Young 💗 Conversation Booster

@Jackie Johansen self reflection is powerful

Introverted Leaders: Set Your Own Agenda

“You’ve gotta keep control of your time, and you can’t unless you say no. You can’t let people set your agenda in life.”  -- Warren Buffett

 The world’s richest introvert, Buffett hits the nail on the head. 

In the face of seemingly endless meetings, calls, and emails, a leader must carve out room to think. 

Deep thinking is an introvert superpower, and it’s vital that we manage our energy to ensure quality thinking time.

Many leaders get to the office hours before the work day officially beg…

Tamsin Young 💗 Conversation Booster

@Alex Carter great quote. I'm a great believer in No being a complete sentence! I love having space to just BE so that I can process. But I still need to work on not overwhelming myself with commitments.

Starting your Communication with Connection

Did you ever need to communicate your needs... but felt anxious or intimidated? 

In the spirit of today's counting of the Omer, YESOD sheb'YESOD, here are some thoughts on communicating your needs.  

Let's start with three dilemmas where each of these three women needed to have a conversation with someone. These are situations I had with clients. What would you have done in my place? 

1. Miriam was feeling defensive about a conversation her boss wanted to have with her. This defensiveness was…

Tamsin Young 💗 Conversation Booster

@Devora Gila Berkowitz great ways to connect and be heard


All creation is one. What we do to one, we do to the entire web of Life. ~Chief Seattle

I am currently reading the final book in The Seven Sisters series - Pa Salt - the book that ties the stories all up, and what is coming up for me the most is the serendipity of connections.

Doing what we love.
Following our heart and soul.
And coming from a space of love.

What has this to do with our finances?


When we allow our decisions on how we both earn and spend money to be based on:
doing wh…

George Kao STAFF Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

The 30m Mon/Tues Calls will now be Joyful Productivity Pep Talks

Dear ABC & MasterHeart Members,

The 30 minute calls on Mondays (Asia time Tuesdays) have up to now been netcaring calls, but they've been getting lower and lower attendance.

So I'm going to put in its place something that has been much more popular -- Joyful Productivity Pep Talks.

Get the details, along with the new Zoom link for these calls here.

What about the Netcaring course? It'll instead be taught in the 10 minutes at the beginning of the Monday Q&A calls.

What about breakouts? We'll do it occasionally, with request, at the end of the Monday Q&As and Thursday evenings Q&A's.

Any questions about this change, comment below 🙏🏼🤗


I'll miss them as well. 

I can tell you why I stopped going, for that "who asked you anyway!?" feedback 😅  For me, the format was short and I didn't feel like I was getting enough time to get to know people. 

If we end up finding some way to work it back in, I would love to see a format that's a little longer - it could still be a half hour, but just jump sooner into the actual hangouts. ... And, maybe where there's a topic announced in advance? Nothing fancy, but something like "today's question will be "what's your favorite movie/book/story?" or "what's something that motivates you?" etc. Because coming together around small topics, I think would be fun and caring of the net. 

I was just getting closer to being able to make the 8:30 time slot, too. lol ah well. 

Tamsin Young 💗 Conversation Booster

@Sonja Amundson love this idea of having a topic to discuss ... even though when I've gone into a breakout room we've never had a problem talking for the time about a range of topics! 😁😇🤣

Ebb & Flow

Ebb & Flow

We believe that we have to live our life in constant action. I’ve heard people quote the song “I’ll rest when I’m dead”, and I get the desire to make the most out of life, but that doesn’t mean we don’t get to have some time out.

Even “riding the wave” when surfing has a rest period when the wave hits the shore, and you turn around and paddle out again beyond the breakers - a time for you to catch your breath, and “rest” from the exhilaration of riding the wave.

I’ve tended to be …

I believe 💗Love 💗 is the answer to so many of life’s problems

The Dalai Lama says “The foundation of all spiritual practice is love”

My spiritual practice is my work and life…and the other way round…

💝Unconditional love is the answer to parenting challenging children

💝Self love ends the suffering of codependency (love addiction)

💝What am I essentially doing in my work? Loving my clients better.

💝Love is the ultimate power that transmutes suffering.

💝Loving kindness meditation is the one meditation I can easily practice daily

💝Love is one of the universal 6 hum…

Tamsin Young 💗 Conversation Booster

@Kanan Tekchandani such a simple solution, but not always easy to put into practice!



The penny has finally clicked for me that this is what I like to do and how I want to live my life.

Immersing myself in the activity.

Having an interactive experience.

Not having to rush, but being able to experience it at my pace. 

Which may be fast at some stages (unlikely, I’m not known for my speed!), or slow.

I’ve done enough learning to know that I don’t want to just be a sponge for endless streams of information which I get to regurgitate at the end of the day.

I want to be a…

Jessica Jennings, MS Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

I loved this Tamsin! It’s right where I’m at. We just finished creating a garden in the back yard and it’s been a lot of work. This morning I woke up thinking - it’s not just connecting with beautiful souls that keeps me inspired - it’s connecting with the earth and plants and nature. I’m trying to see gardening as less of a chore and more of an opportunity to reconnect to who I am…. beneath all the ideas in my head. 💗🙏

Tamsin Young 💗 Conversation Booster

@Jessica Jennings, MS I love this. It's taken me a long time to get to this place, but I'm enjoying slowing down and just enjoying myself and the journey.

Intentions: Week of May 8

  1. Comment with your intention for this week. @mention your Helper so they know what you're up to 🙏🏼
            For example: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.
            Tip: What method will you use to remind yourself of this intention? Perhaps schedule time on your calendar 😊

  2. You might set a reminder mid-week to check-in here, to help you keep on track with your intention 👏🏽

  3. End of your week, reply to your comment with an update on how the intentio…

Tamsin Young 💗 Conversation Booster

Need to create more SPACE for myself to breathe and not feel like I’m on a rollercoaster - ride the wave, but still have a sense of spaciousness with it all

  1. Prep for Week 2 of SCMM
  2. NS practices
  3. IAW work
  4. BTS Singing practice
  5. BTS official practice
  6. Content creation
  7. Art work
  8. Complete my 50th parkrun