꩜ Spiral learning

Updated Aug 14, 2023

Any important area of life has many (perhaps, unlimited) layers of understanding and application.

This is certainly true with Joyful Productivity.

Each time you return to one of the lessons, consider these 4 steps:

  1. Choose one concept, tool, or exercise from the Lesson that you're most interested to apply right now. All other ideas, put on the "back burner" for future consideration. It'll always be available to you to revisit. Choosing to apply one idea at a time will make your real-life learning more sustainable.

  2. Experiment as you apply it into your life or business. This means you're open to making "mistakes" as you try implementing the idea.

  3. Reflect on your real-life learning and implementation: add a comment underneath that particular lesson. Share your experience with the class. Ask any questions.

  4. Netcare by reading a few other comments and replying underneath them. Perhaps even reach out privately to someone to appreciate their reflection.

By using these 4 steps again and again, you will spiral deeper (or higher) into your skillfulness with Joyful Productivity 👏🏽