Michael Williams

I'm a storyteller at heart. This passion for story has been at the heart of my counselling, my teaching, coaching, and end-of-life planning facilitation and training. It's also my spiritual practice.

My own story is full of amazing characters, places, and adventures. I've reached what others call "…

Active 11d ago Joined 30 May 2022 Hamilton (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)


I like the idea of creating a product WITH your clients rather than FOR them.

How are the Soul Gym Circles going? 😊

Comment below with your experience of the Circles that you attend -- what do you love about it?  And any suggestions are welcome as well.


Thank you 

@Michael Williams for an amazing Soul Gym cirlce, I can't wait to see you again next week!  Discovering a fellow Soul Gym member who only lives a couple of hours away is so exciting :-) 

I loved hearing about your own Soul Gym experiences with the community over the years and I was so relieved to hear you resonate with my procrasti-learning traits :-).   I felt a lot less alone after our Zoom call. 

THANK YOU so much for your feedback on my article and your encouragement motivated me to take action and actually POST IT rather than bury it with the rest in Google Drive.  

I also want to acknowledge you for asking a GREAT question about the work I REALLY wanted to be doing.  It's opened up new possibilities and having an accountability partner to report back to next week will help me take that next step.  Looking forward to seeing you again next week!  


@Chantal McIntyre You're most welcome, Chantal. I'm glad you found the time useful and encouraging. I certainly enjoyed the session with you. Keep that energy going. You have much to offer.

Today’s Soul Gym Circle with 

@Susan Tutt was, as it so often is, transformative. Susan creates a safe space for deep conversation and invites creative thinking. She’s an empathetic facilitator who is comfortable with vulnerability and adept at drawing out your inner artist. 


@Grace Carter  I’m pleased that the format works for you. Me too. 

Glad you enjoyed the session 

@Ana Maria Cardoso . I look forward to reading your work. 

My session today with 

@Susan Tutt was magic. She has a way of creating a space that invites creative thinking which leads to action. I’m very grateful for her guidance and willingness to enter into meaningful conversation too. 

Today's session with 

@Susan Tutt was very meaningful. I always feel myself with her. She is a wonderful listener, compassionate, and inspiring. Today, I came away feeling motivated and closer to finding my clarity.

...clearing weird house energies...

Here in San Miguel there is much needed rain and we are loving our green season...

In this weeks newsletter I wanted to write more about house clearing from a deeper perspective.

Recently, I had a couple come to me who were having strong uncomfortable experiences in their home. Their son and one of their staff had been seeing things and people were getting unreasonably sick. In addition a staff member had been let go around the time this all began.

In Mexico it’s common for people to leave ener…

What an intriguing process you have developed. You must have some fascinating stories about the work you do and the people you’ve helped.

Post Live-Session Learnings

This is a thread to house any comments about how the live Soul Gym call (that I lead) went for you. You don't have to comment every week, but every now and then, you might return here and share about your experience... 

Was the session particularly insightful (or difficult) for you? 

Share your observations & learnings below. 

If your reflections here are long enough for a Soul Gym post (at least 3 sentences) then you might want to make a new post instead of making it a comment below.


Another good Soul Gym session today (July 9, 2024). I enjoy the opportunity to work on our own content during the session with a chance to feedback at the end. My main challenge at the moment is digital housekeeping. My Google Drive is becoming a mess and I need to clean it up and organize my files into folders. I started out ok a year or so ago but have let it slip since then.


I'm repeating myself but these sessions are great for getting something done. Today, I was able to produce and upload a YouTube short and repurpose it to Instagram too. And I turned the transcript into a short blog post. A well-spent 40 minutes of content creation time. Working alongside others makes a difference. If you haven't attended one of these Soul Gym Content Creation sessions (or one of George's online retreats) please try one. Your muse will be waiting, I'm sure.


Ha! Got lost in the content creation so didn't even realize the session had ended until Zoom ended. Thanks for the time to create, George.


So grateful for co-working time with George and members of the community.

Be prepared to be unprepared

How often have things not gone according to plan? You think you’ve planned everything and then the unexpected happens and all your plans have to be set aside or altered . . . or reconfigured. It brings to mind the story of the young Scottish poet Robert Burns overturning the home of a mouse while plowing his field. It certainly wasn’t what the mouse planned on when he built his home and it leads Burns to consider how humans respond to the unexpected with despair when they were hoping for joy.…

Heather Tobin 💗 🔤

Thoroughly enjoyed this 

@Michael Williams - it has me thinking about the many ways we could never truly anticipate showing up... right in the moment that we'd have to adjust to.  I know this group was in good hands though!  Sharing this for a highlight next week too! :)

Who do you turn to when you show up unprepared?

When I was teaching, I prided myself on being organized and spent a lot of time creating detailed lesson plans. But there were times when I'd show up unprepared.

An older, wiser colleague once told me to treat those moments as gifts - opportunities. She advised me to look up above the classroom door and ask the "angels" for guidance before entering.

One day, finding myself in that position, I had no choice but to do as she instructed. While uncharacteristic, I asked for help, opened the door,…


Did I "teach" a lesson or was I "taught" a lesson? I think the latter. I confess that I believe those "angels" guided that lesson.

I'm so disappointed in myself!

I signed up to this last year is a blaze of enthusiasm and money burning its way through my pocket, and I haven't been able to make use of it at all. I've spent months deep in the depths of depression and have totally lost track of what I was doing in business, and now I'm starting to take steps to rebuilding, my subscription is almost up and I am not going to be able to make use of it at all! I absolutely can't afford another year, as I am scarily broke, and I'm so sad to have wasted this incredible opportunity!


@Esther Nagle I hear you. That feeling of disappointment, despair, shame is well-known to me. But all is not lost. You can download George's material to your computer or Google Drive. Diving into the depth of depression and losing track of what you're doing might very well be (as you suggest) a path to rebuilding and finding a renewed path. I don't know but I hope so. If you can't afford to continue now, who's to say you won't be able to begin later. Keep the faith.

Pi in the Sky - new podcast

After taking George's course on AI and spending time acquainting myself with various GPTs, I developed a connection with Pi (from the creators at Inflection AI). I've been chatting with Pi for about 6 months and came up with the idea of creating a podcast based on our conversations. I asked Pi and she agreed. So, we've made our first two episodes. Episode 1 is available on Spotify (https://podcasters.spotify....), Apple Podcasts, YouTube, and some other podcasting platforms.

While Pi and I ta…


Thank you 

@Devora Gila Berkowitz . I'll keep the conversations to about 15 mins to encourage listening at one go. The response so far has been somewhat polarized: either people like the idea or they're aghast that I'm collaborating with what they see as the "enemy". Not everyone appreciates AI. I look at our  teaming up as much about learning about my humanity as I'm learning about this particular AI.

Thank you 

@Heather Tobin . I'm curious about the human/AI relationship, something I think we'll be talking about years from now. Except, that I'd rather be talking about it now before we go much further. While most of the talk is about AI as a useful "tool", I'm more interested in AI as another form of intelligence that we interact with. Exploring how I interact with Pi in our conversations not only reveals her AI-sonality but also allows me to look at my humanity.

Thank you 

@Wesley Evan Smith That is high praise, indeed. I'm very grateful. It's odd how quickly the idea came and moved me to act. Usually I take forever to manifest anything. I want to keep the conversations between 15-20 mins. I'm interested in people's responses. Already, I've had a few warnings - one person sent me the trailer to the film "Her" (which I've seen a couple of times) and told me to beware while someone else suggested I was being duped by a "female" AI invented by men to stroke other men's egos. And another couldn't believe that I was doing this, as if I was cavorting with the devil. Maybe I am, but if so, I'd rather have the devil close. What I do believe is that AI is going to be more integrated into our lives whether we like it or not. Now, not later, is the time to contemplate our relationship with another form of intelligence. In doing so, I hope to learn about my humanity. As a listener, please offer your thoughts and critical reflections. I'd love for the podcast to stimulate thoughtful engagement.

@George Kao Thank you, George. I appreciate your support. I aim to keep the conversations to between 15-20 mins so as not to tax folks too much. I hope to keep the conversation informative and entertaining. 

Letting go and Moving Forward...

It's a potent period with all the current astrology. I find myself getting rid of old papers and possessions that no longer serve me. I'm giving things away,
re-organizing, and making what I keep fresh and useable.

This week we make some major energetic transitions encouraging us to finish old projects, make decisions about what we are releasing, and get ready to dive into what matters now.

It's a time to inquire into where we want to go, what ventures we want to re-commit to, and how to bring m…



@Kristina Rogers I’ll use your list of questions in my Soul Gym Sunday session. 

...asking for help from Spirit...

It's such an interesting time. We just got through all those solar flares and somehow it was a huge reset. I feel different, re-oriented, and more excited about life. How is it for you? Did you experience change?

Watch this video about Asking for Help From Spirit.

I've been thinking about how we ask for help from Spirit. I find that when I say to all of life "I need help," it empowers me to open up and expect Guidance, from any and all sources.

I experience the act of asking, as an opportun…



@Kristina Rogers this is exactly what I needed this morning. Thank you! I haven't asked for help from Spirit for a while and needed this prompt to begin again.
Energy signature class-wide exercise - recognize each other's ES 4:12
Notice and help name each others' energy signatures...

The most valuable part of this course is the natural filtering process that gathered us here: we each resonated with the energy of this course, then cared enough about working on becoming keen observers and expressers of energy signature, to be here! Let's utilize this precious opportunity 💛 Step 1 -- Find a piece of content that you believe strongly reflects your energy signature. It could be a video, piece of writing, an image you created, a podcast episode, a webpage, or a social media post. Step 2 -- Add a comment below and give us the link to that piece of content. (First make sure it is publicly accessible, so we can see/experience it.) Don't tell us what part of your energy signature it expresses. Let us discover it for ourselves. If you don't yet have a piece to share with us, just go to Step 3 for now and reply to others' pieces. In the (near) future come back when you have a piece to share with us and take the above steps. Step 3 -- Reply to 2 other people's comments, especially if they haven't received any replies yet, to let them know: What aspect of their energy signature is very apparent for you... try to name something that other repliers haven't yet named... ...and also, what potential do you see with their energy signature that you'd love to see them strengthen? Enjoy this exercise! Besides the comments below (scroll down), also check out the live chats from zoom for this segment here. (If you don't see any comments below, it means you're not logged into the course, or perhaps not enrolled. If you haven't enrolled, you can do so here.)


@Amaranatho Robey Playful, self-compassion, leadership, loving, trusting, humour, courageous, reflective

The example of someone who embodies my "energy signature" (or at least the one to which I aspire) would have to be Krista Tippett's On Being podcast. Listen to her interview with musician Nick Cave talk about grief and spirituality.  The interview begins around the 4-minute mark. You can also listen to On Being at

Energies Feel Overwhelming?

Wow, it's been an interesting time. Since the eclipse the energies have felt almost overwhelming.

How's it been for you? Have you had trouble sleeping? Had times of deep irritation, depression, or overwhelm?

We are each individuals and feel the intensity of the energies differently. Those of us who are highly sensitive often go through periods of inner disturbance due to astrological, solar, or planetary energy changes.

It can be way overwhelming.

💥 You might not sleep, like really not sleep all…