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Let this community be a safe harbor for your authentic energy...

This isn't really a question. It's really an observation. Yeah. It's appreciation, first of all, as always, for the clear signal that you send out in all of your content. In all of the best practices that you model.
For me, one of the things that I'm really nourished by, This is my 4th year in the community. And is sometimes the the image that that shows up for me of of what like what I do, but I see it in you and I see it in the community. Is my my intention or a reference that I have is being a lighthouse and sending a clear signal to the ships that there is a safe harbor available to them. And the initial for lack of another way to put it illusion, if it's an illusion, is or misunderstanding, they can think that is that the safe harbor is with me, although I hope and intend to hold a safe space, But when people come in, they discover that the safety is within themselves, but it's but but part of the light that I can offer in my communication through my content and so on to to connect with those ships that are going to be responsive to me are the more transparent, authentic, vulnerable, and true in what actually represents the particular light that may move through me and that I can share with folks. And I I really appreciate how you model that and how you invited and just I guess in this moment, wanted to acknowledge my appreciation for and you're doing that, there seems with all the individual specific unique ways loving and healing and service expressed through everybody in the community, there's a commonality in a very sweet tone and timbre to this group of just sharing, showing up, and further identifying, you know, how do we articulate and and then maximize or optimize how we show up authentically in service to honoring our gifts and being a blessing in the lives that we touch.
So Yeah. It's an acknowledgment both of you, but also to the whole community gathered. Absolutely. Thanks. Thank you, Gregory, for for saying that.
I appreciate it.

Thanks to Gregory Vahanian for this nurturing segment!

Last updated 16 Jan 2024.