Find a piece of content where one of your values was clearly displayed. (Could be the same piece of content you shared in an earlier exercise.) What aspect of the content displays the value(s)? If you'd like, comment below with the link, inviting others to reply with what values they see… (If you don't see any comments below, it means you're not logged into the course, or perhaps not enrolled. If you haven't enrolled, you can do so here.)
I recorded the following segment for another course, but it's just as relevant here. Watch/read the fable of energy signature ...then come back here to this course and continue :)
I love this framing of content creation in terms of finding the others.
George mentioned this idea in another course, and it shifted my mindset when I meet with clients. I start by asking, "What if we planned this meeting before we were born because I have something they need? If so, what could it be?"
Astrology has tools for answering those questions, and I think that framing my sessions that way has made me a much better astrologer.
Necessary context because the subject is a bit technical: 75% of my new clients book an astrology reading with me because they Google "12th house sun" and find this article.
They are looking up this term because someone told them they "have a 12th house sun" and "it is the worst thing that can happen to you."