Jemira Payne

Hey there!

I'm Jemira (she/her), a biracial Black woman living in beautiful Portland, OR, with my partner Ben and Corgi Einstein. 🌲🐶

I am a Holistic Operations Architect, helping creative, soul-driven business owners use their Astrology and Human Design to align their marketing operations with the…

Active 7mo ago Joined 31 Oct 2022 Portland (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Unlocking Success Through Balanced Passion

Yesterday's Libra Full Moon Eclipse brings a powerful time of transformation, focusing on balance, relationships, and harmony. As we find ourselves under its light, expect to face revelations and shifts in how we connect with others and ourselves.

This lunar event encourages us to seek balance, urging us to examine the give-and-take in our relationships, and to reassess our personal beliefs about fairness and justice. 

It's a time to let go of what no longer serves us, making space for new …

Heather Tobin 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

This is lovely. Putting this forward for a weekly highlight as well. 💜


@Heather Tobin thank you so much for your kind words and support! I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the post, and I appreciate you considering it for a weekly highlight. ✨🙏🏽
Hyperlinks into YT descriptions? 5:21
YT Descriptions & Hyperlinks (clickable links)

Add hyperlinks to YT descriptions? They seem to automatically turn normal links of -- YT videos, playlists, channels, and the major social links -- into hyperlinks. See example under this video.


The technical segments for this Module are so worth watching again. In fact, it's necessary for me to do so. I plan to watch them in one Window while executing in my YT Studio. I like the idea of having a video I can "mess up" and not worry about the outcome so much as learning.


@Mara Clear Spring CookLove this! Not holding on tightly to the outcome definitely makes video creation less pressure
Celebrating YT progress 7:19
Inspiring examples of progress... part 1!

Share your experiences of YT "success" thus far... however you define it, whatever is motivating you! As I see your comments below, I'll add some of them here as examples...  Jill B -- "I’ve hit 1.1K views on my channel overall since the start of this program!" Simon Berkowitz -- 2k views within 5 days of uploading this video Mara Clear Spring Cook -- "I have 14 vids up now, and spontaneous positive feedback, and I even received a client booking."  Shoubhik Purkayastha: 1st video: 637 views in 33 days + tons of Heart-wrenching comments/ emails/ texts -- powerful healing in me (Unanticipated - seeing the healing in others)... 2nd video: 127 views in 5 days --> massively SURPRISED at the deep connection.. and how they are watching multiple times to go deeper.  See other examples from your fellow classmates in the comments below!  Not from this course but other examples I discovered recently: Erin Foley career coach (gets most of her many client inquiries) from this one unedited video from years ago Old mans advice -- 25 million views of this unedited video If you don't see comments below, or don't have the ability to comment, you need to be logged into this course.


At the start of this course I had 180 YouTube Subscribers, and now I have 208!  So that's a big win!

Also this video has over 200 views, so that's pretty exciting (as I tend to average around 20 views per video) -


@Suzanne Culberg this is awesome! Celebrating you and your channels success 🥳
6 YT features small creators 3:48
YouTube regularly features "small" creators -- so keep creating to increase your chances!

Real examples (taken via screenshot today) -- And this one I didn't get a screenshot before excitedly clicking on it to like and comment...  ...this is from Elena Foucher one of our course participants! Besides the comments below (if any), also check out the live chats from zoom for this segment here. (This is a preview segment. If you don't see any comments below, you might not be logged into the course, or perhaps not enrolled. If you haven't enrolled, you can do so here.)


I think this happened to me! Last week I posted this video and within 3 days it had over 400 views. 😵

I've have videos that have had hundreds or thousands of views before, but never so quickly. It had to be featured this way. How fun!


@Stephanie Benedetto that's awesome! Just watched your video - what a great reflection. Love the quote about losing our bearings.

Change is a Process, not an Event

Change is a Process, not an Event

If only we could do something once and it became the norm for us, but alas, change is a process, not a one time event!

Change requires us to move through the following stages:

We start in Unconscious Incompetence where we really don’t know what we don’t know ;)

When we have an awareness of something that we can improve, we move to Conscious Incompetence - we are a work in progress and we have a willingness to bring about change

As we start implementing the c…


Thank you for this helpful post! I've never heard change be described in the stages: Unconscious Incompetence → Conscious Competence → Unconscious Competence.

30 Days of Hacks, Habits and Humor to Set Yourself Up for Success in 2024: Assess and Amplify Your Achievements

Over dinner the other day, I mentioned to my Beloved that I did not feel that I had gotten much done this year.  I bemoaned the plans that stalled and complained that despite my efforts, I had made no progress on my business.  I explained that nothing I had planned to do had really been finished and many things that were on my list in January, were still there today.  I was getting really worked up as the observation morphed into a full-on pity party.  I looked up to see incredulity cross hi…


Love this reflection! I also tend to forget all of the things I've accomplished so this was a great reminder to put some time on my calendar and start reflecting and celebrating! 💪🏽📆✨