Suzanne Culberg

I'm The Nope Coach, I help over-givers and people pleasers learn to set boundaries and say 'No' without feeling like a b*tch.

I'm known for my straight-talking and wacky t-shirts.  I live in Sydney, Australia with my husband and 2 awesome children.

Active 27d ago Joined 1 Jun 2022 Sydney (GMT+10:00) Sydney
Celebrating YT progress 7:19
Inspiring examples of progress... part 1!

Share your experiences of YT "success" thus far... however you define it, whatever is motivating you! As I see your comments below, I'll add some of them here as examples...  Jill B -- "I’ve hit 1.1K views on my channel overall since the start of this program!" Simon Berkowitz -- 2k views within 5 days of uploading this video Mara Clear Spring Cook -- "I have 14 vids up now, and spontaneous positive feedback, and I even received a client booking."  Shoubhik Purkayastha: 1st video: 637 views in 33 days + tons of Heart-wrenching comments/ emails/ texts -- powerful healing in me (Unanticipated - seeing the healing in others)... 2nd video: 127 views in 5 days --> massively SURPRISED at the deep connection.. and how they are watching multiple times to go deeper.  See other examples from your fellow classmates in the comments below!  Not from this course but other examples I discovered recently: Erin Foley career coach (gets most of her many client inquiries) from this one unedited video from years ago Old mans advice -- 25 million views of this unedited video If you don't see comments below, or don't have the ability to comment, you need to be logged into this course.


At the start of this course I had 180 YouTube Subscribers, and now I have 208!  So that's a big win!

Also this video has over 200 views, so that's pretty exciting (as I tend to average around 20 views per video) -

How does YT fit into overall business strategy 5:21
Video-making in overall picture of biz strategy?

Question: Where do you fit video-making fit in the overall business strategy/authentic business framework? Before I answer... ask yourself how you might answer this?  Add your comment below if you'd like. If no comments below and no ability to comment, first log into this course. my answer: Making videos helps you get clearer about the intersection / sweet spot between your interests and what the world wants from you, i.e. your calling ✨ As you lean more into uploading YT videos in that sweet spot, you'll naturally get more views and therefore, more opportunities for your business. Most importantly: making videos allows you to explore and express your energy signature, which helps you better understand your authentic self 😊 which makes your whole business strategy more aligned to your energies.


I set myself a daily video challenge for 365 days (I use the video on YouTube and the audio as a podcast) and where it fits in to my overall business strategy is helping me refine my message.  The more I speak, the easier it gets, and I quite enjoy it, most days, I have my moments!  

I am also reminded of your framework George where you speak about posting to social media your thoughts, then refining the ones with the most engagement into blog posts, and then taking the best performing ones and turning them into books.

1 Warm welcome to the Interview Mastery course 2:19
Warm welcome to the Interview Mastery course!

Welcome fellow interviewers/ees! In this course you'll get my best guidance for how to be on the path of mastering your skills as a host and a guest. However, there's an abundance of wisdom here -- your own observations as you watch interviews and as you take part in this. I consider this course to be a community learning experience -- pooling together our observations about what makes for great interviewing (and what things to avoid.)  So I hope you'll comment generously on the lessons to share what you've seen works / doesn't work. Let's learn together 🤗


Unrelated to the topic, but I just wanted to say how much I love this background George!