Inspiring examples of progress... part 1!

Updated Feb 27, 2024

Share your experiences of YT "success" thus far... however you define it, whatever is motivating you!

As I see your comments below, I'll add some of them here as examples... 

  • Jill B -- "I’ve hit 1.1K views on my channel overall since the start of this program!"
  • Simon Berkowitz -- 2k views within 5 days of uploading this video
  • Mara Clear Spring Cook -- "I have 14 vids up now, and spontaneous positive feedback, and I even received a client booking." 
  • Shoubhik Purkayastha:
    • 1st video: 637 views in 33 days + tons of Heart-wrenching comments/ emails/ texts -- powerful healing in me (Unanticipated - seeing the healing in others)...
    • 2nd video: 127 views in 5 days --> massively SURPRISED at the deep connection.. and how they are watching multiple times to go deeper. 
  • See other examples from your fellow classmates in the comments below! 

Not from this course but other examples I discovered recently:

If you don't see comments below, or don't have the ability to comment, you need to be logged into this course.
