Stephanie Benedetto

Coach, Storyteller (Un)Marketer and lovable geek. Lover of dragons and impossible questions. Inappropriately joyful.

I see life and business as a game to be played by your rules, and you can PLAY your way to a thriving, profitable business that changes the world.

Read more about my story of leavin…

Active 3mo ago Joined 31 Jul 2022 (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

I was wondering who has created podcasts

I have 1 credit left for this year.
George course - Simple Podcast creation is 1 credit.
Have you creating a podcast? 
What did it do for you? Did you love it? Was it fun? 
Did you take this course? 
Would you want to take it with me?  


I have created two podcasts. The first was a place to share my Wild Creation Stories, started in 2019 (I think) and it's since been "retired" as I'm not adding to it.

The second podcast is Wildspire, my conversations with inspiring entrepreneurs, alternating with short reflective episodes from me. This one is still active, though I'm slow in releasing them (especially when I've been traveling!) It's not monetized and I don't directly get any clients from it.

They were both fun and I don't recall any tech issues in putting them out. Of course, I'm more on the "just get it done good enough" side, so it doesn't bother me if things aren't perfect. Wildspire has been a great way to connect with people and have enjoyable conversations. (George was a guest before I joined ABC, by the way.)

Rather than "starting a podcast," why not do 10 episodes? Then you can decide if you want to "have a podcast" as a regular thing. It's what I did in the beginning and it allowed me to release a bunch in rapid succession, getting ahead of the game if I wanted to publish episodes regularly. I didn't follow any of the best practices or do much research. I started with zoom recordings and let that be enough. 🤗

I hope this is helpful and wish you much joy on your podcasting (or not) journey! 🙏

ok I'm baffled -- you're not getting your questions answered on the call?!

Hi Folks, I'm really baffled by this... several people are saying that when you come to my Q&A calls, you don't get your questions answered. WTF?

I swear that I do my best (I thought) to make sure I answer all your questions... but I think what happens is that I ask for your questions... and then I wait for 10 seconds... and I see no questions... so then I start my segment. 

Maybe I need to wait 30 seconds, 1 minute, 3 minutes?

Truly, from the heart, I'm sad and embarrassed that you've had tha…


George, you are an amazing human and my favorite in the authentic business space. 💕

I see you absolutely 100% committed to delivering value. I don't think that's ever a question. You show up ready to deliver.

I think it's up to US to create our own value. I take full responsibility for creating the value in any course, community or program that I might join, especially the transformational ones. I'm the one who does the work and shows up ready to explore something new. No matter how good you are, you can't do that for me.

I have not attended many Q&A calls. Yes, it's due to conflicting priorities (the times occur during my hours of limited availability for international clients) but there's so much value for me elsewhere in ABC -- and I haven't even touched half of what's available! -- that this isn't an issue for me. 

It seems to me the responsibility for creating value by showing up and asking questions lies with ME (and dare I say, others like me) who simply aren't choosing it, whatever our reasons. The only reason you haven't answered my questions is that it would be impossible because I haven't asked them. 😊

Big hugs to you. 🤗

Intentions : July 2024

Participate by commenting below -- it can help you clarify your priorities!

As you see other members post their intentions, it's an interesting way to get to know them. Cheer them on by replying under a few comments as you're able to 💛

How to participate:

  1. Comment with your most important intentions for the month. Feel free to @mention your Accountability Buddy so they know what you're up to.
            Examples: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.

Fi Kahani 🔤 ABC

Wow! 39 connection calls! What is a connection call? How was the quality of the conversation? What came out of it? It sounds like you made progress last month!


@Fi Kahani I count a "connection call" as any conversation with someone that isn't strictly a client or friendship capacity. Networking falls into this category, but it's really just a conversation to connect with a human being.

The quality of conversation is always high when I show up present and caring. I can't remember the last "unpleasant" conversation, although some are more magical than others. Many are very magical, indeed! I feel very lucky. ✨✨

I don't have an agenda for any of these connection calls, other than to connect. A small number of them turn into client-inquiry or niche-mate partnership calls, but it's not a strategy.

I can tell you that simply inviting people into conversation without agenda has directly created at least three new client relationships over the past few months. 

So it's a high-touch and time-intensive way to grow a business, but when it's joyful, why would I mind? I can see the compounding results over time, even though that's not really the point.

I hope this clarifies. Feel free to ask me more questions about what the heck I'm doing and why, if you have them. 😂

Intentions : August 2024

Participate by commenting below -- it can help you clarify (or reiterate) your priorities.

As you see other members post their intentions, it's an interesting way to get to know them. Cheer them on by replying to a few comments 💛

How to participate:

  1. Comment with your most important intentions for the month. Feel free to @mention your Accountability Buddy so they know what you're up to.
            Examples: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.
    Tip: What …


August Intentions - Graceful action, generous serving and kindness to myself in the doing.

Holy smokes, I have a lot to organize this month, including guests and travel!

🌻 Prepare for the launch my GROW program. I'll set the stage with some polls, conversations and emails.

🕵️‍♀️ Continue progress with the Authentic Market Discovery course. I'll reach out to my conversational partners and integrate learnings into GROW.

🤝 Draft a Playbook for the Love In Action Community and set up recurring circle events.  We're taking a break from our group experiences this month, and it feels like time to focus on some structure moving forwards.

Spend time with my sweetie and his visiting niece. I'll be taking some time for socializing, relaxing and playing before my departure for the US on August 29th. So soon!


@Fi Kahani It's Conscious Tech that was paused. The LoveInAction Community is still happening. LoveInAction is the overall ecosystem of within which Conscious Tech is a part.

It's possibly confusing and something I'm working on to express more clearly. 🤪
Fi Kahani 🔤 ABC
Post one new Litterverse video every Monday (8/5, 8/12, 8/19, 8/26)

Post one new Substack post every Friday (8/2, 8/9, 8/16, 8/23, 8/30)

That's it! I don't care about anything else except for this. Consistency is the hardest thing for me. I'll take one week off the first week of September from these two things

I set a reminder for 8/15 to check in here


@Fi Kahani What is Litterverse? (I'm thinking of 🐱💩 and that can't be right.)

Wishing much joy for your quest! 🔥

@Fi Kahani Litterverse makes total sense in context. I thought it was a new social media platform. That's just how out of the loop I am. 😂