Stephanie Benedetto

Coach, Storyteller (Un)Marketer and lovable geek. Lover of dragons and impossible questions. Inappropriately joyful.

I see life and business as a game to be played by your rules, and you can PLAY your way to a thriving, profitable business that changes the world.

Read more about my story of leavin…

Active 17d ago Joined 31 Jul 2022 Almancil (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

ok I'm baffled -- you're not getting your questions answered on the call?!

Hi Folks, I'm really baffled by this... several people are saying that when you come to my Q&A calls, you don't get your questions answered. WTF?

I swear that I do my best (I thought) to make sure I answer all your questions... but I think what happens is that I ask for your questions... and then I wait for 10 seconds... and I see no questions... so then I start my segment. 

Maybe I need to wait 30 seconds, 1 minute, 3 minutes?

Truly, from the heart, I'm sad and embarrassed that you've had tha…


George, you are an amazing human and my favorite in the authentic business space. 💕

I see you absolutely 100% committed to delivering value. I don't think that's ever a question. You show up ready to deliver.

I think it's up to US to create our own value. I take full responsibility for creating the value in any course, community or program that I might join, especially the transformational ones. I'm the one who does the work and shows up ready to explore something new. No matter how good you are, you can't do that for me.

I have not attended many Q&A calls. Yes, it's due to conflicting priorities (the times occur during my hours of limited availability for international clients) but there's so much value for me elsewhere in ABC -- and I haven't even touched half of what's available! -- that this isn't an issue for me. 

It seems to me the responsibility for creating value by showing up and asking questions lies with ME (and dare I say, others like me) who simply aren't choosing it, whatever our reasons. The only reason you haven't answered my questions is that it would be impossible because I haven't asked them. 😊

Big hugs to you. 🤗

Intentions : July 2024

Participate by commenting below -- it can help you clarify your priorities!

As you see other members post their intentions, it's an interesting way to get to know them. Cheer them on by replying under a few comments as you're able to 💛

How to participate:

  1. Comment with your most important intentions for the month. Feel free to @mention your Accountability Buddy so they know what you're up to.
            Examples: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.

Fi Kahani 🔤 ABC

Wow! 39 connection calls! What is a connection call? How was the quality of the conversation? What came out of it? It sounds like you made progress last month!


@Fi Kahani I count a "connection call" as any conversation with someone that isn't strictly a client or friendship capacity. Networking falls into this category, but it's really just a conversation to connect with a human being.

The quality of conversation is always high when I show up present and caring. I can't remember the last "unpleasant" conversation, although some are more magical than others. Many are very magical, indeed! I feel very lucky. ✨✨

I don't have an agenda for any of these connection calls, other than to connect. A small number of them turn into client-inquiry or niche-mate partnership calls, but it's not a strategy.

I can tell you that simply inviting people into conversation without agenda has directly created at least three new client relationships over the past few months. 

So it's a high-touch and time-intensive way to grow a business, but when it's joyful, why would I mind? I can see the compounding results over time, even though that's not really the point.

I hope this clarifies. Feel free to ask me more questions about what the heck I'm doing and why, if you have them. 😂

July Intentions: 

Relax into the Flow of Life aka move with the power of the ocean rather than just my surfing 🌊

🌻 Launch my GROW program. This is a group experience where each person choosing their own experiment in growth.

🕵️‍♀️ Complete the Authentic Market Discovery course. Compile the info collected from my AMD calls and nichemate calls to see where I land.

🐉 Create and promote retreats for my time in the US. I'll be Stateside in September and October, making myself available for in person retreats and visits. Three events are in the works in NJ, CO and FL. Possibly more to come!

My experiments around money and client creation, and it's shifting the way I show up in business. Many of the rules I've made up now look like horse 💩, so change is afoot!

@swetha jadapalli A few updates since our last chat. 💕

Updates on my July Intentions:

My intentions changed with the flow of life, in beautiful ways.

🌻 Launch my GROW program. ❌ This has been postponed until September; the timing feels more aligned. I'll also incorporate insights from my market discoveries.

🕵️‍♀️ Complete the Authentic Market Discovery course. ❌ I didn't finish, but did make progress! These conversations are wonderful invitations to 1:1 client relationships as well, and a new one seems to be emerging.

🐉 Create and promote retreats for my time in the US. ✅ Yes! The promotions for our group retreat are well underway, and I have two 1:1 retreats scheduled for my time in the US.

Other things I did in July:

  • Two new 1:1 coaching clients coming on. 🥳
  • Made 32 invitations to conversations of various types, had 39 connection calls (!!!) and made 3 proposals. (This didn't feel busy, btw. In fact, I told myself I was slacking off. 😂)
  • My Portuguese learning is progressing slowly and with lots of laughter, thanks to working with a tutor on iTalkie 1-2x per week.
  • Connected with a local community for remote workers here in Portugal, finding joyful ways to contribute.

While I didn't complete all my intentions for July, many insights have been dropping in and unfolding. I can see the fruits of my joyful client creating activities already, and how this is also sustainable because it's natural and fun for me. 🎉🎉

Dipanshu Rawal 🌱 Conversation Starter 🔤 ABC

July is a month of personal transitions. Parents are shifting to USA. A very close friend is getting married. 

This month is for me to slow down, no rushing, & witness the beauty of all the ups and downs of my emotions. 

Some loving & gentle intentions for this month:

  • Focus on filling my calendar with 1:1 calls
  • 4 Invitation posts (1/week)
  • Plan for next months by July end
  • Start preparing for workshop & do it in august
  • Continue clean(er) eating & regular gym  

Most importantly: Give myself space and be gentle with self & others.


@Dipanshu Rawal Hooray for gentleness! I sometimes say, "Be too kind too yourself, and that might be just about right." 🤗
Fi Kahani 🔤 ABC
Last month, I got back to the US and settled in. This month, I'm starting an online learning course platform for junior coders with my partner along with an evergreen-sale model for my business, moving away from the service-based model. Writing fiction will be my main focus, and so setting up Amazon KDP, SmashWords, Kindle Vella, using Draft2Digital, and IngramSpark etc are all things I'm focusing on along with writing 1000-5000 words daily to build out the content. I'm also going to sign up for Fall semester classes and figure out how to actually apply to the grad program I'm currently enrolled in. 

I met with 

@Elana Christiansen last month, which was awesome, as it usually is! We will likely meet this month as well, since she keeps me regular. 
I also met with Susan from George's community last month and there might be some collaboration opportunities there as well. 

I've structured my days and weeks in a way that allows me to work with a lightness that wasn't present before, and now since I'm further away from family and the Bay Area where friends are, I don't need to make excuses to get out of social engagements that are a distraction from my goals right now. Of course, I'll be there for major events, but I put my life on hold for 6 months to support my family with the passing of a major family member. 

Happy to be back here with everyone! 

OH PS - I managed to get another poem published, which will be coming out in 1 week! So that was a huge win!


@Fi Kahani Congrats on your poetry win and renewed focus! 🎉
Heather Tobin 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

July is a blend of evaluation and wayfinding. 

I'm getting back to basics with both health and business focuses.

Deciding what stays, what goes. 

- reviewing pricing, launches, and specific 1:1 offers for Q3 and Q4

Spiritually I'll be taking more time to pause and reflect and be... inward.


@Heather Tobin I'm with you on taking more time to be inward. 🥰 Sounds like a beautiful exploration ahead of you this month!

Intentions : August 2024

Participate by commenting below -- it can help you clarify (or reiterate) your priorities.

As you see other members post their intentions, it's an interesting way to get to know them. Cheer them on by replying to a few comments 💛

How to participate:

  1. Comment with your most important intentions for the month. Feel free to @mention your Accountability Buddy so they know what you're up to.
            Examples: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.
    Tip: What …


August Intentions - Graceful action, generous serving and kindness to myself in the doing.

Holy smokes, I have a lot to organize this month, including guests and travel!

🌻 Prepare for the launch my GROW program. I'll set the stage with some polls, conversations and emails.

🕵️‍♀️ Continue progress with the Authentic Market Discovery course. I'll reach out to my conversational partners and integrate learnings into GROW.

🤝 Draft a Playbook for the Love In Action Community and set up recurring circle events.  We're taking a break from our group experiences this month, and it feels like time to focus on some structure moving forwards.

Spend time with my sweetie and his visiting niece. I'll be taking some time for socializing, relaxing and playing before my departure for the US on August 29th. So soon!


@Fi Kahani It's Conscious Tech that was paused. The LoveInAction Community is still happening. LoveInAction is the overall ecosystem of within which Conscious Tech is a part.

It's possibly confusing and something I'm working on to express more clearly. 🤪
Fi Kahani 🔤 ABC
Post one new Litterverse video every Monday (8/5, 8/12, 8/19, 8/26)

Post one new Substack post every Friday (8/2, 8/9, 8/16, 8/23, 8/30)

That's it! I don't care about anything else except for this. Consistency is the hardest thing for me. I'll take one week off the first week of September from these two things

I set a reminder for 8/15 to check in here


@Fi Kahani What is Litterverse? (I'm thinking of 🐱💩 and that can't be right.)

Wishing much joy for your quest! 🔥

@Fi Kahani Litterverse makes total sense in context. I thought it was a new social media platform. That's just how out of the loop I am. 😂
Heather Tobin 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

My intentions for August:

- launch/remind people of 1:1 support options
- review Q4 program/membership/course options to roll out
- spending time in JoyPro and revisiting those learnings to keep myself dialed in and focused

- ongoing fun, and rest, and enjoying time to play on days that are weather friendly! (I don't like the extreme heat! )


@Heather Tobin Well intended. 💕 Wishing you many moments of unexpected joy and play. 🙏

Hi everyone!

Here are my Intentions for August 2024:

Being a LinkedIn Power User More:

  • The regular posting of Articles
  • The investment into Running Ads on LinkedIn

My intention behind cultivating my inner LinkedIn Power User is pretty simple: the more I can put myself out there, the more people can know I exist, that I offer services, and that I am currently building my practice.  I like to think of this as turning on my porch light, throwing up my batman signal, or broadcasting out my availability (and willingness) to make new professional connections :)

Returning to the Wisdom of Thoughtful Life Calendaring and CCC:

  • Time blocking my days into focused blocks of time
  • Having time to review tasks that I've been organizing so I can Follow Up

My intention behind returning to TLC and CCC is to be able to consistently do what I said I would do (including attending SGS and Courses I am taking through ABC MasterHeart).  Simple enough, right?  I want to be able to return to this thread come September 1st, and say hey: I was able to stay on track with my priorities and path!

Fi Kahani 🔤 ABC

@Dylan Perese I'd be interested in learning how Ads on LinkedIn go for you!!! It's something I'm going to explore for an online community I do marketing for. I also agree on the regular posting - I have such a hard time with that!!!

I love putting up your Batman signal. 🦇 😎

Wishing you a joyful journey this month, 

@Dylan Perese!

Designing next year's ABC/MasterHeart program...

Would love your honest thoughts:

1) What should be kept about the program?

2) What should be changed?

Consider the various aspects of the program that you engage with (and aspects you don't!) 🙏🏼 Thank you.

If possible, we'll start to make the suggested improvements to the program now, for the rest of the year!


George, thanks so much for continuing to ask for and receive feedback. Your commitment to improving the impact of your serving is clear and inspiring. 💕

Not sure if it's just me, but I feel a new energy coming into ABC through these inquiries and transitions. It feels powerful, determined and focused. I like it! 🔥🔥

I feel blessed to be a part of this community. 🙏


I feel a little bit funny leaving the first comment, but here I go with some BOLD energy. (How's that, 

@Dipanshu Rawal ? 😉)

Also, this feedback comes with lots of love and appreciation for you, George. 💕

What I love about ABC:

- The community is amazing! I think I've gained the most value from the connections and inspiration of my ABC-mates. More specifically...

- I've enjoyed getting to know my Buddy. Even though I had reservations about the Buddy Program (I don't want anyone to "make me accountable") our conversations are lovely and supportive. They're something I treasure.

- I loved the NetCaring calls I attended! Beautiful connections and insights.

- I love reading the insights and shares in the Forum. The freedom and encouragement to share is very valuable for me.

- It's great to have credits or discounts to go through the live courses as they are released. I'm more focused on experiential learning, so connecting with students even through their comments and sharing experiences makes this most valuable.

- The weekly Notable Posts highlights are a great reminder for me to check in on the Forum.

What (might be) changed in ABC:

- I haven't personally found the ABC Coaching calls to be very helpful. I've come to a few, and they've been focused on tactical and strategic topics that aren't of interest to me. I wouldn't do away with them, as I'm guessing they're incredibly valuable to the people who attend. I might be more inclined to attend if they were themed around a topic of interest to me. For example: Client Creation, Easy Content Prompts, etc.

- I'm a fan of a platform where people can share their gifts and joys. It would be cool if community members were able to host experiences just for us.

- More NetCaring opportunities. I'm a fan (as mentioned above.) 

- Small mastermind groups of maybe 5 people would be cool. This way we could gather to share our asks and contributions, support each other more deeply on our journey. Kind of like the Buddy Program, but with a different focus.

That's all that comes to mind for now. This is a lovely community of which I'm happy to be a member. 🥰🙏

I'm trying to be funny but maybe it's clickbaity?

Could you let me know if the title is too clickbaity???



I think it's brilliant! It's curiosity arousing.

Honestly, this piece reads like a prose poem, and I love that. It feels like YOU all the way through, and a fellow human. Sometimes paradoxical, confused, feeling lost, always delightful and connected to deep wisdom (which we often promptly dismiss. 😉) As Walt Whitman says...

Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)

It definitely won't be for everyone, but this will appeal to fellow humans who enjoy reflective pieces on growth.

So go for it! Take that action and see what happens. 🤗

Tool to get you to use simple language when answering "What do you do?".

One of my clients came across this site, which forces you to describe a hard idea using only the thousand most used words in the English language. It's quite hard to do, but I found it really worthwhile to help me explain what it is I do, in really simple language:

Here is my attempt at explaining what I do. I am only three non-permitted words away from the goal... arrrrhhhhggg... so hard. Apparently, I can't use (OWNERS, CHOICES, VALUES). But hey, not bad, right?…


How fun! The wording is a little awkward, but here's what I came up with: 

"I help people do and make what they love in life and business by seeing that they ARE love and understanding how humans work at their best. This means making money and getting ideas becomes more fun and easy, which means better returns."

Looking for 5 people to experience the demo of an Ai-for-Coaches tool -- who's in? :)

The co-teachers of my Ai Course have created an awesome app to help coaches & therapists serve clients better with Ai analysis and tools.

I've seen how it works, and am really looking forward to using it.

They're offering a limited number of personalized demo sessions.  We're looking for 5 people from my group (you all!) to experience this and offer your honest feedback.

Who's interested in checking it out?  It's only a 30-minute appointment, and your feedback will be essential to helping this app become a really helpful tool for coaches.  Book an appointment here, and comment below to let me know that you did 🙏🏼


I scheduled a time. 🤗

Are you interested in getting together with others at similar business stage and discussing strategy/next steps?

Would you be interested in having discussions with other ABC/Masterheart members who are at similar stage of business as you... to discuss what strategy/next steps are most relevant?

...and then have me advise your group on those next steps?

We can easily do this as breakout groups during our weekly ABC calls.

Or would you rather discuss specific areas of business, with people who might be at different levels?

If we do breakout groups for stages of business, what do you think about coordinatin…


I'm enjoying the spirit and ideas of this conversation!

Personally, I appreciate the wisdom of people in a space of clarity regardless of income or experience level. I'm happy to give and receive. While there's a place for masterminds with peers of at a similar stage of development, that isn't what appeals to me in ABC/Masterheart.

It would be helpful if I knew about the topics we'd be exploring at various Q&As. This way I can block out the time to make the ones that are most appealing. (I recognize that might not be feasible.)

I'm not as drawn to sharing tactics and strategy, but much more inclined to connect and reflect with others. Again, just my personal preference. 🙏

I appreciate your devotion to growing and evolving our experience together, George! 💕

Intentions : June 2024

Participate by commenting below -- it can help you clarify your priorities!

As you see other members post their intentions, it's an interesting way to get to know them. Cheer them on by replying under a few comments as you're able to 💛

How to participate:

  1. Comment with your most important intentions for the month. Feel free to @mention your Accountability Buddy so they know what you're up to.
            Examples: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.


June Intentions: A month of joyful giving and receiving from the abundance of Life ✨✨

I'll be focusing on my value-creating activities this month, with LOTS of conversations. My content creation may take a bit of a back seat, but we'll see how that goes.

🔥 Complete the live CATALYZE group experience. This one feels so light, easy and profound! I'm really enjoying it already and will complete by the end of June.

🤔 Complete 6 (or more) market research calls and evaluate the results. These are already scheduled.

💲 The $5k per day experiment. Each day I'll get quiet and ask inner wisdom the question, "What can I do to receive $5,000 TODAY with ease and joy?" Then I'll listen and take any actions that occur to me. I wonder what will happen? ⚡

I think this will keep me plenty busy, eh 

@swetha jadapalli ? 😎


🔥 Complete the live CATALYZE group experience. ✅ This adventure is complete. I think this is the more powerful group transformational experience I've created so far. 💕

🤔 Complete 6 (or more) market research calls and evaluate the results. ✅ 10 conversations completed. Next will be compiling info to see what gets created.

💲 The $5k per day experiment. ✅ I proposed over $15,000 in offers for 1:1 coaching and retreats and made $2,500. Still waiting to hear back on one of them. Most importantly, my relationship to creating clients and money has become softer and easier. The experiment will continue in a new form. 

Why don't things sell? 8:05
When your things don't sell... why not?

Why do you think that is? Before you continue to read, comment below first on what your hunch tells you...  If your stuff isn't selling well, here's why it might be...  You might be thinking a lot in isolation when it comes to what to offer. Analogy of mountaintop vs people at the river. To get clients, you must sell what others want (not just what you want). To understand what they want (to buy), you must do market discovery... that's what this course is about! Find out what your people are hungry for... for which they aren't finding satisfying options. Find the gaps in offerings that your people are *eagerly* looking for. Finding "product-market fit" is life or death for a business. For us who are coaches/healers/mentors, this translates into "You-topic-format-audience fit". You = your energy signature Topic = what your services are about Format = offer format, e.g. 1-1 services, group programs, or something else? Audience = of all the people you can reach, who's most interested to work with you? This is what the Authentic Market Discovery process unconvers. We help you discover what your ideal clients must buy, not just would be "nice to have." Bottom line -- You must choose the right thing to offer, if you want people to buy from you...


When things don't sell at all it's because people probably don't actually want them. They don't see the value for them.

I like this definition of "selling" from Michael Neill:

"Selling is finding out what people already actually want and helping them get it." 

He goes on to say that we do this by listening and getting to know people. 💡

If what I've got isn't selling, people don't think it will help them get what they want. They don't see the value or the value isn't there for them.

There's no judgement in this; it's just how it works. It's my job to communicate the impact of what I do as clearly as possible so that I can help the people I'm here to serve. 

I believe the ways to create value are infinite, so it's just a matter of time before we find the match. 🤗


@Melissa Sandfort Tad Hargrave of Marketing For Hippies has some great videos on this, too. It's not our job to SELL our service; it's our job to fit out if it's a fit. For that, we need to both listen and communicate clearly.

I'm (finally) starting to see creating clients and service as the same thing. Not as a reframe, but as an actual fact. I show up and serve. Sometimes that creates clients. Many times it's doesn't. But that's the way I want clients to show up in my life, through service. 😍

Romantic travel writing! That sounds much more fun to me than investment education. 😂

There is brilliance is listening to people and seeing what occurs to us to serve. I love what emerges from that process.

I'm thrilled you're finding encouragement in the journey! 🤗

Tapping my Deeper Intelligence (after years of not!)

I attended The World Listening Summit in Prague, Czech Republic last week. It was a last minute choice to go, and I am SO grateful for attending. 🥰

One of my biggest insights was that I've been using my intellect as a resource far more often than I thought. I've been going to my "little mind" for ideas, and it can only pull from its own experience, which is great if I'm trying to repeat something already done, but not so helpful if I want to create something new and fresh. 

I have access to th…

Keith Logan 🔤 ABC

There is great wisdom in allowing the higher nature of intelligence (the higher mind, cosmic mind, the field, etc.).  As a rule, my background says that the more we allow for contact with our silent, Divine nature, the more that higher force of Nature guides our lives. (dharma). I also commend you for two things: one, is that just from knowing you a little from the ABC, your little mind is not very little!!, and two, it takes great courage to allow, surrender, and act on the impulses of higher least for me. So, you go Stephanie! Your bio is a statement to your already demonstrated courage and higher mind. ( and no small bit of bright little mind as well :).      )


@Keith Logan What a sweet, thoughtful response! It is received with much gratitude. 🤗

I do have great appreciation for my little mind, as it has taken me to many places. At this point, it feels kind of silly not to trust deeper wisdom when it's available to me. Of course, I'm experiencing some moments of fear and uncertainty. Will it really come through for me? Really?

The funny thing is that even through all my apparent battle for control, the intelligence of life is what keeps my heart beating without my ever needing to think about it. Why would the rest of my being be any different?

When I stay in "I don't know" long enough, something always occurs to me. And using my intellect (or other people's) is totally okay, too. 


I love this so much, thank you for sharing, Stephanie!

What is Possible With Anxiety at a Manageable Level

I have very gradually built my business over the past few years, but in these past few weeks, WOW, I have followed thru with some of those previously too scary things that my business has needed and wanted.👏🏼😃 It has been slow over the long haul, but I want my business for the long-term. Last year I finally got some ideal clients again, and it was a JOY! I rode on the wave of that and the relative financial security of a (stressful) part time job. 

However, God/the Divine/Spirit/whatever you …



@Christine Weddle ! 🎉 Thanks for sharing your story; it's an inspiration and so good for us all to know freedom from anxiety is REAL. 🙏

Patience. Pace. Progress. 🐢🐌

Hello Everyone‼️😊

I hope I'm posting in the right area. 🙃

I haven't had the opportunity to be as involved in ABC as I would like due to my wacky work schedule & getting sick 2 times since Christmas - highly unusual for me. 😳 Nevertheless, I'm still SO grateful to be a part of this AMAZING community + program. 🙏 Thankfully, I've always been patient w/ myself (& others). 🌻

Some of the things I LOVE about ABC:

🌸 The rich variety of posts (& your many thought-full comments)

🦋 Watching LOTS of Q…


You had me at the title of your post, 

@Mary Barringer . 💜 YES!

Intentions : May 2024

These "intentions" threads can be motivating to do!

As you see other members post their intentions, it can be an interesting way to get to know  them. Cheer them on by replying under a few comments as you're able to 💛

How to participate:

  1. Comment with your most important intentions for the month. Feel free to @mention your Accountability Buddy so they know what you're up to.
            Examples: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.
    Tip: What method will …

Dipanshu Rawal 🌱 Conversation Starter 🔤 ABC

In May month I'm setting intentions for...

  • 1 post/day on IG (continuation of what I did in April)
  • 4 Interviews
  • Market research, and then do a FTA webinar
  • Daily EOD reflection + morning intention setting routine
  • Weekly planning every weekend
  • Continue creating more 1:1 clients

Overall feelings of slowing down, surrender & creating content & clients with intuition.

@Justin Lee

Well done, 

@Dipanshu Rawal! I'm so glad you're feeling well and thriving. 🥰

May Intentions:

Create the sales invitation and promotions for my CATALYZE program. I'm testing a new approach to sharing and inviting people in, so we'll see what happens!

🧐 Spend at least 1 hour every week on my learning journey. I still have to finish YouTube Mastery and the YouTube Formula, and started taking Authentic Market Discovery. (More waiting in the wings, but they got bumped.)

I'm going to stick with that as my focus for this month as it feels like plenty, especially with the promotional content I'm planning to create.

And we're off! ✨

@swetha jadapalli

Update on my May intentions:

✅⚡ Create the sales invitation and promotions for my CATALYZE program. Done and done. I'm really enjoying this experience -- it may be the most impactful I've ever created. 😲

✅ 🧐 Spend at least 1 hour every week on my learning journey. I'm pretty sure I did this or more, though I didn't track it accurately. Definitely learning lots! And I attended a 3 day Listening Summit (last minute decision to attend) so I think that puts me over the top. 😉