Karin Edgett

Active 17d ago Joined 22 Jun 2022 Washington (GMT-05:00) America/New_York
Why don't things sell? 8:05
When your things don't sell... why not?

Why do you think that is? Before you continue to read, comment below first on what your hunch tells you...  If your stuff isn't selling well, here's why it might be...  You might be thinking a lot in isolation when it comes to what to offer. Analogy of mountaintop vs people at the river. To get clients, you must sell what others want (not just what you want). To understand what they want (to buy), you must do market discovery... that's what this course is about! Find out what your people are hungry for... for which they aren't finding satisfying options. Find the gaps in offerings that your people are *eagerly* looking for. Finding "product-market fit" is life or death for a business. For us who are coaches/healers/mentors, this translates into "You-topic-format-audience fit". You = your energy signature Topic = what your services are about Format = offer format, e.g. 1-1 services, group programs, or something else? Audience = of all the people you can reach, who's most interested to work with you? This is what the Authentic Market Discovery process unconvers. We help you discover what your ideal clients must buy, not just would be "nice to have." Bottom line -- You must choose the right thing to offer, if you want people to buy from you...


What if you just don't reach the people who you may want to be reaching? And it's not about the people you already know? I have friends who have my art, some of them buy twice, and my books, but I don't have enough friends to make that work. 

this is you I have no friends

A little background on me. I have, mostly as a self-healing hobby and partially professionally, studied the paradigm of what we eat and why. And I know a lot. I have been on a 25-year journey that healed me from near collapse and spiritual growth, and much of the path has been through the food I choose. Now I pretty much eat what I refer to as organic, whole food, plant-based high-frequency diet. It helps me feel GREAT. And that also means I take food wherever I go and often eat before I go t…


@Karin Edgett, of course, your friends are the ones who need to enjoy people as they are. How unfortunate, and painful, that they are so judgmental, that they need to be "right." I'm wondering if you have asked them directly why they feel the need to control you in this way (or any way)?  


Hi Pamela, I don’t think to ask that kind of direct question. I’m never really sure I want to provoke a self reflective conversation, but I could try it! 

Fall flyby’s and a message from the flowers

Lately I’ve been very busy. Between art shows and regular work I have not felt like I have had time to breathe, yet I have. And meditated. Whew. I thought I would be less busy by now, but I now remember that between October 1 and December 31, every year time flies by. Then January comes and it is OK to slow down, and you relax. I hope to carve out time to interact with you all more! 

I have a request. I am toying with a new product - a note card with a photo and message from a flower. I am wo…

Week of Sep 19th: Dance and Draw like nobody is watching

My practice this week is inspired by Kurt Vonnegut: 

“Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what’s inside you, to make your soul grow…”

So I will be dancing and drawing by myself to simply explore, rather than striving for any results. It feels like this would bring me closer to  my essential nature. I will make this my …


I like this idea, mind if I copy you? 

Overwhelm time warps

I don’t know what it is, but when I have too much going on, my life goes into a complete time-warp and linear time ceases to exist for me. I can almost see the dimensional change. 

Today, if I had stayed in lil near time, I would be on a sailboat breeding around the Chesapeake bay. I had packed my food and special things a week ahead of time for this much needed women’s only sailing weekend, but when it came time to board the boat, I had completely forgotten that it was THE weekend I was supp…