Warm welcome! Overall, I view my courses as a learning community that I'm facilitating -- we learn from each other, I learn from you, as well as you learn from whatever I share that is relevant to you. I invite your questions and your replies to each other's questions. Be helpful, be kind, be engaged in the chat only as much as you'd enjoy. Let's dive right in -- "What is a signature framework" is the title of this module... Here's the unconventional way we'll get to that understanding: Instead of me telling you the definition (for you to memorize or something!) I'd like to invite you to create the definition for yourself, from what I'm going to share with you, which are examples and metaphors in the coming lessons. Truth is most powerful when it's personally created and articulated. In other words, you're going to create a framework for what is a signature framework ;) Shall we give it a try? At this point, before we get into seeing examples, what do you think a "signature framework" is?
Why do you think that is? Before you continue to read, comment below first on what your hunch tells you... If your stuff isn't selling well, here's why it might be... You might be thinking a lot in isolation when it comes to what to offer. Analogy of mountaintop vs people at the river. To get clients, you must sell what others want (not just what you want). To understand what they want (to buy), you must do market discovery... that's what this course is about! Find out what your people are hungry for... for which they aren't finding satisfying options. Find the gaps in offerings that your people are *eagerly* looking for. Finding "product-market fit" is life or death for a business. For us who are coaches/healers/mentors, this translates into "You-topic-format-audience fit". You = your energy signature Topic = what your services are about Format = offer format, e.g. 1-1 services, group programs, or something else? Audience = of all the people you can reach, who's most interested to work with you? This is what the Authentic Market Discovery process unconvers. We help you discover what your ideal clients must buy, not just would be "nice to have." Bottom line -- You must choose the right thing to offer, if you want people to buy from you...
When things don't sell at all it's because people probably don't actually want them. They don't see the value for them.
I like this definition of "selling" from Michael Neill:
"Selling is finding out what people already actually want and helping them get it."
He goes on to say that we do this by listening and getting to know people. 💡
If what I've got isn't selling, people don't think it will help them get what they want. They don't see the value or the value isn't there for them.
There's no judgement in this; it's just how it works. It's my job to communicate the impact of what I do as clearly as possible so that I can help the people I'm here to serve.
I believe the ways to create value are infinite, so it's just a matter of time before we find the match. 🤗
A warm welcome here! I encourage us to see this course as a community... not comments from random people, but rather, focused comments about specific topics, from your kindred spirits 😊 The most important part of a community is its culture. Each of us (who participate here) influence the culture with every interaction we have here. A few values to keep in mind: Comment once, reply twice. For each comment you make, look for 2 other comments (especially ones with few replies) and add a reply – with your encouragement and suggestions (if appropriate). This helps to balance the comment/reply ratio, and gives you practice in seeking and giving support here. Notice and name each others' energy signatures. Each person's presence is unique, and each person has their strengths. It can be difficult for us to notice our own, and easier to notice others'. Whenever you notice someone's comment that refers to something personal to them, try to name something that you appreciate. We all have a fear of being fully seen. Let’s help each other feel accepted and received. Co-Learning Community. Nobody here (not even the "teacher") knows everything about market research/discovery... it's a rich process that can be customized greatly to each person's way of doing things, so let's create a co-learning environment here. Even I as a "teacher" can and will learn from your shares too! Share generously. Be supportive of others here. If you discover something that works, or hear about a great tip that helps with market discovery, please do share it with us. Comment under the appropriate lesson if possible, or if not sure where, just comment below. Sharing will make this course better for all of us! Keep all sharings confidential. Let's keep this a safe space for sharing by promising to keep all comments (particularly the personal ones) confidential. Let me know below if these values are helpful, and if you have any suggestions. The values we embody here is what makes this course experience amazing for each other 😊 If no comments below and no ability to comment, first log into this course.
Thank you for engaging with my courses! I truly am grateful to be able to support you, my students and clients, in growing your authentic business. It’s what I love doing the most. 🤗 At the same time, since I'm (mostly) a solopreneur, I also need to keep healthy boundaries with those I'm supporting... so I hope you will keep these in mind... Ways I dislike getting questions: Social media private messaging -- whether it's FB messaging, IG dm's, Twitter, LinkedIn etc... I really dislike getting questions through those channels because it's hard to organize messages in those places. Kindly refrain from asking me questions via social media direct messages. Email -- I don't mind getting questions via email if it's enrollment-related: something you need to clarify before signing up for my courses or programs. If it's questions related to the content of my courses, e.g. concepts, exercises, feedback requests etc, please use one of the following methods... Ways I love to receive your questions: Q&A calls -- this is my favorite way to engage with you and take your questions! There, you can ask me anything 🤗 Even if you’re not clear about your question, coming to the call will likely give you inspiration and ideas! You can then ask me about specific concepts, or how to apply them to your business. We can troubleshoot what's not working, or address specific challenges you're having. You can also seek my feedback about anything including your strategy, website, content, offers, or anything else. Click here: George Kao Q&A Calls. Comments under Lessons -- if you can't come to my Q&A calls or would love to get an answer sooner, find the course (George Kao Courses) related to the topic of your question. Go there, find the related lesson, and then comment underneath. This keeps the Q&A focused on a specific topic. I'll do my best to respond to your question within a few days. Members of ABC/MasterHeart -- I'd love for you to post your questions in our private forum, so that you can receive responses from other members. Your questions will also help me prepare for the next ABC Q&A calls. Even if you can't post your questions, you can still come to the Q&A calls and ask directly. Thank you for understanding! 🙏🏼 As business owners / service providers we each need to find a way to keep healthy boundaries in our work! I hope this page/video gives you some ideas for how to maintain a good relationship with your own audience as well. 😊
Thank for being clear and upfront about how we can get in contact with you when we need more guidance on the provided course materials. This is the first time ever I had a course instructor explain how he likes and dislikes to be contacted. Very inspiring.
For me frameworks visually transport the essence of what you do. I really like the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - strictly said they may not classify as framework - and still they are a great way to pivot where you plan to have an impact. By the way, if scaling your impact and sustainability is of interest to you - let me know. Happy to connect.