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    Module 1 -- Begin with your energy and ideas...
    • Welcome to Module 2! Here's an overview...
      Welcome to Module 2! Here's an overview..
    • ✍🏽 What are your Easily Referrable Issues? (ERI)
      ERI - easily referrable issue
    • Understand this -- your modality vs ERI's...
      Understand this -- your modality vs ERI's..
    • ...but what if I don't know what my audience thinks is Easily Referrable?
    • (Optional) Poll when you have "too many issues" 😄
      Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market Discovery
    • 🔎 Google your ERI's and look for "People also ask"
      ERI validation via Google "People also ask"
    • For "People also ask" you have to use Google search, not DuckDuckGo or other search engines...
      For "People also ask" you have to use Google search, not DuckDuckGo or other search engines..
    • 🔎 Ai chatbots can help too, with wordings & additional ERIs
      AI chatbots for ERI clarification
    • (Optional) Search social media for your ERI's and update if needed
      social media search to get more ERI ideas
    • Set up your appointment calendar first...
      set up a scheduling booking calendar link
    • ⭐️ Outreach Message for Market Discovery Calls (MDCs)
      Post your MDC outreach post
    • Ask your supporters for help spreading your post... especially if not getting enough responses
      send your social media post to your supporters to support it
    • 💪🏽 Reminder: you probably need to be messaging (a lot) more people...
      Message people right away after making your MDC request post
    • When they respond “Yes”...
      What happens when you say Yes to MDC outreach post?
    • 🤝 Market Discovery in a LOCAL context (in-person networking)
      How to apply the Market Discovery process to local connections?
    • How long should MDCs be?
      How long should MDCs be?
    • To get more MDC's -- consider telling your people about a due date :)
      To get more MDC's -- consider telling your people about a due date :)
    • MDCs as a call-to-action at end of Social Media posts (Jonah Richman example)
      MDCs as a call-to-action at end of Social Media posts
    • What if people say "no" or "I already have someone"...
      What if people say "no" or "I already have someone"..
    • Alternative to conversations -- private messaging threads
      do private messaging instead of a call?
    • 🎁 What about offering an incentive / thank you gift?
      incentive for MDC's?
    • Schedule your reminder emails
      Schedule reminder emails for your MDCs
    • Pivoting your ERI if you're not getting Yes's...
      Pivoting your ERI if you're not getting Yes's..
    • Nethra's experience turning ERIs into newsletter content and workshop proposal
      Nethra's experience turning ERIs into newsletter content and workshop proposal
    • Larger audience therefore less able to say Yes to 1-1 convos?
      Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market Discovery
    • Module 2 Check-In / Homework
      Market Discovery Module 2 homework
    • (Optional) Udemy Research
      Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market Discovery
    • Overview of Module 3
      Overview of Module 3 for Market Discovery
    • Good (and bad) reasons to do MDCs
      reasons to do MDCs
    • Expanding beyond the same few people you keep reaching out to...
      Expanding beyond the same few people you keep reaching out to..
    • Want vs Need
      want vs need
    • What if your core offer isn't what they want? Do you *have* to offer something different? Consider different introductory offers...
      What if your core offer isn't what they want? Do you *have* to offer something different? Consider different introductory offers..
    • ⭐️ How to do an MDC (Market Discovery Call)
      how to do MDCs?
    • What if during the MDC you find out they're not your ideal client?
      What if during the MDC you find out they're not your ideal client?
    • Do we allow people to keep sharing deeply, or move onto next questions?
      MDC's -- do we allow people to keep sharing deeply, or move onto next questions?
    • At this stage, take the offer formats lightly...
      MDC - don't worry about formats
    • Stay organized -- fill out a Google Form for each MDC
      Taking notes for your MDC
    • 🤗 Would you like to practice MDCs with your fellow students?
      practice MDCs with others?
    • Follow up message to send after an MDC
      MDC follow up email
    • (optional) Follow-up google form example
      Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market Discovery
    • Advanced -- Market Discovery GROUP Call
      Group MDC calls
    • Invite new clients to do an MDC
      Got a new client? Do an MDC with them asap :)
    • Invite new subscribers & fans to do MDCs
      Do MDCs with new your fans
    • Welcome to Module 4!
      Welcome to Module 4 (Authentic Market Discovery)
    • Overwhelmed with info from your MDCs?
      overwhemeld by MDC data?
    • Ai support to integrate your MDCs 🦾
      use Ai to analyze your MDC
    • 📊 Spreadsheet for Integrating MDCs
      MDC analysis using spreadsheet
    • Awareness Log (problem-aware, solutions-aware, etc.)
      Stages of Client Awareness -- problem aware to solutions aware etc
    • Can also use Ai to integrate the spreadsheet info :)
      Ai can analyze spreadsheets too
    • How many MDCs to do on a regular basis?
      how many MDCs to do?
    • How many MDCs before you start coming to conclusions?
      How many MDCs before you start coming to conclusions?
    • Brainstorm some Offer Ideas now...
      turn MDC data into offer ideas
    • Not only offers, but ideas for content as well!
      MDCs help you clarify content ideas
    • Be open to a different format of your offers
      Be open to a different format of your offers
    • Overwhelmed by what you're hearing in your MDCs? Remember to launch lightly...
      Overwhelmed by what you're hearing in your MDCs? Remember to launch lightly..
    • Overview of This Module
      Market Discovery Module 5
    • Why Polls?
      Why MD polls?
    • Make sure the *options* of your polls are coming from real conversations though...
      Polling isn't for figuring out the options of the polls
    • Macro Topical Poll
      Macro Topical Polls
    • Sub-Topical Poll
      Sub-topical poll
    • To get more responses to your polls...
      Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market Discovery
    • Some of your supporters might be willing to SHARE your poll with their people...
      Some of your supporters might be willing to SHARE your poll with their people..
    • Title Polls
      Title Polls
    • How to use Google Forms for bias-free polls
      Google Form - randomize questions
    • More Google Form geekery -- how to use If-Then to segment your audience
      If-Then Google Form
    • Image Poll
      Image poll
    • Format Poll
      Format polls
    • Should we do Market Discovery in terms of pricing?
      Should we do Market Discovery in terms of pricing?
    • Should we poll our audience about dates/times to set an event?
      Should we poll our audience about dates/times to set an event?
    • Polling via 1-1 free sessions
      Polling via 1-1 free sessions
    • Got another type of poll not listed above?
      Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market Discovery
    • using SMS and mass-DM'ing for polling?
      using SMS and mass-DM'ing for polling?
    • Polls don't replace MDCs though...
      Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market Discovery
    • Ultimate MD poll is your Offer 😅 – therefore, frequent gentle launches.
      Selling is the ultimate poll
    • Welcome to Module 6! 👏🏽
      Welcome to Module 6 (Authentic Market Discovery)
    • What if my poll's responses are all from my personal invites?
      What if my poll's responses are all from my personal invites?
    • ⭐️ How I gain insight Google Forms polling data to make the obvious choice
      Analyze polling data with google forms
    • The key to a highly relevant offer -- best voted Topic, Title, Subtopic, Image...
      market discovery is to help you create better offers
    • ⭐️ What's a Gentle Launch?
      Gentle Launch (market discovery course)
    • ꩜ Spiral upwards to ever greater clarity✨
      market discovery -- spiraling upwards
    • Can you use Market Discovery process to clarify your content and grow your audience? Yes.
      Can you use Market Discovery process to clarify your content and grow your audience? Yes
    • "I don't know if what I do is UNIQUE... many others do what I do?"
      "I don't know if what I do is UNIQUE..
    • Niching down one's Offer (solving specific problem) puts us in a box / cuts off our holistic energy doesn't it?
      Niching down one's Offer (solving specific problem) puts us in a box / cuts off our holistic energy doesn't it?
    • 2 possible niches - which should I do market discovery about?
      2 possible niches - which should I do market discovery about?
    • I have lots of ideas - what if I have several different niches? What nichemates to reach out to?
      I have lots of ideas - what if I have several different niches? What nichemates to reach out to?
    • Nichemates - reach out to "direct competitors" or adjacent type of business?
      Nichemates - reach out to "direct competitors" or adjacent type of business?
    • How to find my nichemates to have conversations with?
      How to find my nichemates to have conversations with?
    • What if your nichemates feel competitive and don't want to share intel?
      What if your nichemates feel competitive and don't want to share intel?
    • How to prioritize what types of people to reach out to for MDC's -- warmer or cooler people?
      How to prioritize what types of people to reach out to for MDC's -- warmer or cooler people?
    • Invite your YouTube audience to do MDCs? Too much?
      Invite your YouTube audience to do MDCs? Too much?
    • "The people I know don't want to buy my thing, I need to talk to new people..."
      "The people I know don't want to buy my thing, I need to talk to new people..
    • I already offer things - what do I do with those re: market discovery?
      I already offer things - what do I do with those re: market discovery?
    • corporate fitness training - 1-1 price too much?
      corporate fitness training - 1-1 price too much?
    • ADHD coach wants to launch a group program - how does market discovery help?
      Example - ADHD coach wants to launch a group program - how does market discovery help?
    • "I polled people, created a product, they didn't buy... why?"
      "I polled people, created a product, they didn't buy..
    • speak to empowered people vs vulnerable people?
      speak to empowered people vs vulnerable people?
    • If you work with internal states... is it easily referrable?
      You work with internal states, is it easily referrable?
    • "My ERI are personal issues -- not easily referrable -- what to do?"
      "My ERI are personal issues -- not easily referrable -- what to do?"
    • Sensitive issues that people are shy to say Yes to? Or masked issues they don't realize they have?
      Sensitive issues that people are shy to say Yes to? Or masked issues they don't realize they have?
    • Gentle launches for 1-1 coaching offer -- keep switching ERIs?
      Gentle launches for 1-1 coaching offer -- keep switching ERIs?
    • Which is more useful -- nichemate calls or MDCs?
      Which is more useful -- nichemate calls or MDCs?
    • MDC: should you ask demographic info from someone you already know?
      should you ask demographic info from someone you already know?
    • Sample MDC -- Michael Williams
      sample MDC with Michael Williams
    • Sample MDC - Seth Harwood and Artie Vipperla
      Sample MDC - Seth Harwood and Artie Vipperla
    • MDC: what if you find yourself creating solutions for them already?
      MDC: what if you find yourself creating solutions for them already?
    • What if what THEY want, you believe is a bad solution for them?
      What if what THEY want, you believe is a bad solution for them?
    • Do people pay for revolutionary things, or only already-perceived problems/desires?
      Do people pay for revolutionary things, or only already-perceived problems/desires?
    • Making an ERI more specific
      Making an ERI more specific
    • In your MDC's should you ask them to see if your method/modality is interesting?
      is our method is going to work for them?
    • Your offers aren't selling well - you need to do market research because of your saturated market...
      Your offers aren't selling well - you need to do market research because of your saturated market
    • Market Research - Most Important Questions
      Market research_ most important questions_
    • How to decide which product to work on and launch next?
      How to decide which product to work on and launch next
    • Market research request posts -- How to get more responses?
      Market research request posts -- How to get more responses?
    • Group Q&A Call Strategy to engage with your audience and do some market research
      Group Q&A Call Strategy to engage with your audience and do some market research

Welcome to the course! + Our community values

A warm welcome to the authentic market discovery course. I believe that this is one of the most important courses I've ever taught, and I know I probably say that in every course, but this one this time it's true. No. Really, market discovery is by the way, I used to call it market research. And then through my market research, I discovered that my audience doesn't like the term market research, and they preferred the term market discovery.
And, of course, I had to throw in the word authentic in front of it because, you know, I put authentic in front of everything. Here's an authentic taco that I'm eating, you know, whatever. That that's actually true. Now that I'm in Mexico, I've moved to Mexico last year. So the tacos I hear literally are authentic tacos.
Funny example that I just brought up. But, market discovery is the process the the fact that you're here, you probably know why you're here, but just briefly, it's the process of to me, it's the process of figuring out your calling in business. Okay? It's the I should better it's a process of your business figuring out its calling. Because without understanding the the intersection between what your business can provide, which for us solpreneurs is like your passion, your energy signature, the things you love doing for others and with others, your passions, let's say, on the one hand, and the market's demands.
What the market actually wants to buy from you, what the market is hungry for at this time in the world. That intersection, that sweet spot that we're looking for is the calling of our business. And how can you find that sweet spot unless you do market discovery? Well, the other way of doing it is flailing around for years and finding that you try selling a bunch of stuff and it doesn't sell. Oh oh my gosh.
Suddenly, this thing really sells. That's market discovery by default. That's market discovery by, you know, like, putting together product and services and trying to sell it and seeing what sells. It's a painful type of market discovery, which all of us do by default because we don't know any other better way. Well, this course, I hope, is that better way that you'll discover.
So I'm really glad you're here. I think you're smarter than most of my audience for saying yes to this course. I think you're going to have an easier time in business in the coming years by by using this method. So I'm really happy that you're here. My courses, I see them more as a community of colearning.
So I really wanna encourage you to look at the notes below this video and really sit with the values that I've, listed below and, set an intention to see others in this course as a colearning partner. You're gonna learn from them probably from their comments, and they're gonna learn from you. And I'm gonna learn from your comments as well. So I really encourage you to be generous about commenting throughout the course and to be generous in replying to other people's comments. Because as you know, when someone replies to your comment, you feel good.
You feel seen well if their comment is appreciative. Right? You feel seen and encouraged. So I really wanna bring that here as an important first moment in our course. So enjoy our colearning community.
I look forward to seeing you benefit a lot from this process and, seeing you enjoy learning from each other as well. So with that, let's move on to the next lesson.


A warm welcome here!

I encourage us to see this course as a community... not comments from random people, but rather, focused comments about specific topics, from your kindred spirits 😊

The most important part of a community is its culture. Each of us (who participate here) influence the culture with every interaction we have here. 

A few values to keep in mind:

  1. Comment once, reply twice. For each comment you make, look for 2 other comments (especially ones with few replies) and add a reply – with your encouragement and suggestions (if appropriate). This helps to balance the comment/reply ratio, and gives you practice in seeking and giving support here.

  2. Notice and name each others' energy signatures. Each person's presence is unique, and each person has their strengths. It can be difficult for us to notice our own, and easier to notice others'. Whenever you notice someone's comment that refers to something personal to them, try to name something that you appreciate. We all have a fear of being fully seen. Let’s help each other feel accepted and received.

  3. Co-Learning Community. Nobody here (not even the "teacher") knows everything about market research/discovery... it's a rich process that can be customized greatly to each person's way of doing things, so let's create a co-learning environment here. Even I as a "teacher" can and will learn from your shares too!

  4. Share generously. Be supportive of others here. If you discover something that works, or hear about a great tip that helps with market discovery, please do share it with us. Comment under the appropriate lesson if possible, or if not sure where, just comment below. Sharing will make this course better for all of us!

  5. Keep all sharings confidential.  Let's keep this a safe space for sharing by promising to keep all comments (particularly the personal ones) confidential.

Let me know below if these values are helpful, and if you have any suggestions.

The values we embody here is what makes this course experience amazing for each other 😊

If no comments below and no ability to comment, first log into this course.

Last updated 24 Apr 2024.