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Welcome to our Instagram course + Our community values

Warm welcome to the Instagram mastery course, or I think I called it the authentic Instagram mastery course. If you don't know, I put the word authentic in front of everything. Okay. So I'm, like, having an, a dinner. I'll say, this is my authentic dinner.
No. So but it really is true that I try to teach marketing and business from a space that is more, I guess, you might say heart based or more real. And, like, I try to not I try to call out the shenanigans that people are doing in in their marketing. That's not that's not authentic or genuine. So that's that's the feel I hope that you get from this course and that will encourage you to really be your real authentic self on Instagram and thereby build a true fan audience.
So I'm George Kao. I should mention some of you don't know me because Sean introduced you, and I've got Sean here on the screen as well. Sean, thank you. Hi, everybody. Yeah.
Thanks for being here. Sean, is I'm I'm in I'm really excited about this course because usually I teach all my courses by myself. And this is one I haven't co taught a course in years, actually. I don't remember the last time I co taught a course, to be honest with you. I'm sure I I have before.
But I wanted to I've I've taught Instagram course already in the past a couple of times, but I wanted to reboot it this time with Sean's experience in the mix. Because Sean has, has is a is a big creator on Instagram with 2 100 almost 250,000 followers there, and I have a measly 10,000 almost 9,000 followers there. So you're gonna get this this experience, this kind of, the small creator or small medium creator and large creator experience, and I think you'll it's pretty makes the course pretty unique this way. So what I wanna do in this segment and Sean, you can chime in. You're welcome to interrupt me anytime because I I tend to just talk, talk, talk.
So feel free to just, you know, speak or raise your hand, Sean. But I want to start by talking about the values of this course. And that's unusual because people usually jump in and say, alright, click here on Instagram to to do this. But I really believe that the most valuable part of my courses is the co learning community. And the reason is because well, especially with, well, I think with most topics in life, but especially when it comes to marketing and business and technology, things change so fast and the topic is so vast and complex that I if I were to say I'm your teacher, Sean Sean and I are your teachers, you should do what we do, you should do what we tell you, You might do some of that, but I feel like you can learn so much from each other as well.
So, is it okay that we are a co learning community here? Raise your hand if if that's okay with you. For those of you who didn't raise your hand, that's okay. You can you can still enjoy the course even even being a a lone wolf and not not willing to learn from anybody else. No.
So so I that's this is really I really welcome it. You know, when you as you go through this course and you see the various segments and you have something to add, you know, something to add that maybe even, contrary to what I'm saying or to what Sean's saying, but you find it to be useful to you or to other people that you've talked to, please let us know because we don't know everything. You might think we know everything. No. We we really, you know, are looking forward to learning, together.
And so please share generously in the comments. The other thing is when you make a comment, if you can look at the comment section and see if there are 2 other comments you wanna reply to, so that you you keep the comment reply ratio help us keep the comment reply ratio healthier rather than everyone just talking to every talking to the void that we're talking to each other a bit in the comment section, in the course platform. So with that, let's move on. Sean, anything you wanna say about how you're seeing this course and and what brought you here? Yeah.
So I'm I'm super happy to be working with you and and to share I think what we're gonna do here is share what we have done and what has worked for us and also what hasn't worked for us, which also means that there's a bunch of stuff that I'm not doing, that George isn't doing. And it doesn't mean that just because we're not doing it, it's not helpful or useful or a good growth strategy. So, Instagram is like you said, George, you were talking about this yesterday, always changing, always adding new features, stickers. I don't use, like, 90% of the features on Instagram. I found a thing that works for me, and I continue to do that thing.
And sometimes I test little, you know, little upgrades. And so if if we share something that doesn't resonate with you, great. Don't do it. And if you do something that's that we don't do, then share it with us and with everybody here so that maybe we can learn a new thing. We're just gonna share with you all, like, what has worked for us.
Yeah. So Yeah. That's that's all I have to share right now. Yeah. Awesome.
Thank you so much, Sean. And, you will notice, those who anyway, I'll just say, you know, the the courses in 6 modules. I'm gonna be, heading up modules 12 and 6, and Sean will be heading up modules 3, 4, and 5. So those of you who are mainly here for Sean's strategies, you can pretty much ignore ignore ignore modules 1 and 2 and 6 now and focus on Sean's modules 3, 4, and 5. So with that, let's move on to the next lesson.

A warm welcome here!

The biggest value you'll get from this course, I believe, is each other.

Through the mechanism of this course, we've brought together here a focused community...  not just random comments from random people, but rather, helpful and kind comments from your fellow authentic Instagram creators, for the purpose of learning and encouragement

A community is defined by its culture... and each of us is a culture-setter. We influence one another and the whole, with every interaction we have. 

A few principles for us to keep in mind:

  1. Comment once, reply twice. For each comment that you make, look for 2 other people's comments (especially ones with few comments) and add a reply – with your encouragement and suggestions if appropriate. This helps to balance the comment/reply ratio, and gives you practice in seeking and giving support in this community.

  2. Notice and name each others' energy signatures. Each person's presence and strengths are unique. It can be difficult for us to notice our own, and easier to notice others'. When you reply to someone’s comment, if they're sharing something personal, try to name something, however small, that you appreciate about their energy signature. Many of us have a fear of being seen. Let’s help each other feel fully accepted and received.

  3. Co-Learning Community. Nobody here (not even the "teachers") know everything about Instagram... far from it. It's a vast and complex platform with constant updates. Let's create a co-learning environment here. Even we "teachers" are learning from your shares too!

  4. Share generously. Be supportive of others here. If you discover something that works, or hear about a great tip, please do share it with us. Comment under the appropriate lesson if possible, or if not sure where, just comment under the IG Tips lesson. Sharing will make this course better for all of us!

  5. Keep all sharings confidential.  Let's keep this a safe space for sharing by promising to keep all comments (particularly the personal ones) confidential.

The values we embody together here is what makes this course experience amazing for each other 😊

Comment below if you have any reflections on these values, or have a suggestion. 

If you see no comments below, and no ability to comment, first log into this course.

Last updated 1 Apr 2024.