
Sina Birkholz

About Sina

Hey everyone! I am a curious and open-minded person. Several years ago a crisis in my personal life (around job and relationships at the same time) took me on a path of self-growth and healing. Some of the things I have learned on the way are: how much trauma I carried and how much trauma most people carry; that the answer to pretty much all our issues can be find within our own bodies; that getting to a life of flow were you feel on the right track and have all that you need to be happy is entirely possible.

Inspired and motivated by my own experience, I share with others.Β 

I am trained in a number of modalities, such as Shamanic methods, Compassionate Inquiry and Clarity Breathwork. I blend all of these with IFS and mindfulness. I have offered a variety of formats over the past years - some with success, others without it. Overall my business is constantly going - but never going as well as I want it to.

I am currently figuring out what niche and offering to focus on next. And how to do it well.


Posts and comments

9 Jul 2024 Commented on Welcome to Module 4!
3 Jul 2024 Replied to a comment on Overwhelmed with info from your MDCs?
1 Jul 2024 Commented on Overwhelmed with info from your MDCs?
15 Jun 2024 Replied to a comment on When your things don't sell... why not?
Replied to a comment on When your things don't sell... why not?
3 Jun 2024 Commented on When your things don't sell... why not?
Replied to a comment on When your things don't sell... why not?
Replied to a comment on When your things don't sell... why not?
Replied to a comment on When your things don't sell... why not?
2 Jun 2024 Commented on Ways I dislike -- and ways I like -- for you to ask me questions πŸ˜