Alright.So welcome to module 4.I'm so glad you're here.Congratulations on, doing the outreach for the market discovery calls and and hopefully, by this point, doing at least some of them, at least with 1 another.Right?
So you can start getting the practice and start getting some that might actually be useful for your offer.So I wanna just go ahead and give you an overview of, what we're gonna cover in this module.And so give me 1 moment here.Alright.So in this module, we're going to work on taking all the information you're getting from mark discovery calls and making sense out of it.
So integrating your MDC data essentially.I'm gonna give you several ways of doing that.A very simple way, and maybe some of you are open to this, would be using AI to integrate your data.I mean, literally, you could copy paste your your all your market discovery call notes, into a document.You can save that document and upload that document to AI chat, to say, hey.
Pull please pull out the top 10 themes.Pull please pull out the major 3 themes for me and can have a conversation with me about them.Right?It could be as simple as that.I I will show that to you in in this particular lesson if you are interested in doing that.
If you're interested in doing it manually, which I certainly did, well before AI.I was doing market discovery integration, so I was doing it manually for years, and I've given you a spreadsheet for how to how to do that manually.And I think it's interesting even if you're using AI to just do some of it manually so that you can kind of get a very personal feel for the for the, for the information that's coming in.Like, work with it with your hands, essentially, so that you you you get your intuition going with that.So I'll give you a spreadsheet for for using that.
I'll walk you through the spreadsheet how to use it.And then you can also use AI to integrate your spreadsheet info.Your spreadsheet might become unwieldy at some point, and you can download that spreadsheet uploaded AI to help you analyze that as well.That's an that's an option.And then, basically, we end by talking about, you know, starting to to use your data to create content and create offers.
So pretty pretty simple, simple module.I hope you enjoy it.I hope you really make use of it.That's the most important thing.You actually use these things.
Now there may be even another way, I'm sure, of integrating your data.Maybe just you're like, I don't know, writing morning pages about with your with your notes in front of you or something like that.So there's I'm sure there's other ways, and feel free to comment below this video if, if there are other ways besides what I taught you in this module to integrate your data that you're finding useful because, ultimately, the point of it is not just to have all these conversations, which may be feeling connected, and that's a good thing on its own.But ultimately, what we want is to take these conversations and make much more relevant offers, products, and services, packages, programs.Make much more real making that much more relevant so that when you do offer it and sell it, people go, oh my gosh.
How did you know that's exactly what I want?So that's the that's the dream.And so get going with integrating your data.