Keith Logan

Hello :)  My name is Keith Logan. I live in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains in Northern California. My first loves are hiking in Nature and traveling in Europe. 

I love George's understanding and offering of authenticity, integrity, and truthfulness in marketing, connecting with spirit…

Active 3mo ago Joined 15 Feb 2023 Nevada City (GMT-12:00) International Date Line West

George and Cognition

@George Kao , this is where tech led me to post this perception/appreciation on the video right before the Energy Reboot technique—the one with the Peace Pilgrim story.

George, you have on your own realized and expressed the same ancient Vedic wisdom contained in the words "Yogasta kuru karmani." which means, "Established in Union, established in Being, perform action." This is the state of performing action free from the attachment to the outcome. With one's consciousness naturally settled …

Why don't things sell? 8:05
When your things don't sell... why not?

Why do you think that is? Before you continue to read, comment below first on what your hunch tells you...  If your stuff isn't selling well, here's why it might be...  You might be thinking a lot in isolation when it comes to what to offer. Analogy of mountaintop vs people at the river. To get clients, you must sell what others want (not just what you want). To understand what they want (to buy), you must do market discovery... that's what this course is about! Find out what your people are hungry for... for which they aren't finding satisfying options. Find the gaps in offerings that your people are *eagerly* looking for. Finding "product-market fit" is life or death for a business. For us who are coaches/healers/mentors, this translates into "You-topic-format-audience fit". You = your energy signature Topic = what your services are about Format = offer format, e.g. 1-1 services, group programs, or something else? Audience = of all the people you can reach, who's most interested to work with you? This is what the Authentic Market Discovery process unconvers. We help you discover what your ideal clients must buy, not just would be "nice to have." Bottom line -- You must choose the right thing to offer, if you want people to buy from you...


@George Kao I loved the metaphor of the mountain and the river. That really resonated with me and helped me understand what my problem is. 
Keith Logan 🔤 ABC

@Sina Birkholz I   commend you for thinking to go down to the river. I think it may be a challenge, especially in self-improvement/personal growth fields like yours. How do you speak to someone's need if you do not know they are looking? Maybe they are looking but do not want to admit it.  It would be great if there were a river where everyone swam in the "I want self-improvement river," but those are maybe only seminars and fairs. So, it is A) impressive that you have a successful practice, and B) bold to be willing to find a way to dialogue with the rivergoers.  
Keith Logan 🔤 ABC

I am discovering a positive emotional experience in hearing the innocent response to my inquiries about Investment Education. I start with the statement, "I don't want your money, I want your opinion." Then tell my story and ask which they think would be of interest to people...travel writing and expertise of investment education. Hands down investment not ed, and they have expressed a real need and desire. Cool..


When things don't sell at all it's because people probably don't actually want them. They don't see the value for them.

I like this definition of "selling" from Michael Neill:

"Selling is finding out what people already actually want and helping them get it." 

He goes on to say that we do this by listening and getting to know people. 💡

If what I've got isn't selling, people don't think it will help them get what they want. They don't see the value or the value isn't there for them.

There's no judgement in this; it's just how it works. It's my job to communicate the impact of what I do as clearly as possible so that I can help the people I'm here to serve. 

I believe the ways to create value are infinite, so it's just a matter of time before we find the match. 🤗

Keith Logan 🔤 ABC

@Stephanie Benedetto This is certainly true in my experience. Kaiser Aluminum, which became all the Kaiser industries...Mr. Kaiser started with the phrase, "Find a need, and fill it." It is finding the need...market discovery. There is also the beautiful affirmation, "What you are seeking is seeking you."

I experienced my first taste of this when I asked my first market survey question. My romantic travel writing got no hits, my Investment Education was a total sign me up!  It was very encouraging. 

Simple administrative question

Where, who, or how can I ask about George's Live Events and Course Events calendar?

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

@Keith Logan here's a good place to ask!  
Keith Logan 🔤 ABC

@George Kao Thank you for your reply. My first two questions: There are two cohorts of the Market Discovery course. I have joined the June cohort. On the calendar, there is a Market Discovery live session on Mondays at 9 a.m. and also on Wednesdays at 9 a.m. Which of those should I attend? I have been aiming for the Monday class.

Second, is the Watch Party and Q&A on Wednesday, 5 pm Pacific time for both cohorts?


Dipanshu Rawal 🌱 Conversation Starter 🔤 ABC

Hey Keith 

Ask your question? Maybe I can help :)

Keith Logan 🔤 ABC

@Dipanshu Rawal Ciao Dipanshu, I am just now getting over a little dance with Covid. I am making progress on re-engagement. See my questions in George's reply...if you can help...great!