Fi Kahani

Please add me wherever you find me!!


Host of The Sound Of Listening Podcast: A Space to Center Ourselves.

Founder: HappyTec: 

I'm always looking for guests for my private, community-supported podcast! Let me know if you're interested. All guests are offered a share of the profits from the month of their episode!

I love kayaking, being 90% vegan, and meditating. 

Currently living on the road full-time as a digital nomad

Any Pronouns

Active 14h ago Joined 12 Apr 2023 (GMT-06:00) Canada/Central
Substack for Soulpreneurs -- Turn your passion into a sustainable income
Bonus Q&A Webinars -- Live Support Calls

When you signed up for the course, you received a few months of live Q&A access: See the dates & sign up for the Q&A You can "mark as complete" below to acknowledge knowing about the Q&A calls :)

Fi Kahani 🔤 ABC

@George Kao I signed up for tomorrow. It's about Substack. I had someone recommend my Substack and I'm not sure about the overlap in our communities. I messaged him and asked for a Zoom meeting and he hasn't responded. I'm feeling concerned and wondering if I should stop him from recommending it. Thanks

Welcome to Framework Course 4:23
Warm welcome to the Frameworks course 🤗

Warm welcome! Overall, I view my courses as a learning community that I'm facilitating -- we learn from each other, I learn from you, as well as you learn from whatever I share that is relevant to you. I invite your questions and your replies to each other's questions.  Be helpful, be kind, be engaged in the chat only as much as you'd enjoy. Let's dive right in -- "What is a signature framework" is the title of this module...  Here's the unconventional way we'll get to that understanding: Instead of me telling you the definition (for you to memorize or something!) I'd like to invite you to create the definition for yourself, from what I'm going to share with you, which are examples and metaphors in the coming lessons. Truth is most powerful when it's personally created and articulated. In other words, you're going to create a framework for what is a signature framework ;) Shall we give it a try?   At this point, before we get into seeing examples, what do you think a "signature framework" is?

Fi Kahani 🔤 ABC

Where do I find the Zoom link...


For the spotlight this evening - I'm very lost on how to prioritize and scale.

For unblockme, there is recurring revenue through 5 clients and we're getting about $3k/mo there. Going to put happytec: in here. but this doesn't as much fit my calling but it pays the bills faster. IG and facebook set up for unblockme. but not for happytec:. can I run happytec: from those pages as an offering? it's DFY tech support

I have 9 paid subscribers on the sound of listening and making over $700/year. gettin…

Fi Kahani 🔤 ABC

@George Kao I set up IG and FB then realized that I'm not sure about the offers I should craft. Since you're more in touch, can we have a discovery call? 🙏🏾

Thanks everyone ☺️🙏🏾

Thanks for a great year y'all! I learned so much. I'll be around in JoyPro next year so hopefully I'll see some of you there. You're a blessing. And you're love(d). 🪷

Christine Weddle 🔤 ABC

Will see you in JoyPro! And on social media. I think we’re friends on LI? 

Judy Solomon 🔤 ABC

Thank you @Fi Kahani, yes see you in JoyPro next year.