Kanan Tekchandani

Hi I'm Kanan,

I identify as twice-exceptional/2e - that means autistic and gifted.  More specifically I identify as Aspergers.  I am married with 2 teens and we are a neurodiverse family!  There are facets of giftedness, Adhd and autism.  Life is intense in our household!

I am now a holistic coach…

Active 10mo ago Joined 6 Mar 2023 Enfield (GMT+00:00) London

Soul Gym

@George Kao I'm a Soul Gym member but I'm not using the live sessions for various reasons. I like working my way through the Authentic Content FLow videos in my own time.  Is it possible to just have access to the course or is it only possible as a member of Soul Gym?  If it is possible, is it something I can use my credits to buy?  Thanks 

I did what was on my calendar...it's a miracle!

It seems simple enough, right? Schedule it in, then do what the schedule tells you to do. Somehow my inner rebel hates being told what to do....but I suspect it's not actually rebellion, but resistance. 

I wonder why I'm so squirmy about the tasks on my calendar. This has been going on quite a while. I can see it holding me back from moving forward. 

It's not because I'm disorganized. 

It's not because I don't know what to do.

It's because of resistance. It's because I don't do what I said I …


Firstly, love the paddle board and yoga leggings Susan!  

Secondly, yes I get this resistance feeling too.  Often its a delay until I feel ready to do the thing(s) that i dont really deep down want to do.

Its great when we finally do it isn't it - knowing we made it through despite that resistance?

It reminds me of a moment in my life where I was gee-ing myself up to talk on stage - we were all given a chance to just get up there, hold the microphone and say whatever we wanted.  I was mentally determined I would do it, but when it came to it I just couldn't overcome the feelings in me.  I eventually managed to create a safer space to talk - i offered a free talk about vision boards in a small local cafe I go to a lot. Having just 4 people listen rather than the 100s made it more doable!  I saw that my own resistance was to the size or rather the energy I was exposing myself to!  I still feel the resistance these days but i know how I can make it more doable now.  

Keep up the paddling and overcoming the resistance!  In your own time!


@Susan Tutt yes this sounds awesome - getting into the flow with safety!  I keep thinking of George's phrase "flailing around til I make it" - it really resonates with me as its giving permission for how messy and uncertain it feels while in the trying to do the thing!

Resistance for sure is a good messenger I believe!

Small talk or silence? Your choice.

I don’t like to do things/talk unless there is a POINT to it.

I find small talk difficult.  There is a resistance inside me. 

Talk to a crowd to educate them and advocate for ADHDers/autistics/aspies/gifted/2e’ers?

No problem, I could talk for England as they say.  You might even get bored of hearing about it!

Why waste energy talking about meaningless/insignificant things?

Well, I will do this when it makes the other person more comfortable.  Then there is a purpose to it.


I Am Not Loved

One of the 2 universal human fears.

The other being “I’m not good enough”.

What does it feel like to feel like you are not loved?

What sensations do you notice in your body when you think of someone you love who you think/feel doesn’t love you?

Where do you feel it?

I have heard clients describe it as a knife in the heart.

Tightness in the chest, at the heartspace.

Heartache, heartbreak.

When I hear my clients talk about not being loved, I feel it deeply in my own body.  I have an empath…

Donna Becker 🔤 ABC

I love this @Kanan Tekchandani . 
I couldnt have said it better. 


@Kanan Tekchandani  This was on my radar today! Thanks for the post!


@Devora Gila Berkowitz 😅

I have been away on a yoga and meditation retreat so was a bit quiet last week!