TeAroha Haunui

Kia Ora,

I'm TeAroha, a Maori woman from beautiful New Zealand residing on Giabal and Jarowai land in Australia. 

I am an Intuitive Guide, Circle Facilitator, and Life Coach

As a heart-centred solopreneur, my ultimate service to this world would be supporting indigenous women to reconnect back to…

Active 12d ago Joined 6 Jun 2022 Toowoomba (GMT+10:00) Brisbane

Tool to get you to use simple language when answering "What do you do?".

One of my clients came across this site, which forces you to describe a hard idea using only the thousand most used words in the English language. It's quite hard to do, but I found it really worthwhile to help me explain what it is I do, in really simple language:

Here is my attempt at explaining what I do. I am only three non-permitted words away from the goal... arrrrhhhhggg... so hard. Apparently, I can't use (OWNERS, CHOICES, VALUES). But hey, not bad, right?…

TeAroha Haunui 🔤 ABC

Loved giving this a goo - it is ver difficult but a good exercise!

Prayer Intentions or Personal Requests

I am planning for my third year of walking a week along the French route of the Camino de Santiago (in French, the Chemin de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle) the first week of June 2024, and am again offering to take any Prayer Intentions or Personal Requests with me. These are all shared anonymously, and I welcome anybody to share anything they want me to bring along with me. An anonymous form is here for anybody (within or outside our community here) to use.  

For transparency, this week of wa…

The Power of Tiny Creators

I'm learning so much about the power of creating and sharing from my 100 YouTube Videos Challenge and the content that's naturally emerging through the creation of my courses called, no coincidence, CREATE and SHARE.

When I point myself in the direction of seeing something more deeply, it shows up everywhere!

The other day, Spotify’s Discover playlist introduced me to a song by an artist I’d never heard of before.

It was the perfect song for that moment, and it moved me to tears.

“Who is this a…

TeAroha Haunui 🔤 ABC

Love this, thank you for sharing!

Are you working to grow your Instagram this year?

Whoever is working on growing their Instagram reach and followers this year, please comment "yes" below! Thank you so much!

Thank you all for commenting. I was thinking what if we all help each other increase our reach and growth on Instagram? What I'm proposing is I'll create a list of everyone's instagram handles and timezones. We all follow each other (if the accounts authentically interests us) and agree on a time that we will all post every day. As soon as we post, then each person will …

Grateful for this community

Feeling so grateful for this community. I had the privilege of connecting 1:1 with a handful folks recently. Each meeting heartfelt, lovely, and inspiring. Looking forward to continue walking this journey with you and meeting others here as well.

@Abby Wyers @TeAroha Haunui @Donna Becker @Eva Chen @Matthew Litschi  Grateful for you <3

TeAroha Haunui 🔤 ABC

It was wonderful to connect with you 🤩

💜 Authentic Outreach Implementation Class 💜

This class will make you LOOOOOOOOVE selling if you're not already obsessed with this theme like I am.

Details here:

See you soon!


TeAroha Haunui 🔤 ABC

Just finished our Authentic Outreach Implementation Session. Rewatched the Selling/Marketing reframe 

  • Selling is Understanding & Helping
  • Marketing is Connecting & Serving 

Made 3 reels for Instagram with 1 ready to post to feed. 

Feels good to get things done.

Thank you @Guillaume Wiatr  @Bingjie Huang

TeAroha Haunui 🔤 ABC

Yes! All booked in - it’s happens to work in a time o can actually do - excited! 

Market Research Call 🤩

It was lovely meeting with @Jackie Johansen today for a Market Research Call. To connect with others in our community is always a blessing. Thank you @George Kao for this amazing community.

Market Research Trades

Hey everyone, I’m excited to give 111 an honest try this year! I can’t believe it’s already mid January and I’d love to book market research calls. I’m wondering if any of you lovely folks would be interested in a market research trade. 

I’m thinking a 1 hour call: approximately 25 minutes each to ask each other questions. Then any leftover time we can use for netcaring and supportive feedback about the process. Totally flexible with this! 

Here’s a little bit more about me (a snippet from my…

TeAroha Haunui 🔤 ABC

Yay!! All booked in

TeAroha Haunui 🔤 ABC

Hi Jackie - I am definitely keen to connect and do a Market Research Trade. Love the invite! Thank you 

Sending preemptive love and support

Just so this isn't yet another empty void to face when struggling, I am leaving a message of love and support here. 
This is something I was talking about with a favourite client of mine :) she was exploring improving her self-image and acceptance. 


A quote from Neil deGrasse Tyson: “The atoms of our bodies are traceable to stars that manufactured [those atoms] in their cores and [then] exploded these enriched ingredients across our galaxy, billions of years ago. For this reason, we are …

TeAroha Haunui 🔤 ABC

Received with gratitude and joy. May you also receive the love and support you are sending out.

2 Begin by imagining your ideal 20 3:40
Let's begin imagining your 20...

Imagine 20 people you love to work with – they enjoy your style and skills just as you are now, without you needing to change or improve anything – and you enjoy them as well. Part of this work – as all work of "authentic business" – is to practice believing in the value of your skills and presence, and stepping more into your authentic service-oriented power. Those 20 people probably already in your life/network right now. Draw them forth by writing a heartfelt description of them...  You're welcome to comment below as you tell us about them – anything you can tell us is great, their inner characteristics, outer (visible) demographics, their interests, and most importantly – why they like and trust you. And what they believe that you can support them with. No perfection needed here... just write what comes to you.  You can always update it later – and likely will :) After writing your comment, turn around and comment on 2 others' descriptions, especially if you resonate or know someone who is exactly like that! :) Just because you reply to someone's comment doesn't mean that you'll get a spot as part of their 20 ;-) but later in this course, if there's still space, and it seems aligned for the time being, they might reach out to you with a gentle invitation to play :-)

Kim gordon-cumbo 💗 Conversation Booster

My 20 people are women, 40+ who are passionate about learning about themselves through energetic, creative, intuitive, expressive, and healing modalities in an ongoing class (levels) or program that has a like-minded community. So, that they grow in ways that support them to help others heal, grow, speak, and be authentic in the areas of life and issues that are important to them.  
-They have a healing modality, practice, or business like Reiki/Johrei/Coaches/Teachers.  

-Or, they have passed through a life gate/experience like divorce, cancer, widow, empty nest, loss of someone/something, or dealing with other life experiences.

-They may feel inadequate/lost, lack confidence, not sure how to become resilient, etc. 

-They (at times) enjoy crafting, music, dance, ceremony, ritual,  and laughing. 

-They are ready to pay to shift their current reality. 

TeAroha Haunui 🔤 ABC

Love this! 

Stay true to your values and principles in a time of adversity

In this video and taking inspiration from personal experience I'm talking about how it important it is to stay true in your values and principles instead of following other people's values when things get tough in collaboartions or relationships. 

Learn to stay in your center and your value!

TeAroha Haunui 🔤 ABC

Thank you for putting this out there.

Recommit to self .. Z

My final day of writing daily in this format. The most positive  takeaway was that I was able to dedicate and devote time to the exercise of writing and submitting almost daily. It was not as hard as I thought to be able to come up with things to write about. The most difficult thing was getting over the perfectionist streak in me. I appreciate the space George has created for us to find our voice in writing. The next stage for me is doing daily video.  

Recommit to self .. Y

I woke up exhausted this morning with my body unable to do too much. I was extremely tired and unable to sleep. I was glad I had a later start today and no big commitments. All I could do was just lay there, and when I was able to move about I went out and got some sunlight, and walked my dogs little. This single focus on my dogs, and being in the sun helped shift my 

Recommit to self .. X

I am a believer that the body speaks to us or is trying to communicate with us as needed. However sometimes we are not listening and are choosing not to listen to it. An example may be, if you have an upset tummy, it may relate to something you are processing and not able to digest or not needing to digest, so it releases. It is uncomfortable but it will pass, and all you can do is reflect on what it is you may be releasing, and keep your body hydrated as it moves through. 

Recommit to self .. W

I was out of rhythm yesterday and missed my daily post. Normally I would be really down on myself and considered to have failed, but my reaction was I missed it but I can just write an extra post for the day. I don’t need to stress, I can just take action, and write, and post. No one gets hurt in the process. 

Recommit to self .. V

A big part of my working day is spent in Retail as a Manager. I have been struggling lately with how unkind people have been.It was noticeable as the pandemic started and then as it progressed people became more impatient and demanding. It saddens me to see this. All I can do is be kind, and try to keep things more positive or uplifting. 

Recommit to self .. U

It is a little harder to write today. The other days things have flowed quite nicely. It feels unusual after 20 days to not have anything. I write as part of changing a habit, finding a rhythm and consistency, as well as meeting the Divine in another way. It is not always sunshine and roses. 

Recommit to self .. T

Whilst I reintroduce prayer and gratitude to my day I am more aware of the joyous moments or things that have come into my life. Some of it small, some of it magnificent. Some of it to do with personal fulfilment, and others of it business. How blessed am I. Thankful for all of the blessings.  

Recommit to self .. S

I felt like my faith in Source, God, The Divine had wavered for a period of time there. Connecting through my Maoritanga, my culture has really helped me on my journey in reconnecting once again. Bringing prayer, gratitude, and writing consistently each day has no doubt supported this.  

Recommit to self .. R

The idea of surrendering yourself to God, Divine, Source,  whatever you reference of that being that you have faith in is not new. How about surrendering your business to that being, as well as using your intuition, and raising your vibration to a frequency that resonates with what is to come? I love this thought and will dedicate

  •  some time everyday to experiencing focused time & energy to Source Energy
  • some time everyday to raising my energy to match that, wish to receive

And So It Is 

Recommit to self .. Q

I loved the Spiritual Masterclass I attended, and took away so many key things that I can work on. A number of things that I can do that are well within my control. Like doing the inner work of raising my vibration, energy with activities that will help me align to my work moving forward. Its exciting and am ready for the next steps forward. 

Recommit to self .. P

I attended an online 2 hour Masterclass last night that only cost $22 AUD. It was a Spiritual Business Masterclass that was all about the Connection of Source to us and our business, and surrendering, and finding the flow state. . The ways in which we can approach it, without being manipulative, a lot of what is talked about through George's work. It was very enjoyable and more valuable than I expected.

The Money Talk: Questions to help the “money talk” be more productive for you and your client

W0D6: During a recent training session with future solopreneurs, they identified the "money talk" as the one aspect of their future business that made them anxious. Below I offer some questions that might help make the talk go more smoothly and become more productive.

The Money Talk: Questions to help the “money talk” be more productive for you and your client

It’s natural for a client to have questions–and even objections–about your fees before purchasing a service or product. Don't take it …

TeAroha Haunui 🔤 ABC

Great questions to ask!

The niche soup I'm swimming in // what I learned from Tad Hargrave

Two nights ago, I watched George's video with Tad Hargrave coaching people on their niches. I found it incredibly generative. Here's some possibilities I'm playing with now: 

1. Tad suggests "your deepest wound is your truest niche." What I immediately recollected was a despair in me saying, "Will I ever figure this work thing out?"

*To be clear, I don't feel so much despair in this moment, but over the past year, I've become aware that it's there. 

2. Tad talks about talking someone from Isl…

TeAroha Haunui 🔤 ABC

Yes - I go back and rewatch this too. I also remember we may not be on the whole journey, but part of the journey.

Day 3

I’m here!

That’s all for today

TeAroha Haunui 🔤 ABC

Showing up!

Recommit to self .. O

I love to learn and when I stumble upon something or someone's work I appreciate, I am all in. All in trying to understand their thinking, their way of doing and way of being. I find it fascinating and in that process I then get to reflect on how  my thoughts, actions, feelings are. It's not a comparison exercise, but one of what I can learn. Can I introduce any practice they may have that may benefit my life at this time. I love that feeling of being in flow. 

Recommit to self .. N

This morning the whisper to be a little more creative landed. I am quite excited as it feels good. It feels in line with what I  would like to create. Spacious, beautiful, minimalistic, and culture. Karanga. Taaniko. Moko. Korero.  Line Art. I welcome more whispers.

Recommit to self .. M

A very simple technique that takes minutes to do is the Quick Coherence technique. A technique that has been researched and studied for many years with the Heart Math Institute. 

You imagine your breath is flowing in and out of your heart or chest area. You slow down your breath and breathe a little deeper. (If I am finding things a little tougher then I will place my hand or finger tips near the heart area. This is not a part of the Coherence Technique but  when I am finding it tough it heps…