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Course Content
  • 0 / 11
    Module 1
    • The dilemma of "sell what you want vs. what *they* want?"
      1 Sell what they want or what they need?
    • Focus on pain points or yearnings?
      0 Focus on pain points or yearnings?
    • How specific does your program topic need to be?
      Group - how specific does your program topic need to be?
    • Market research (feedback) convos -- key questions
      2 market research convos
    • The art of pivoting -- what if your market research says they don't spend money on it?
      2a the art of pivoting -- what if market research says they don't spend money on it?
    • Circles of Feedback
      3 the circles of feedback
    • Write your list of favorite people πŸ₯°
      4 write your 20 names
    • Your ideal client avatar
      5 write your ideal client avatar
    • "Speak" with this avatar to refine your topics & program design...
      6 talk to your avatar about your program design
    • Reach out and get feedback :)
      7 do the outreach
    • What if desired outcome from client is different from what *you* feel they should desire?
      What if desired outcome from client is different from what you feel they should desire?
    • At end of market research convos, ask if anyone else comes to mind...
      0 At end of market research convos ask them if anyone else comes to mind
    • What's the timeline for circles of feedback?
      0 What's the timeline for circles of feedback?
    • Status check -- how's it going thus far?
      1 how's it going?
    • Will group programs take more or less energy from you? (compared to 1-1?)
      3 Will doing a group program take more energy?
    • Too many program ideas, not sure which to launch?
      1 Too many program ideas, not sure which to launch?
    • What's the best time of year to launch your program?
      2 When's the best time of year to launch your program?
    • Do you need to offer pre-recorded content?
      4 How much pre-recorded material must you have?
    • Knowledge is holographic / always assume some background knowledge
      5 Knowledge is holographic
    • Managing over-expectations in a group program
      6 Managing over-expectations
    • Include 1-1 as part of your group program?
      7 Include 1-1 meetings as part of group design?
    • One Pay + Payment Plan
      8 Single pay vs payment plan
    • Custom prices & flexible payment plans?
      9 Flexible payment arrangements
    • No commited length = no sustainability...
      10 Contract tie in is a must
    • Run a Beta Group first?
      11 Beta program first?
    • Software for group programs
      12 Software for groups
    • Record your group sessions?
      15 Record your group sessions?
    • Finding more people for your program...
      14 How to find more of the right people for your group?
    • Sales Page Principles / How to think about writing it
      1 Sales Page principles
    • When addressing pain points, be as a caring doctor
      7 When addressing pain be as a caring doctor
    • Sales Page: Who They Are
      2 Who are they?
    • Sales Page: Vision of the Work
      3 Vision
    • Example of writing Vision using Ai chatbot
      5 Example of writing Vision using Ai chatbot
    • How to prevent overpromising results?
      4 How to prevent overstating the promise?
    • Sales Page: Problems they face
      8 Problems
    • Sales Page: Diagnosis (Optional)
      9 Diagnosis
    • Sales Page: The Process / Pathway
      10 Pathway
    • What if each part of your Process/Pathway could be its own group or course?
      11 Each part of your Process could be its own group?
    • Sales Page: Your Passion
      12 Passion
    • Sales Page: Your Credibility
      13 Credibility
    • Sales Page: Logistics & Price
      14 Logistics & Pricing
    • Price juxtaposition and education
      15 Price juxtaposition and education
    • Should you publish your price, or only reveal it in a discovery call?
      16 Should you share your price or reveal it in a discovery call?
    • Sales Page: FAQ Section
      17 FAQ section
    • Should you put language about cancellations & refunds on your sales page?
      17 Should you put language about cancelations & refunds on your sales page?
    • Sales Page: Next Step?
      18 Next step
    • How long should your sales page be?
      18-b How long should your sales page be?
    • Coming up with your Program Name...
      19 Program Name
    • Circles of Feedback (Take 2!) for the Sales Page
      20 Circles of feedback take 2
    • Should you offer some benefit or gift in exchange for their feedback?
      21 Should you offer something in exchange for their feedback?
    • You are the Admissions Director for your Group Program
      2 Be the admissions director
    • Circles of Enrollment πŸŒ€
      3 Cirlcles of Enrollment
    • Your Inner Circle πŸ€—
      4 Inner Circle
    • Beware the stance of "I know you're really busy... and it's probably too expensive anyway... but here's the invite"
      6 I know you're really busy and it's probably too expensive anyway but here's the invite
    • The reality: they *will* miss a key opportunity if they don't respond...
      7 The reality that they will miss a key opportunity if they don't respond
    • Your invitation message: should it include the link to the sales page?
      5 Invitation message should it include the link to the sales page?
    • Your Middle Circle πŸ™ŒπŸΎ
      8 Middle circle
    • Your Outer Circle 🌎
      9 Outer circle
    • Application for the Outer circle... what about the other circles?
      10 Application for the outer circle - what about the other circles?
    • Is it weird that Inner Circle sees public invitation to the group program?
      Group Launch Is it weird that Inner Circle sees public invitation to the group program?
    • How to tell someone program isn't the right fit for them? (Writing your decline or "rejection" letter...)
      13 How to tell someone program isn't the right fit for them?
    • πŸ—“οΈ Timeline for the Circles of Enrollment
      11 Timeline for Circles of enrollment
    • Instead of a firm start date, what if you just wait until you have enough people?
      12 Instead of a firm start date what if just wait until you have enough people?
    • 🌠 Reminders for a successful launch
      14 Reminders for a successul launch
    • The undecideds - give them samples if you can πŸ‘πŸ½
      18 The undecideds - give them samples if you can
    • If some great candidates prefer it, consider 1-1 instead 😊 (tailoring custom 1-1 program)
      15 If some great candidates prefer it, consider 1-1 instead 😊
    • Pricing of 1-1 tailored program vs group program?
      26 Pricing of 1-1 tailored program vs group program?
    • Dealing with the (rare) cancellation / refund
      16 Dealing with the (rare) cancellation refunds
    • "If we're not selling change/transformation, what exactly do clients pay for?"
      19 We're not selling results
    • Feedback is tricky -- behavior is the best feedback
      20 Avoid the focus group effect re feedback
    • How many feedback calls must you have, before moving forward?
    • Keep your center as you get different opinions from feedback?
      21 Keep your center as you get feedback
    • What if potential members feel the group wouldn't be private enough, compared to 1-1 work with you?
      22 What if potential members feel the group wouldn't be private enough, compared to 1-1 work with you?
    • Is it a good idea to allow members to start later... after the official start date?
      23 Allow people to join later?
    • You did it! Congrats on finishing the course :)
      27 Congrats for completing the course!
    • Post-Course Assessment ✍🏽
    • First steps to creating a group program?
      First steps to creating a group program?
    • Group of interested clients - work with them to design an offer...
      Small group of prospective clients or students - work with them to design an offer
    • Small group program - must members all agree to meeting times?
      Small group program - must members all agree to meeting times?
    • Launching group program -- preselling with circles of enrollment
      Launching group program -- preselling with circles of enrollment
    • Pricing your Membership program -- Resist the temptation to do low prices...
      Pricing your Membership program -- Resist the temptation to do low prices
    • Basic strategies for filling a group program
      Basic strategies for filling a group program
    • Gentle launch for a small group program
      Gentle launch for a small group program
    • Brainstorming marketing ideas for group program enrollment
      Brainstorming marketing ideas for group program enrollment
    • Group program not enough people... cancel or delay it?
      Group program not enough people cancel or delay it?
    • Trying to streamline curriculum for a group program
      Trying to streamline curriculum for a group program
    • Zoom meeting facilitators -- how to get feeling of connection / create energy in the group?
      Zoom meeting creating energy
    • Group teaching equanimity when things aren't flowing like you planned...
      Group teaching equanimity when things aren't flowing like you planned
    • When are you ready to create group program or course? How long to create content first?
      When are you ready to create group program or course? How long to create content first?
    • What if your in-person program is difficult to sell as an online program?
      What if your in-person program is difficult to sell as an online program?
    • Group Program vs Online Course
      1 Group Program vs Online Course
    • Small group program - think about whom you want to invite...
      2 Small group program - thank about who you want to invite
    • Small group, what if few people show up live?
      2a Small group, what if few people show up live?
    • Decide on logistics first?
      3 Decide on logistics first?
    • Pricing your group program
      4 Pricing your group program
    • Group program - should you create a beta program first?
      5 Group program - should you create a beta program first?
    • If launching a membership how soon to start social media posting?
      If launching a membership how soon to start social media posting?
    • A bit about my group mentoring program
      A bit about my group mentoring program

Let's begin imagining your 20...

I want us to begin by imagining who your ideal twenty people are. Remember, this class, the title of it even, suggested that you can launch a group program a sustainable authentic business with just 20 clients. That's true. I mean, do the quick math. If you're a beginner and you charge a $150 a month, 20 people is $3000 a month.
How would you like $3000 a month unknowingly without having to keep launching forever and trying to recruit people forever? 20 people, $3000 a month. Those of you who are farther along probably ChatGPT more like 250 a month or even 400 a month. 250 a month would be $5000 a month. 20 people.
20 people. That's all you need. Right? So it's really doable when you understand the math and understand how many people you actually know. And not just how many people you know, but how many people are orders of yours that you just haven't really bothered to to take stock of your existing network, which is really the most valuable asset or treasure in your authentic business.
So I want us to begin there. And so below this less below this video, you will see the instructions for what to do. But essentially, what I'm asking you to to to to begin because you're going to keep adding to this list, you know, throughout the rest of this class. But let's begin at least to imagine of the people you know and and close your eyes if it's helpful or, you know, or even look at a list of names as if it's helpful. But imagine the peep of the people you know who might be such supporters of yours that if you offered them a group program that met their wants and needs at this time.
You know, they would say 150, 250, 400, Yeah. That's, of course, the what you're offering, and I'm I get to be 1 of the 20, Samya. Right? I didn't mention, by the way, 400 you know, 4 400 a month would be $8000 a month for you. That's 2 20 people.
Right? So who might those 20 people be? Right now, at the start, I don't want you to be anxious, try to set aside any anxiety or fear of rejection of whatever like that because we wanna start from a heart space of you describing who they are. Maybe some names and some faces already pop up for you of truly supportive people that you feel really comfortable with that you feel confident delivering value to. But whether People, names, faces pop into mind.
I want you to write below this video if you'd like or privately, if you feel more comfortable. What are the characteristics of those twenty people? Tell us or yourself anything that you can truly imagine about them. So take a moment now and and do the exercise. I really want you to do the exercises before you keep moving on because if you just watch the videos and don't do anything about it, then not very valuable, but if you do the exercises, your own brilliance and your own genius and your own connections begin to form and begin to strengthen.
So go ahead and do the exercise below. I look forward to seeing your comments.


Imagine 20 people you love to work with – they enjoy your style and skills just as you are now, without you needing to change or improve anything – and you enjoy them as well.

Part of this work – as all work of "authentic business" – is to practice believing in the value of your skills and presence, and stepping more into your authentic service-oriented power.

Those 20 people probably already in your life/network right now.

Draw them forth by writing a heartfelt description of them...Β 

  1. You're welcome to comment below as you tell us about them – anything you can tell us is great, their inner characteristics, outer (visible) demographics, their interests, and most importantly – why they like and trust you. And what they believe that you can support them with.

    1. No perfection needed here... just write what comes to you.Β  You can always update it later – and likely will :)

  2. After writing your comment, turn around and comment on 2 others' descriptions, especially if you resonate or know someone who is exactly like that! :)

  3. Just because you reply to someone's comment doesn't mean that you'll get a spot as part of their 20 ;-) but later in this course, if there's still space, and it seems aligned for the time being, they might reach out to you with a gentle invitation to play :-)
Last updated 17 Oct 2023.