Dylan Perese

“If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place.”
– Eckhart Tolle

I see the world as multi-dimensional and multi-faceted.  I am a Spiritual Psychotherapist helping people to manage their energy using psycho-spiritual skills, perspectives, and tools.  I am passionate about interweaving t…

Active 8d ago Joined 1 Jul 2022 Culver City (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Intentions : August 2024

Participate by commenting below -- it can help you clarify (or reiterate) your priorities.

As you see other members post their intentions, it's an interesting way to get to know them. Cheer them on by replying to a few comments 💛

How to participate:

  1. Comment with your most important intentions for the month. Feel free to @mention your Accountability Buddy so they know what you're up to.
            Examples: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.
    Tip: What …


Hi everyone!

Here are my Intentions for August 2024:

Being a LinkedIn Power User More:

  • The regular posting of Articles
  • The investment into Running Ads on LinkedIn

My intention behind cultivating my inner LinkedIn Power User is pretty simple: the more I can put myself out there, the more people can know I exist, that I offer services, and that I am currently building my practice.  I like to think of this as turning on my porch light, throwing up my batman signal, or broadcasting out my availability (and willingness) to make new professional connections :)

Returning to the Wisdom of Thoughtful Life Calendaring and CCC:

  • Time blocking my days into focused blocks of time
  • Having time to review tasks that I've been organizing so I can Follow Up

My intention behind returning to TLC and CCC is to be able to consistently do what I said I would do (including attending SGS and Courses I am taking through ABC MasterHeart).  Simple enough, right?  I want to be able to return to this thread come September 1st, and say hey: I was able to stay on track with my priorities and path!

Fi Kahani 🔤 ABC

@Dylan Perese I'd be interested in learning how Ads on LinkedIn go for you!!! It's something I'm going to explore for an online community I do marketing for. I also agree on the regular posting - I have such a hard time with that!!!
I will see and let you know! :)
Fi Kahani 🔤 ABC
Post one new Litterverse video every Monday (8/5, 8/12, 8/19, 8/26)

Post one new Substack post every Friday (8/2, 8/9, 8/16, 8/23, 8/30)

That's it! I don't care about anything else except for this. Consistency is the hardest thing for me. I'll take one week off the first week of September from these two things

I set a reminder for 8/15 to check in here

What a great strategy to check-in Mid-month! I may do the same :) I love that.
Heather Tobin 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

My intentions for August:

- launch/remind people of 1:1 support options
- review Q4 program/membership/course options to roll out
- spending time in JoyPro and revisiting those learnings to keep myself dialed in and focused

- ongoing fun, and rest, and enjoying time to play on days that are weather friendly! (I don't like the extreme heat! )

Fantastic! These sound great, Heather! I love feeling and witnessing the momentum of the new JoyPro offering come into focus for everyone :)

Update about ABC-Masterheart 2025

I'm brewing up some exciting updates for the 2025 program... will start some discussions in the coming weeks to get your feedback, and announce it officially in October.

The price will be increasing in 2025, hopefully not by so much that it's prohibitive:

ABC will be $150/mo or $1,500/year.  Maximum of 60 members (this year we had 75.)

There will continue to be helper roles for those who need a stipend to support the cost!

Also, what's included in the price is the Joyful Productivity Club 🙌🏾 


Dipanshu Rawal 🌱 Conversation Starter 🔤 ABC

The credits to buy courses - that's one of my favourite features of ABC :)

Also, the Q/A segment recordings. 

I don't attend lots of LIVE calls, because for me I get most of questions answered throughout the course. (Great job, George!) And then I enjoy all the other recordings as a sweet bonus :)

I also love the credit system! Thank you for pointing this out :)

Looking for 5 people to experience the demo of an Ai-for-Coaches tool -- who's in? :)

The co-teachers of my Ai Course have created an awesome app to help coaches & therapists serve clients better with Ai analysis and tools.

I've seen how it works, and am really looking forward to using it.

They're offering a limited number of personalized demo sessions.  We're looking for 5 people from my group (you all!) to experience this and offer your honest feedback.

Who's interested in checking it out?  It's only a 30-minute appointment, and your feedback will be essential to helping this app become a really helpful tool for coaches.  Book an appointment here, and comment below to let me know that you did 🙏🏼

ABC is Helping Me Grow

Hi everyone! 

I've been pretty quiet on here since beginning in January.. but ABC is working for me, so I thought to acknowledge my appreciation here :)

Tangibly, I've now launched two courses on my Insight Timer page, and just an hour ago, I completed a Live Broadcast on the Insight Timer Platform that went so well, I found myself going far beyond the 15-minute scheduled broadcast I had originally planned.  I was able to deliver a lecture of over 40 minutes with no script for 36 meditators w…

Ginny Branden 🔤 ABC

Congratulations!! This is very encouraging! Thank you for sharing!


@Ginny Branden Of course!  Happy to share the encouragement vibe and energy :)
George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

Always a joy to hear from you, Dylan! Thank you for this inspiring and encouraging post.  Very happy to see your progress reports! 😊


@George Kao Thank YOU, George!  So helpful :)
Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

Congratulations, Dylan! Amazing. I especially loved what you said about the ideas you were staying close to. Taking those to heart. Thank you!


@Jackie Johansen Absolutely, Jackie!! Thank you for your message :)
Christine Weddle 🔤 ABC


@Dylan Perese! Amazing business accomplishments! Not sure where you started in your business when you joined ABC, but how exciting all that you listed above! Especially the confidence you have gained. ☺️👏🏼❤️

@Christine Weddle Confidence has been a huge "outcome" and journey :)

Thank you for your comment!! :)

Wow, thank you for sharing your progress 

@Dylan Perese! It’s very inspiring. Congrats on your new courses and broadcast. 😊

P.S I just sent you an invite to connect on LinkedIn 


@Francesca Sciandra Amazing!  Thank you for the congratulations!  I see we are in the same field :)

Urban Veg Growing - for health, community and joy!

I'm Mark and I teach people who don't have gardens to grow vegetables, salads, herbs and fruit in containers on their balcony, patio, rooftop or front yard. 

Here's my short video: https://youtu.be/WvWh6owcoR4

I demonstrate how its possible to grow a LOT of in a small space - enough to make a significant difference to what you eat. 

I am excited by how growing at home in urban areas can help us eat better, feel more connected to our local community, interact more with nature, and live with a …


Hello @Mark Ridsdill Smith 

This is so cool!  I have a Patio here in Los Angeles that I have thought about adding an Herb Garden to.  What an inspiration!  I look forward to connecting more :)



@Mark Ridsdill Smith thank you for this comment, Mark! 

Please let me know how I can support you as you continue to share your teaching style and to inform your audience of your offerings. 

Based on this morning's call, I can see how you are in a phase of nurturing your audience growth to increase your conversion rate as well as to build out age ranges within your reach.  Happy to connect further :)


Hi everybody! Here I am :)

first take, only take .. why not! :)

Trying out a video post ... first thing in the morning!  

Hi everybody!  It's Dylan here, I'm a Spiritual Psychotherapist and I cannot wait to connect more with all of you.  2024 is about expansion for me, starting with making this video (and adding music I've composed) for experimentation!

I am going to take time now to comment on your posts.  If you get a chance to see my video, I send you thanks and apprecia…

Avril Bland 🔤 ABC

I loved your video, and live your openness and willingness to explore live.  I look forward to getting to learn more about you business.


I love your experimentation and willingness to go for it, @Dylan Perese . Nicely done and wonderful to meet you this way!


@Stephanie Benedetto Thank you for stopping by my intro!!! :)

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

Hi @Dylan Perese So great to meet you. I feel like we're kindred spirits. I've been in the non-profit mental health world for over a decade. I'm in communications now, but prior was in more direct service and counseling roles. Most of my friends are therapists :) I'm also a professionally trained evolutionary astrologer and have my MA in Depth Psychology, so Jung's work is near and dear to my heart -- and weaves through my work. Anyways, enough about me. Great to connect with you and I resonated with so much of what you said about your work and the psycho-spiritual journey.


@Jackie Johansen hello Jackie!  Hey!  I've also studied with Steven Forrest, how cool :) I would love to connect more as I am integrating astrology more and more into Psychotherapy and would love to learn of your experiences!  I checked out your page and found it to be inspiring as well!  I also love Jung and use Active Imagination in my work with clients as well.  Cheers and Happy New Year!  Very much looking forward.

Mary Veerkamp 🔤 ABC

Welcome, Dylan! I jumped in here today to do my intro but saw your video thumbnail so I thought I'd give it a watch. Lots of resonance with what you shared about why you're here in ABC and also in some of the ways that you love to work with clients. Though I'm a coach and not a therapist I look forward to learning with and from you here :)


@Mary Veerkamp I very much look forward to learning from and with you, @Mary Veerkamp !! :) 


Epic video introduction. 


@Mark Ridsdill Smith Thanks for watching and tuning in, Mark!

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

Great to see you on video @Dylan Perese !   Even to hear your music with it, is so cool. It's unique and brings freshness of spirit.   Looking forward to playing with you this coming year and seeing much more of your content!


@George Kao Hey George!  Wow, thank you for stopping by my post and for your words.  Freshness of spirit has been sticking with me.. Love this wording :)

Heather Tobin 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

@Dylan Perese For someone who doesn't typically do video, and doesn't know what they are doing, you certainly appeared to know what you're doing. LOL

Also.. coffee cups up! Drank mine while watching you her and laughed when you took a sip.  We are now coffee besties. #justsayin' 

Great intro!  Loved what you had to say and definitely look forward to connecting with you in the coming chapters! 


@Heather Tobin Coffee besties!!! Yes, absolutely. 


It's a daily ritual for sure and a source of community connection now too :)

I look forward to connecting with you more soon as well!

Jennifer Zylstra 🔤 ABC

That was a fantastic intro, great video! Your music is very interesting, thanks for sharing it.  I think it is an impressive sign of strength and vulnerability to jump in with a video right away. Your work seems very cool and I am looking forward to learning more about it and getting to know you. :)


@Jennifer Zylstra You as well, Jennifer!  I appreciate you taking the time to add a reply here :)

Ben Tannahill 🎉 Member Anniversary 🔤 ABC

Thanks Dylan :)


@Ben Tannahill Thank you for visiting my post!

Hi! You can call me Stephanie DragonHeart Windchaser Benedetto (or St3ph)

(I introduced myself this way last night at my Winter Solstice gathering, and the delight of it still lingers.)

My ideal client is a creative entrepreneur with a spiritual side who's up to something BIG in their life and business, and wants to do it authentically, playfully and easefully (even if they don't know how) to contribute beauty and positive change to the world.

I love going on 1:1 coaching journeys with these client playmates for a year or more, including in person immersive experie…


Hi Stephanie!  I love the beach session thing!  I really see the value in walking and talking and of course -- it's way more than that! :)

Hello, I am Jeffrey Keefer

I am thrilled to be part of ABC 2024, and I have been updating my intro all week in the plans to get this posted as we begin 2024. 

This is my current professional snapshot, which I am now trying out. I welcome any collegial feedback on this, as this is the first time I have systematically tried to connect my niche in this new verbiage and am trying it on for fit. 


Who am I?

I am an Educational Strategist & Eco Mindfulness Guide.


Simple acts of nature-based mindfulness for busy …


Nice, @@Jeffrey Keefer


Connecting more with nature is on my "Capture, Categorize, Calendar" list for this year, actually, so I found your intro post very inspiring!  I want to spend time consciously realizing my desires to be in nature, and then note them down (capture) and then deliberately schedule more hikes, etc!  Thanks!  

Dipanshu Rawal {Life Coach // Coach Mentor}

Hello fellow ABC members :) 

I'm Dipanshu Rawal and I'm a life coach and a coach mentor. Doing all this for 4+ years now.

From Chandigarh, India, 27 y/o, and married for 1 year now!

My business has 2 branches - 

As a Life Coach, I help people experience deeper happiness and fulfillment. I use NLP, Habit momentum, Generative Trance, Inner child healing, and a few other modalities with my clients. 

Recently, I shot a video about "My Journey of Unconditional Self-Love". It's one of the …


Hello Dipanshu!  Greetings from Los Angeles!  It's great to see your post here.  I am excited to see your progress, growth, and journey!  NLP has always interested me as I am a big believer in how the language we use shapes the reality we create!

words are worlds :)

Heather - Well hello. 🌞

Hello everyone!

💜 I've been running my business full-time for five and a half years. Having spent two decades in various administrative and managerial roles in the corporate world, around ten of those years were spent in  part-time studies in addictions and counseling. My journey led to working in a treatment center and eventually establishing my own healing practice that I initially labeled (to later learn I was hiding behind) as a Life Coaching Business. While my audience size is modest, it'…


Awesome @Heather Tobin !  I am loving the growth energy and inspiration that comes across in your post.  Thank you for taking the time and energy to introduce yourself in these ways :)

2024 Goal: Sustainable and Sane Productivity

Hi all!

Our ideal client is someone who is looking for support with design, copy, or illustration needs. 

I've been in business for 2.5 years, but I'm pivoting with 2 other people in 2024. 

I'm working on sane productivity in 2024, because I found I can be very unbalanced. 

We don't have our website set up yet, but our facebook is https://www.facebook.com/sp...

My personal Facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/fi.kazi/ and my personal Instagram is: https://www.instagram.com/wondrlustr/


Hi @Fi Kahani it's great to see you here and I look forward to connecting more!!

Mary (Meow). 🐱

Hello Everyone!! 😊

It's an absolute delight being here with all of you!! 🙏

I'm Mary, & I work with highly sensitive people (HSPs) as a counselor/mentor. Thus far, I've attracted/worked mostly with young women in their 20s - early 30s. I absolutely love this "demographic." My work is a beautiful fit for me because:

🌻 I am an HSP (to the Nth degree) & intuitively understand the challenges & gifts of highly sensitive souls - including the following: deeply processing just about everything (very dra…


Hi Mary!  Thank you for your introduction!  I also love STRONG black Tea and Cats!  I just wanted to say hello to connect here on your intro post :) Looking forward to sharing more time together throughout 2024 through ABC.

DeShawn Wert

Hi All, I'm DeShawn :)

I've had a biz for the last 12 years while I worked full-time and raised my family. I'm a grandma, mom, friend, coach, and wife, but for the last 12 years, I have felt like a robot. I want this to change. 

I have found that I've been a little walled off as I've worked. I knew I was missing something, and I feel I've found it with George and you all. I'm calling the 'it' a soul community and a place to be real. I especially love the community here and hope to find a way …


Hi DeShawn!

I love what you said about, "learn more about my signature energy" as I also resonate with this desire to go deeper with my own signature or perhaps signatures.  Of course, it's a journey.  One step at a time, right?