Jackie Johansen

Hi everyone, so great to connect with you all. My name is Jackie. I live in Northern California with my partner and young daughter.

I have a business as a professional evolutionary astrologer. Additionally, I have my Master's degree in Jungian Depth Psychology and particularly love talking about dr…

Active 13h ago Joined 19 Feb 2023 Rohnert Park (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Which course should I study next?

Just launched a website for this business and am transitioning from word of mouth to creating broader awareness. The courses I am currently considering are: YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook ads. I might study all three, but will choose one of them for now. Can make a case for each of them:  Youtube: Committed to getting better with video and like to shoot at the beach because I like the beach, and it ties into the brand. Instagram: For whatever reason, I spend way more time here than I do on Fac…

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

I'm sure George will have wisdom on this! What comes to mind for me, have you taken Authentic Content Flow? That is such a great one for getting a foundation for content, regardless of the platform. Once you have content going, FB ads is great to help with distribution and reaching new people. The nice thing with that course is it applies for IG ads as well. I'd be curious to hear other's thoughts on IG vs YouTube

10 Levels BizPlan 2024-08 17:37
10 Levels BizPlan

Click here for the 10 Levels BizPlan doc

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

Thank you so much for this, 

@George Kao I feel like this is exactly what I needed. It feels really good to be grounded and oriented within a larger map. Excited and inspired. Thank you!

Question for call on 8/29


@George Kao  

I'm finally going to be on the call (better late than never, right?) tomorrow (yay accountability), and I'm really struggling in my business right now, and I have no idea where to even begin with a question at this point. I think I'd like to look at taking some of my stage 1 content and turning it into stage 2. 


Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

Honoring you naming the struggle and not knowing where to begin, I imagine this is a pretty common experience, where regardless of what stage of business we are at, there are seasons of struggle and confusion we can find ourselves in. This conversation is one I'm sure many will benefit from. 

Thanks to Beth Budesheim for her Mudra Class

I recently enjoyed a gift from

@Beth Budesheim Kaoihme after helping her with some market research. I was not expecting it and it came as a sweet surprise. 

A few days after I began doing the Mudra Class, I encountered a situation that I'd usually have a tense reaction to. I noticed, however, that I was feeling calm and not just thinking that I should try to be calm. 

We sometimes hear about shifts but it's really something to actually experience the feeling in your whole body and being. 

Thanks Beth, for the class and the experience! ღ

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

Wow, so beautiful. Not just the connection you've made but also the wisdom in truly experiencing a shift in our bodies, which often can be subtle but powerful. 

Feedback on my website

Hi George, 

As we discussed on Thursday, I’d love to get your input on my website. I’ve checked, and it’s already connected to Google Console.


Looking forward to your feedback!

PS: I am not sure which meeting you will be answering that, is it Monday or Thursday? Let me know, please)

Thank you!🙏😊

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

Hi Ana! I'm sure George will have lots of wisdom for you when you explore on a call together. One thought when peeking at your website...I'd love to see your lovely face on the front page :) You have such a strong energy signature and beautiful smile that you don't see until the about page. I'd bring it forward so people can start to get to know you right away.

Feedback Needed on an Offer for a coder support online community


I'm putting together one offer after seeing George's Doorway Challenge...

I'm going to run it by the UnblockMe community we're serving too for their honest feedback.

Could you give me your thoughts?

@Colleen O'Connor thanks for your advice! I already included it.

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

Hi Fi! 

I love the reframe of bootcamp with biteCamp. The post has a nice leadup but I wonder if we're burying the lede a bit. Maybe tease something about BiteCamps sooner. I can almost see the whole series starting on slide 5 and weaving in his bio in the you don't have to do it alone section. Just a quick note, there's a small typo on the second to last slide :) Cool offer and love the doorway perspective too. 

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

@Fi Kahani Slide five seems to go into the challenges a bit and offers a hook. I'm assuming this is for social media. Maybe keep some of those longer pain points for a sales page or shorten for this. This is just something to play with, I'd be curious what others and George have to say as well. 

Thank you, Heather‼️🌻🌿🦋

@Heather Tobin Seemingly  out of the blue, late last night, I felt "called" to look at your website. 😊 It's absolutely lovely‼️Now I know a little more about you & the magical work you do‼️🦄 🔮

I'm very intrigued by your first 2 offerings - especially bc I've felt drawn to possibly create an audio &/or a handwritten offering too‼️🥰 I'm wondering if you would kindly tell me a little more about these offerings (ie., if you enjoy creating  them, if they're a "fan fave," etc.).

I really appreciate your supportive, loving & humorous presence in this special  community, Heather. Thank you‼️ 🙏🙏

Blessings & Much Love. 🙌 ♥️ 🙌 

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

Loved reading this! Audio and written are such creative options, excited to hear the follow-up :)

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

@Mary Barringer ooo so exciting, definitely keep us posted how it develops for you! 
Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

@Mary Barringer Aww thanks so much, that means a lot! And love meeting other like minded and like hearted folks! So grateful to be in connection with you <3

PO Box Alternatives

Hi everyone,

For years I've kept a PO Box to be in compliance with having an address connected to my newsletters. However, the rates keep going up, the box just fills with physical junk mail that I never check and I don't think that USPS is too happy about that :) Anyway, curious what others are doing and if there are options I'm not thinking of. Right now I'm paying $91 every six months. Thanks everyone!

Brigitte Gemme 🔤 ABC

Hi Jackie! I'm late to the party but you may want to make sure that your domain name(s) is set to be anonymously registered, which means that your mailing address will not be available for all junk-mailers to see. I have stop receiving almost all physical spam since doing that.

The physical mailing address for my newsletter is that of our family lawyer's office. He was the one who offered - they only charge if they forward something to me. I've written it as "Brigitte Gemme c/o Law Firm Name, Law Firm Address." In the last four years since I started doing that, they have had to forward exactly two pieces of mail to me (including one handwritten thank-you card from a client!), no spam (and I have a few thousand subscribers on my email list). If you do have a lawyer you deal with regularly, they may be willing to do this for you. 

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

@Brigitte Gemme Thank you, this is helpful! I do have my domains anonymously registered, which I agree is so helpful. The mail I tend to get the most of seems to be more local mass mailers like companies offering deals on internet, coupon books, credit card offers, etc. I'll be curious what follows me to the new address. That's good to know about the law firm workaround. I had no idea! 
Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

Just wanted to follow up on this with my experience signing up. George was right, I ended up paying half of what I was paying with USPS and now don't have to ever worry about going to my box to check it aka make a whole trip to recycle a bunch of junk mail :) These are huge wins! I chose my address and sent in a notarized document. They hooked me up with an online notary and it cost $20 to complete. Overall, an easy process and I'm excited to have my online mailbox. Thanks again, George!

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

Indeed it's a pain to have to have a physical address for newsletters!

However, for privacy reasons it's good to have a non-home address when you need to give your address for various reasons anyway.

My wife looked into it and we ended up with PhysicalAddress.com -- https://physicaladdress.com/pricing/

Should be about half what you're paying now :)

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

@George Kao You're the best, thank you to you and your wife! I'll definitely make the switch. Thank you!

Questions about next steps...


@George Kao,

I'd love the opportunity to pick your brain on an upcoming Q&A call :)

As you know, I recently finished creating a series of 4 courses that I consider foundational to my framework. A core curriculum, as it were. Even though I rebelled and reversed the order of your typical guidance, I so appreciate all the support you've given me!

So, now comes the part of "making" it well-received by the market haha :) I'll give some context, but I don't want to make this super long.

I'm confid…

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

Looking forward to what George shares here. I wanted to pop-in and celebrate you, it's huge that you've wrapped up FOUR foundational courses!! Holy moly. From witnessing you in 111 Club and here, I know it's been such a labor of love. I'm both popping champagne for you so to speak and sending all the blessings your way as you put these into the world. One piece of your question that particularly caught my eye was your comment about how some of the ideas are exciting and some are not. Of course, we have to do things that are not always exciting, but I'm curious about the ones that are alive for you right now. Maybe that's a place to get started, while you flush out the details and overall strategy. I imagine as you follow those pieces, you may amplify your energy signature and find some momentum along the way. Congrats again!

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

@Mike Wang Ooo I misread that! Such a rich conversation, looking forward to what you and George explore and how it continues to unfold. Prioritizing all the things, which has the most impact, is relevant to all of us. Grateful to you for asking!

FB ads rejected

Anyone else have your facebook ads rejected?

I've now had two ads rejected because they were about "social issues, elections or politics."

Talking about social issues is a big part of what I do. I get that facebook needs to regulate ads about politics, but it's frustrating that they don't allow ads about social issues. 

I am an LGBTQIA+ and Jewish college consultant, and I specialize in working with LGBTQIA+ and Jewish clients. Of course my content is going to involve social issues.

I feel li…

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

I don't have wisdom necessarily to share but I do get it. My day job is working for a non-profit that specializes working with LGBTQ+ at-risk youth. I run their ads and spearhead marketing and communications. I've had ads rejected for the same reason. We've also done fundraisers at wineries and those ads get rejected because of alcohol violations, just by mentioning winery or wine. I did do an ad campaign specifically around LGBTQ+ successfully though. I focused on video, inclusive images, and left out some of the key trigger words for them --while still speaking to the core message. It was tricky though because we couldn't target as well as we'd have wanted because of Meta's restrictions around targeting specific folks. So lookalike audiences were helpful here. But still, as we reached a broader audience, the ads got more nasty comments from people who were not our audience. Just had to stay on top of those. 

Niching & Targeting Offers -- How to narrow down??

I'm STRUGGLING with narrowing down who my offer is for and what the specific transformation will be. I tend to hang out in the general/vague/too broad category. [i have been working through the offer revision course & still feel stuck]

I've previously labeled my offers for those struggling with anxiety who want to learn how to cope effectively to create more freedom & adventure in their lives. I use Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) with my clients, which is really effective for helping…

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

I'm definitely curious what others will say, and I imagine George will have some great guidance on this. What comes to mind is content experiments. You have a lot of great ideas here and launching points for content. I'd share as much as possible and start to note what resonates with folks, what audiences show up, and what questions they have. You can use analytics to dial in the details even more. This happened for me, I was posting a bunch and writing from the heart / what I thought would be helpful then tracked Instagram analytics. I had a range of people engaging but the majority was a specific age group, gender identification, with specific interests. I could then use this for targeting ads. Anways, this might be getting a bit off topic, but I think we can use our content to find our ideal clients vs having to identify our ideal clients first before creating. What also comes to mind is George's thoughts on having niched offers vs having to niche down more generally.

How to calendar in the 111 Formula?

Today I shared on the call a simple way to understand how to plan for the 111 formula... what actions to do on a weekly or monthly basis?

Let me know if this helps:


Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

Oooo can't wait to check this one out. Thanks, George!

What's your rhythm of Gentle Launches?

Take a moment to consider -- what is your rhythm of gentle launches?

How does that translate into your weekly calendar?

What is a gentle launch? It's simply gently letting your audience know about something that you sell. Can be an old thing or a new thing.

Let's say you aim to gently launch once per month (I recommend this) -- it can be as simple as sending 2 emails to your subscribers and/or making 2 social media posts.

  • Do you have those launches scheduled into your monthly and weekly tasks?…

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

Thank you George for the nudge to explore this further. For me, notifying my audience that books are open at the beginning of the month. This is a specific email to my list, as well as post on social. I'll also have a link to offerings in regular emails. As I get back on IG, I'd love to post a story weekly guiding people to an offer. 

ConvertKit - free up to 10K subscribers

Hello all, I’m currently using Mailchimp for my newsletter and sometimes think about moving to ConvertKit or Substack for a few different reasons. They each to seem to have their benefits. 

ConvertKit has launched a new plan offering up to 10K subscribers for free (I think it was up to 1K previously) ⬇️


If you use ConvertKit, would you recommend it? Do you like it? Thanks! 

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

I have used ConvertKit and liked them! They were one of the first user friendly, affordable platforms to allow for tagging and sequences. Of course, many others have caught up with them on this front, but they were always good in my opinion. Glad they have upped their free tier! I'm currently on Flodesk and have used Mailchimp, Aweber, and Convertkit over the years. Happy to answer any questions :) 

Verify Opened Email

What tool do you use to see if/when an email was opened? 

For many years I have used Insightly as my CRM, and can send an email template to a group of contacts and also to see if/when it was opened.  As I consider letting it go, (too expensive for current use) I don't know how else to get that feature.  My primary email is Google and I also use Mailchimp -which might be a good alternative. Appreciate your thoughts. 

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

Unless there's a hack for Gmail I'm unaware of, Mailchimp or similar email marketing providers would be the way to go for this. As a standard, they will give you data such as open rate, bounce rate, who opened it, unsubscribed, etc. 

George Kao STAFF Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

ABC member spreadsheet -- how might it become more useful to you?

Hi All,

The ABC Member Spreadsheet/Directory can be a rich resource for our community.

Have you made use of it?  If so, how?

And how might we change it to be even more useful to you?

For example, would it be helpful to have columns for each Course and members can fill out whether they've taken the course (or are taking it) so you can more easily connect with others working on the same topic?

Open to any ideas you have.

Thank you!


Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

I'd be curious how you would use it if you were in our shoes, George! How might you build it into your workflow / calendar and how specifically would you utilize it? I get it in concept, but how might you make it tangible for yourself?

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

@George Kao Super helpful! Exactly what I was hoping for! THANK YOU so much

Be careful out there (security / hackers / Focusmate)


I just want to post an update about my experience with Focusmate resolving this situation. They were pretty amazing, and said they had already flagged him for some account issues as well as a minor issue in the past. Since the session, he’d been reported yet again. They were able to remove him and said they’ve taken steps to ensure he can’t be back on the system since it seemed clear to them he knows what he is doing and is intentionally misusing the system. Although this is not my fi…

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry you had this experience. How scary and unnerving. I feel the intensity of it just reading this. Oy. Since it was all in text, did you happen to take any screenshots? I wonder if Focusmate keeps records. If you haven't already, I'd definitely report it to them and ask that they investigate. I currently have my profile set to work with women only, which is a bummer because I know there are great male focusmate buddies out there, especially from this community! But it can feel extra vulnerable being a woman online sometimes. Again, I'm so sorry this has happened. Keep us posted how things progress and if Focusmate is able to do anything to help. 

May challenge

I'm appreciating going through the May challenge modules so much. It's been helpful to really work on integrating these pieces. For some reason, my brain isn't fully wrapping around a flow that integrates Twitter (I'd use Threads) and I'm hoping to get some perspective. 

Where I'm stuck:

My goal is to write a blog post a week and write mini - authentic content pieces in Soul Gym and on IG daily. Currently, for the mini pieces, I sit down and write them out each day. For blog posts, usually …

Love Work Retreats!

One of the biggest concerns I had when I started ABC/MH was committing to working on the business of my business for 10 hours per week.  Well, the work retreats are an opportunity to schedule that time, and tick the boxes of the stuff that sometimes just get set aside.  I started today with a random list of things I wanted to do, and I am so excited at the progress I have made.  My momentum is stoked in the even, laid-back atmosphere of work retreats.  If you've been avoiding them, or have never tried them - they are baked- in opportunities for deep work ...with the benefit of doing it in the company of like-minded people.  The energy is awesome.  Thank you, George!

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

Thank you for sharing, Grace! I've been wanting to try them out but the timing hasn't quite worked out, I might have to see what I can do to make it happen, this is inspiring! Congrats on all the momentum you're building, and ticking off those little things that easily get pushed off, but can make a big difference when you tackle them. Celebrating you!

ABC is Helping Me Grow

Hi everyone! 

I've been pretty quiet on here since beginning in January.. but ABC is working for me, so I thought to acknowledge my appreciation here :)

Tangibly, I've now launched two courses on my Insight Timer page, and just an hour ago, I completed a Live Broadcast on the Insight Timer Platform that went so well, I found myself going far beyond the 15-minute scheduled broadcast I had originally planned.  I was able to deliver a lecture of over 40 minutes with no script for 36 meditators w…

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

Congratulations, Dylan! Amazing. I especially loved what you said about the ideas you were staying close to. Taking those to heart. Thank you!

📩 First Email Invite to my webinar sent! Early stats.

Statistics in numbers for email sent!

In case you're more of a % person, 83.45% successful delivery; 26% opened rate; 9.5% hard bounced; 1.7% unsubscribed and 0% spam!

I'm happy about this ☺️ after 8 hours since sent. 

I committed to doing this webinar a week ago on a call with George. I chose the dates. Worked on collecting my CSV files from Acuity Scheduling, MailChimp and old CRM. I surprised myself with having over 400 contacts since 2015! I've entered them…

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

Amazing, Emily! Congratulations on all your momentum! It's always so cool to see that we may be further along than we realize, just as you discovered how many contacts you have when you compiled them all. Overall, love all the learning and movement you're modeling, great job. It's inspiring!

Intentions : May 2024

These "intentions" threads can be motivating to do!

As you see other members post their intentions, it can be an interesting way to get to know  them. Cheer them on by replying under a few comments as you're able to 💛

How to participate:

  1. Comment with your most important intentions for the month. Feel free to @mention your Accountability Buddy so they know what you're up to.
            Examples: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.
    Tip: What method will …

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

Keeping it simple:

Top priority: Consistent content:

- Social media

- Weekly Blog Post

- Every other week newsletter

- IG course completion and experiment with content flow

I've been creating regularly in Soul Gym and need to translate this to my audience.

@Abby Wyers @Ginny Branden