Jackie Johansen

Hi everyone, so great to connect with you all. My name is Jackie. I live in Northern California with my partner and young daughter.

I have a business as a professional evolutionary astrologer. Additionally, I have my Master's degree in Jungian Depth Psychology and particularly love talking about dr…

Active 3d ago Joined 19 Feb 2023 Rohnert Park (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Content Calendaring

I feel good about my content flow, bringing ideas through the three stages. I have been writing off the cuff and enjoy the process. However, I would like to also plan and schedule things in advance -- especially posts I can predict ahead of time. I'm curious about Notion and using it for content planning. I have Buffer for scheduling. Does anyone have Notion experience, templates they like, or any wisdom to share with content calendaring? Thanks!

Mike Wang 🔤 ABC

I started using Notion to track my YouTube videos starting around Memorial Day of this year. I'm sure I'm not leveraging it as much as I could. But it's already been helpful. Especially for planning purposes.

My ultimate goal is for it to help me better understand what content I've created, when, and how things are performing. As I feel like it's easy to lose track due to the sheer volume of information.

I essentially currently use it as a hat manual. Each video has fields I go through and fill out (title, post date, summary, etc.). All data is in one place.

I don't remember where I found the template I use. It is geared for YouTube though.

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

@Mike Wang Thanks so much, Mike! Glad to hear you've been liking it. Love how you use it to guide you through at HAT manual. It seems like it could be helpful to create a database that I can then view as a calendar and move content around in -- all while creating a searchable bank of posts with all the details and links. I do love my Google Docs, so would want to find a way to keep those connected somehow. I know YT is different but do you have Google Docs as part of your Notion flow?

Best way to use course credits

Hi @George Kao, I have a (hopefully) quick question for you - I've got 4 course credits left to use, and I'm wondering what would be most effective for me to add to my list.
I have worked partway through the FB/IG ads course, but in one of our recent conversations you said that using ads through there is not as effective as it was in the past.
I have been working with Substack and enjoying it, and I think I saw you mention you might do a course on that?
Anyway, just checking before I go spend them.


George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

@Ginny Branden I agree! FB/IG ads to reach cold audiences has decreased in effectiveness over the years given that they've continually removed detailed targeting options. We can talk on a Q&A call about your specific niche and see if ads will still be useful.

And yes, Substack is my next course, late-Nov thru Dec!  2 credits :)

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

@George Kao Ooo exciting about the Substack course!

New clients -- how are they finding you?

Look at your new clients from this year... how did they find you?

  • Content?  If å new client has signed up because of your content, on which platform did they find you?

  • Netcaring?  Did a conversation turn into a client or a referral?

  • Market discovery?  Did a market research call turn into a client or referral?

  • Aligned Offer?  Did improving your offer make a noticeable difference in getting interest in your work?

  • Collaboration?  Did you get an interview or other collab that resulted in a new cli…

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

I've received most of my clients through referrals from former clients and netcaring. Also, Instagram and SEO / Google search.

Reflecting on this makes me want to be extra intentional, and put extra care, in these areas. Feeling inspired to dial-in these areas even more. Thanks for the great question, @George Kao

SpringUp Offer Doorways (George, or anyone who isn't sick of me)

So I sat down and listed everyone who has paid me for work since the onset of the business in 2021. I haven't put free work on here (it's even larger), work that isn't B2B (it's even larger) and I haven't put work that I was paid for before the business was legally set up (I can't even remember all of it). 


Possible next steps:

  • look over end-of-year surveys from 2022 and 2023

  • set up 2024 end-of-year interview

  • reach out to everyone on this list and ask for market research interviews

  • templatize something (what?!?!?!?)

  • raise my hourly rate ($50/hr)

Do I need to sign up for the 1:1 slot somewhere? Or do I just post here and show up? @George Kao

Fi Kahani 🔤 ABC

@George Kao hi! Where do you post the recordings? I'm sorry to bother you

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

@Fi Kahani Hi Fi! Is this what you're looking for? Here's the link for the Q&A recordings: https://learn.georgekao.com...

How to price this and why are there fewer sign ups

Hey all... We were approached by a university nonprofit to bring our junior coders into the work they do. But I have no idea how to price this... See screenshot. Where do we even begin???? I feel in over my head

Second... We put out the revamped interview immersion course which had 5 sign ups initially. The price is the same but only 2 signed up. We took a lot of feedback into account (shortened the time commitment, clear outcomes, etc). I think it's an even stronger offer and the two people we ran it by agreed... So I'm confused

Jackie Johansen 🔤 ABC

Hi Fi! I might not have the best answers here but wanted to take a stab at it. As someone who works at a nonprofit, and have worked in the nonprofit world for most of my career, they will likely hope for your services to be volunteer or discounted if possible. Sometimes they will have things like this in the budget or there will be a grant they qualify for to help pay for it. If it were me, I'd do some exploring with them to learn more about what they are looking for, what their budget is, and their hopes for the collaboration. From there, you can come up with pricing to propose in a follow-up. In terms of the immersion, are you selling to the same audience? Curious if the folks who were excited to buy at first already have. Maybe it's about increasing reach. I also wonder about putting out a poll to your audience to explore if they were aware of the offer, if they were interested but didn't purchase and why, and if they weren't interested, why not. Just some ideas to take or leave! 

Substack Wisdom to Share

Hi ABC community, I'm inspired to start playing with Substack (thanks @Ginny Branden for the nudge to check it out!). I'm curious if others, who have been on there for a while, may have any words of wisdom for newbies getting started. Seems like such a cool corner of the internet!