Sarah Cashmore

I'm an online piano teacher based in Toronto, Canada. My mission is to help people cultivate a relationship of joy with their piano!

Active 1y ago Joined 30 May 2022 (GMT-12:00) International Date Line West
Can you change your YT handle or username? 1:55
Can you change your YT handle or username?

Yes, change it here. However, be sure to also update everywhere you've mentioned or linked to that YT URL. Maybe google your YT URL and see where it's been mentioned.

Do I understand well, you explained this differently in the account set up, and we can change it right away?

I have two You Tube channels, each for a different business (Winged Horse Healing, Winged Horse Writing Studio). You Tube gave me the handles @Wingedhorsehealing5281 and @WIngedHorseWritingStudio4287.This was a year  or so ago, and I just let it be. But I don't know why the numbers are there. Should I just delete them? 


@Pam Sourelis Can you just delete the numbers? 
6 YT features small creators 3:48
YouTube regularly features "small" creators -- so keep creating to increase your chances!

Real examples (taken via screenshot today) -- And this one I didn't get a screenshot before excitedly clicking on it to like and comment...  ...this is from Elena Foucher one of our course participants! Besides the comments below (if any), also check out the live chats from zoom for this segment here. (This is a preview segment. If you don't see any comments below, you might not be logged into the course, or perhaps not enrolled. If you haven't enrolled, you can do so here.)

Thank you for showing clearly how success with YouTube is possible without the insane hype!

@Colleen Adrian I've recently scaled back to just YT, but am testing the waters with posting just Stage 2 content to IG, FB, and TT. I don't get much engagement on FB, either, but now that I'm getting a better sense of my audience I'm curious if my ads will work better. Good luck this year!!


@Victoria Howard wonderful! ☺️ Best wishes!


@Stephanie Benedetto neat way to frame it! So interesting that so many of us gravitate to this specific feature of YT. I must admit, the feeling of permanence sometimes gets in the way of my freedom to truly experiment. I try to temper that by remembering that if people aren't interested in it the algorithm won't feature it and then it's back to experimenting for me. ☺️ Good luck to you!

Video tools - keep it simple! - lighting, audio, visuals

My simple guidance (that I myself use!) for lighting, audio, and visuals on a budget:  (This is a preview segment. If you don't see any comments below, you might not be logged into the course, or perhaps not enrolled. If you haven't enrolled, you can do so here.)


I use a Jabra headset for my microphone? Should that be OK?


@Anne Walsh Anne, I love your personality, and I don't think your mic is a problem at all. Really, it's the topic that matters, not the quality of setup! Most internet users are very forgiving of tech issues if they can see the person is offering a solution to their actual problems. This is why I believe that, for YouTube, good title writing is more important than which tech we use. I took a peek at your channel, and I think you have a great collection going. One video made me pause, however: Printing in Excel. I wondered, why would a video on printing need to be 6 minutes long? Don't we just click Ctrl+P? It wasn't until I clicked on it that I learned it's more about printing issues and options. I think highlighting that in your title might attract more viewers, so they can see more value in what you're offering in that video. I also think each of these issues and options could be given their own video to help people pinpoint their problem even more. I hope this helps! 🙏 I will be keeping your channel open as I would like to learn more about using Excel/Google Sheets to optimize my business (though I don't know how yet)!


@Anne Walsh Glad my feedback was helpful! I think your Judge Judy approach will benefit your channel very much! For titles and descriptions, my own approach is to use the title to get very specific about the question, problem, or solution I'll be discussing, and then the description to provide a tiny bit of conversation on why I chose that topic today. One other thing I'll say is that choosing your title and description gets much easier the more specific your video's topic. Then you really only have one way of describing it and writing becomes easy, lol. Hope that's helpful!