
Pam Sourelis

About Pam


I’m a writer; and as a developmental editor and coach, I help other writers lift their voices. ( I believe that sharing our own stories, and listening, really listening, to others’ stories, is the surest way forward into empathy and peace.

One way into the practice of listening to others is to learn to listen to our own inner wisdom. So in addition to fiction and memoir classes, I offer journaling workshops that can help anyone (writer or not) begin this practice.

I am also a professional animal communicator ( I help humans connect more deeply with their beloved non-human animal companions, both in individual sessions and in classes. This too, involves deep listening. 

The Winged Horse in both of my business names is Pegasus, the white horse who, according to Greek mythology, was “owned” by and inspired the Muses. He was the Muses’ muse.

I have been in a number of George’s classes and groups for about three years, and I’m grateful and excited to be continuing in 2024. I look forward to meeting and learning from all of you, and exploring possible collaborations.

