Pam Sourelis


I’m a writer; and as a developmental editor and coach, I help other writers lift their voices. ( I believe that sharing our own stories, and listening, really listening, to others’ stories, is the surest way forward into empathy and peace.

One way into the practice o…

Active 8mo ago Joined 27 May 2022 (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Hyperlinks into YT descriptions? 5:21
YT Descriptions & Hyperlinks (clickable links)

Add hyperlinks to YT descriptions? They seem to automatically turn normal links of -- YT videos, playlists, channels, and the major social links -- into hyperlinks. See example under this video.


@George Kao, why do we need to choose edit to add links? I've just been dropping them into the description box, and they work fine.

@George Kao That makes sense. I was adding links to older videos by accessing them through creator studio and clicking on the edit pencil there. 
Celebrating YT progress 7:19
Inspiring examples of progress... part 1!

Share your experiences of YT "success" thus far... however you define it, whatever is motivating you! As I see your comments below, I'll add some of them here as examples...  Jill B -- "I’ve hit 1.1K views on my channel overall since the start of this program!" Simon Berkowitz -- 2k views within 5 days of uploading this video Mara Clear Spring Cook -- "I have 14 vids up now, and spontaneous positive feedback, and I even received a client booking."  Shoubhik Purkayastha: 1st video: 637 views in 33 days + tons of Heart-wrenching comments/ emails/ texts -- powerful healing in me (Unanticipated - seeing the healing in others)... 2nd video: 127 views in 5 days --> massively SURPRISED at the deep connection.. and how they are watching multiple times to go deeper.  See other examples from your fellow classmates in the comments below!  Not from this course but other examples I discovered recently: Erin Foley career coach (gets most of her many client inquiries) from this one unedited video from years ago Old mans advice -- 25 million views of this unedited video If you don't see comments below, or don't have the ability to comment, you need to be logged into this course.


@Simon Berkowitz ,  such good advice in your video. I'm wondering how 61 subscribers translates into 2K views!
Can you change your YT handle or username? 1:55
Can you change your YT handle or username?

Yes, change it here. However, be sure to also update everywhere you've mentioned or linked to that YT URL. Maybe google your YT URL and see where it's been mentioned.


I have two You Tube channels, each for a different business (Winged Horse Healing, Winged Horse Writing Studio). You Tube gave me the handles @Wingedhorsehealing5281 and @WIngedHorseWritingStudio4287.This was a year  or so ago, and I just let it be. But I don't know why the numbers are there. Should I just delete them? 


@Sarah Cashmore I imagine so. I just get nervous about messing with things I don't understand. I don't know why YT attached numbers to my business names to begin with. 
When you're introducing yourself in a group call...

Instead of just trying to say everything about what you do, make it more of an experience of your energy signature... 3-minute video about this


Excellent! Thank you. 

7 Pricing concerns 10:14
Pricing thoughts... and a qualifying question in your application.

“Struggling to believe people will want to pay me that much every month… especially if they are low income…” For some people, $300/month USD would be high. For others, it would be normal. For yet others, it would be easy/low price. This is true for many industries, not just business/marketing. Truth: you don't know and shouldn't assume their willingness to pay a sustainable rate for your program. Their spending priorities is their prerogative, not yours. Everyone has different values and financial goals, and that we should respect those choices. Still, you can help confirm their awareness of the commitment in your application. For example in my MasterHeart 2023 application there is this question that all applicants must fill out: “MasterHeart is $222 per month with a 1 year commitment -- is it a financial hardship for you?” The options they can select: “The payments ($222 USD per month x 12 months) are completely doable.” “I can easily (and would prefer to) make a single payment of $2,400 USD (save $264).” “Either option would be a financial hardship.” Nobody selects the third option, even though afterwards I find out that a few are less financially sound than I expected. Others may not have applied altogether given the clarity of the question. Pricing will act as a natural filter for those who are eager vs. not.


I'm thinking that asking if joining the group would be a financial hardship could imply that assistance was available. It might be better to just say that if it's a financial hardship, the person should probably hold off on joining. And, as you say, you can point out all of your free material.