Anne Walsh

Active 11mo ago Joined 30 Dec 2023 (GMT+01:00) Europe/Dublin


I love routines. I subscribe to the quotation "Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work." - Flaubert

Celebrating YT progress 7:19
Inspiring examples of progress... part 1!

Share your experiences of YT "success" thus far... however you define it, whatever is motivating you! As I see your comments below, I'll add some of them here as examples...  Jill B -- "I’ve hit 1.1K views on my channel overall since the start of this program!" Simon Berkowitz -- 2k views within 5 days of uploading this video Mara Clear Spring Cook -- "I have 14 vids up now, and spontaneous positive feedback, and I even received a client booking."  Shoubhik Purkayastha: 1st video: 637 views in 33 days + tons of Heart-wrenching comments/ emails/ texts -- powerful healing in me (Unanticipated - seeing the healing in others)... 2nd video: 127 views in 5 days --> massively SURPRISED at the deep connection.. and how they are watching multiple times to go deeper.  See other examples from your fellow classmates in the comments below!  Not from this course but other examples I discovered recently: Erin Foley career coach (gets most of her many client inquiries) from this one unedited video from years ago Old mans advice -- 25 million views of this unedited video If you don't see comments below, or don't have the ability to comment, you need to be logged into this course.


@Simon Berkowitz ,  such good advice in your video. I'm wondering how 61 subscribers translates into 2K views!

@Simon Berkowitz Congratulations on doing so well. That's great news
How does YT fit into overall business strategy 5:21
Video-making in overall picture of biz strategy?

Question: Where do you fit video-making fit in the overall business strategy/authentic business framework? Before I answer... ask yourself how you might answer this?  Add your comment below if you'd like. If no comments below and no ability to comment, first log into this course. my answer: Making videos helps you get clearer about the intersection / sweet spot between your interests and what the world wants from you, i.e. your calling ✨ As you lean more into uploading YT videos in that sweet spot, you'll naturally get more views and therefore, more opportunities for your business. Most importantly: making videos allows you to explore and express your energy signature, which helps you better understand your authentic self 😊 which makes your whole business strategy more aligned to your energies.


For me, I don't expect followers/business from it. I am doing this as a way to up my video game as part of my longer term business strategy is to create more passive income. I also do it as way to support my current customers. If they have questions that I can't answer in class, I will often do a video/blog post about it. 

Video lighting 4:09
☀️ Lighting? Make sure your face is clearly seen... don't be backlit.

Soft natural daylight is best – I face a large window in my office which is where I make most of my videos. The main point is to try not to have your face in the dark. When natural light is not possible, I recommend an Umbrella Lighting Kit (approx $40) -- that single lighting kit will suffice for home video recording.  Here is an example and another example using this lighting kit. Alternative: a softbox lighting kit. You do need about 2.5 feet (0.75 meters) of clearance for this lighting kit, placed behind the camera, facing you. The key is: don't be backlit.


Suppose you want to look evil... #AskingForAFriend :-0

Video tools - keep it simple! - lighting, audio, visuals

My simple guidance (that I myself use!) for lighting, audio, and visuals on a budget:  (This is a preview segment. If you don't see any comments below, you might not be logged into the course, or perhaps not enrolled. If you haven't enrolled, you can do so here.)


I use a Jabra headset for my microphone? Should that be OK?


@Sarah Cashmore That's great advice and I have taken it on board for the next video I did :-0


I use Zoom to record my classes and my VA uploads them to YouTube. For my tutorial classes I do them in Camtasia. 

Can you change your YT handle or username? 1:55
Can you change your YT handle or username?

Yes, change it here. However, be sure to also update everywhere you've mentioned or linked to that YT URL. Maybe google your YT URL and see where it's been mentioned.


I thought you need to have 100 subscribers to do that?