Sophia Leone

Hey, my name is Sophia and I run a business called Authentikora. I support people to have thriving, enlivening, authentic relationships. I am a relationship counsellor and teach a practise called Authentic Relating. I like to describe Authentic Relating as an interpersonal meditation. It also incorp…

Active 11mo ago Joined 16 Nov 2022 Guadalajara (GMT+10:00) Melbourne

Intentions: Week of Aug 21

  1. Comment with your intention for this week. @mention your Helper so they know what you're up to 🙏🏼
            For example: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.
            Tip: What method will you use to remind yourself of this intention? Perhaps schedule time on your calendar 😊

  2. You might set a reminder mid-week to check-in here, to help you keep on track with your intention 👏🏽

  3. End of your week, reply to your comment with an update on how the intentio…


My intentions for this week are to:

  1. Celebrate how wonderful my course was over the weekend with a brunch with my sister!
  2. Write a mailchimp about Level 2 upcoming. Get 5 people signed up this week! 
  3. Sort out the venue for Level 2.
  4. Be with the creative process to see what else wants to come through in the next few months. 
  5. Start an application for uni. 

@Leah Cooper xx


And id also like to watch the fb ads module for warm audiences ;)

Intentions: Week of Aug 14

  1. Comment with your intention for this week. @mention your Helper so they know what you're up to 🙏🏼
            For example: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.
            Tip: What method will you use to remind yourself of this intention? Perhaps schedule time on your calendar 😊

  2. You might set a reminder mid-week to check-in here, to help you keep on track with your intention 👏🏽

  3. End of your week, reply to your comment with an update on how the intentio…


Funnily enough @Sophia Leone, this is my first day back after what turned into a 6-week break with a trip back to the UK.

So my intentions are really about easing myself back into it. I'm focused on gently building up my routines and structures again while I figure out what the hell I'm doing with the rest of the year! 

It's a back-to-basics week:

  • Content day
  • Netcaring day
  • Some gentle planning 

Great to see you back on here. Let me know if you want to have more regular check-ins again :)

@Tamsin Young I imagine you're just landing back after your Bali holiday too.


@Vix Anderton love this timing Vix! Hope the reintegration is going well! Yes, a Monday morning check in would work best for me!! xx


I have not posted in a long time on here. I do set my weekly intentions but tend not to post them here. This is hopefully a step in reconnecting with the community and the content! I have a course coming up this weekend. I have 11 people and I would love 4 more people to join! SO my intentions are:

  • send a mail chimp
  • do a video promo
  • write a post for ig and fb (personal, business, and community page)
  • post in Facebook advertising groups

I am also deliberating uni for next year so would like to spend 3 hours this week researching options for the course I am interested in. 

Thanks George and @Leah Cooper . Would also be curious to hear what you're up to @Vix Anderton xx


Nice to read back over this and see that I did all I intended and also got 4 more people into the course so it sold out! Woohoo! @Leah Cooper

Website hosting- What website hosting should I use?

Hey everyone.. I've been thinking about switching website hosting for my business. I am currently using Weeby, which is really easy to use and create my website on but it limited in how many pages I can have and selling products. While I could upgrade to have more of these functions I am wondering what other people are using? 

I am looking for:

  • have more than 6 pages on my website
  • be able to sell video courses and downloadable pdfs on my website
  • have a template inbuilt to create a sales page…


I have a similar list of desires, I haven't yet found a place that incorporates the full list. I find that great templates and being able to move things around where I want don't necessarily come together often ... and that cheap and course management also don't tend to come together often. 

I currently have a WordPress template that I bought (Themeco Pro), hosted on a cheap domain server (InMotion). The template I bought is robust enough that I am happy with it, but it potentially has a steep learning curve. (I have a coding background, and it hits the middle for me - I recognize the parameters that it has which allow for detailed settings, but I don't have to remember how to code those detailed settings.) I sell my services through Ko-Fi, because right now I don't have course offerings, so Ko-Fi is an easy way to go. But I definitely don't have everything in one place. 

Which is to say ... if you find something you like, I'd love to hear about it 😅 


@Sonja Amundson I am looking into strikingly. Ill let you know how I go :)

Mike Wang 🔤 ABC

After George migrated to Simplero, I decided to give it a try. So far I'm loving the experience. I've always had amazing experience with their team when I've had questions. George recently championed for additional features in their base subscription plan. I believe they have implemented those suggestions. I'm new to selling courses online - but I'm glad to have found Simplero and glad to start with a platform I can grow with. I appreciate that all of my customer info will be in one place from the get-go. Good luck in your search.


@Mike Wang Thanks Mike! It certainly sounds appealing. The only barrier for me is the price. How much is the base plan?