
Vix Anderton

About Vix

I’m a perfectionism and authenticity coach for chronic overdoers, overthinkers and stressed-out control freaks. I help them turn their inner critic into an ally and find powerful and sustainable ways to get on with what they care about without overwhelm and burnout.

With my own experience in high-stress environments from war zones to boardrooms, I’m now an advocate for using the principles of cyclical living and authentic relating, helping people manage their energy and emotions to bravely build more sustainable and authentic ways of being.

I am a certified somatic coach, authentic relating facilitator, menstruality mentor and author (thanks to George’s From Blog to Book course this year). My work is trauma-informed and grounded in nervous system resourcing and regulation. I am committed to helping people to embody their innate wisdom and power, reconnecting them with their natural flow, intelligence and creativity.

I’m also a recovering perfectionist.

I’m originally from the UK, living in London prior to moving to Bali with my husband in 2021. I now live in Ubud where I also teach embodied relating to people IRL and am a cat-mamma to four rescue kittens.
