Itziar Navaridas

Active 9mo ago Joined 1 Jul 2022 Irun (GMT+01:00) Europe/Madrid

The heart and language of gratitude

This is the final week in our Soul Gym Group together, and I want to express my sincere gratitude for being on this journey together.

Thank you all!

As I felt the gratitude of being gifted with the community of so many wise and compassionate souls, I remembered something that I learned many years ago, and that has stuck with me since then.

Truly grateful people speak a slightly different language than ungrateful people.

They use the language of 'gifts', 'blessings' and 'humility', which mean …


Thank you! @Marianne Nygaard  So beautifully said.

I am also grateful for your consistency and dedication, which I find inspiring. 

The joy of connecting with other humans

I went to a dinner party at the weekend and met some new people.  It's a rarity for me these days as most new people I meet tend to be online!  (And, to be honest, as a highly sensitive introvert, I tend to prefer my own company.)  In fact, I'd forgotten how delightful it is to engage in interesting conversations with interesting people, who aren't necessarily business owners (like me) or spiritual (like me).

We connected over our mutual love of food - cooking, baking and eating.  Quite apt s…


How great @Winnie Sher that you gave yourself this opportunity!

Show up

Last Sunday I attended a workshop on Journaling for Self-Discovery by @Pam Sourelis. I learned a lot and it was very insightful for me. One of the things Pam emphasized on when writing or intending to do so was to SHOW UP. 

Later on that day, I found myself thinking about this and asked myself how else I could show up for myself in my life. So I made it the focus of my week. It helped me become more aware of what I do and don't do, what comes easy and what doesn't, and what I need to work on to show up more authentically in my life.

I used to think Perfectionism is a skill..

Yet trying to be perfect in my life had me feeling disappointed, stagnant and always lacking.

Because, the truth is the idea of "perfect" is pretty unattainable, so a person who has this as an intention, will always raise the bar higher. 

Raising the bar higher can sound like a good thing and it can be, when it comes from a place of:

"I've accomplished this level in my life, now it is time to get to this new level and I'm now going to work on it."

But when it comes from a place of:

"Whatever …


Good for you for your insight @Anastasia Salichou . It takes courage to get to such realization and surrender to it.


This week I've been practicing breathwork almost every day. It helps me connect with my body, clear my mind and stay calm.

Becoming free of the past in the present

This past week I came across this paragraph from Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now. I think it is so timely as I am ready to do my inner work. 

“There is no need to investigate the unconscious past in you except as if manifests at this moment as a thought, an emotion, a desire, a reaction, or an external event that happens to you. Whatever you need to know about the unconscious past in you, the challenges of the present will bring it out. If you delve into the past, it will become bottomless p…


Looking forward to reading your next post @Pam Sourelis.

I'm looking forward to meeting you and participating at your workshop too :-)

"Everything you want is inside of you" - Or is it really?

Although I'm a deeply spiritual person, a lot of the mainstream spiritual understandings are in my opinion dangerous and greatly misleading for people.

Like the notion, that everything we are looking for is inside of us. So, we just need to look deep enough and we will be able to bring in in the surface and live happily ever after.

A lot of the people that have shaped those kind of quotes are the people who are advocating for looking on the inside for everything and that if we can't create so…


Very interesting and insightful @Anastasia Salichou. Thank you.