Mojca Henigman

Active 2mo ago Joined 27 May 2022 (GMT+01:00) Europe/Berlin

Intentions: Week of Sept 4

  1. Comment with your intention for this week. @mention your Helper so they know what you're up to 🙏🏼
            For example: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.
            Tip: What method will you use to remind yourself of this intention? Perhaps schedule time on your calendar 😊

  2. You might set a reminder mid-week to check-in here, to help you keep on track with your intention 👏🏽

  3. End of your week, reply to your comment with an update on how the intentio…

Marianne Nygaard 🔤 ABC

My intention for this week is to revive my End of Day Review.
In the spring I built a good habit of doing this review but during the summer I haven't been good at doing it.

One of the elements of my End of Day Review was to take notes of the client stories that would be very relevant for content to my audience.
Yesterday I had a very good session with a client where what we worked with also would be good and relevant content. Late in the evening I realized that I hadn't taken notes about it and that it would be an opportunity wasted if I didn't.

I know that I make my content creation easier for myself when I do it, so I commit to recreate this habit.

cc: @Mojca Henigman


@Marianne Nygaard Wonderful habit to revive! Wishing you a mindful, joyful week full of useful insights and seeds for content creation 💛

Soul Gem #5: Does your creativity feel like a Roman candle?

@Antonio Aversano 

New ideas are like a flame on the tip of a matchstick. You could have the perfect amount of heat, friction, and flammability, but none of that matters if the flame is deprived of oxygen. 

Place an upside down glass on top of a lit match, and you'll see that it only takes a few seconds for the flame to go out completely. 

And just like an infant flame, every breakthrough needs room to breathe. 

I feel embarrassed to admit that I've spent the past few weeks jumping around …


Beautifully said, and I'm sure relatable for a lot of us. 

Intentions: Week of July 31

  1. Comment with your intention for this week. @mention your Helper so they know what you're up to 🙏🏼
            For example: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.
            Tip: What method will you use to remind yourself of this intention? Perhaps schedule time on your calendar 😊

  2. You might set a reminder mid-week to check-in here, to help you keep on track with your intention 👏🏽

  3. End of your week, reply to your comment with an update on how the intentio…

Marianne Nygaard 🔤 ABC

My intention for this week is to choose the topic for my next FTA-webinar.
It's been 3 month since my last FTA-webinar and it's time to plan for the next one.

I consider to couple the FTA-webinar with a course or a group program. My prior webinars have only been single events so it could be the next step for me to make the next webinar a part of a launche of a course or group program.

So this is what I need to take a deep dive into this week, think through and make a decision about.

cc: @Mojca Henigman


@Marianne Nygaard  That's an exciting place to be in your business Marianne. I wish you a creative, productive week planning  your new FTA 🙌

Intentions: Week of July 17

  1. Comment with your intention for this week. @mention your Helper so they know what you're up to 🙏🏼
            For example: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.
            Tip: What method will you use to remind yourself of this intention? Perhaps schedule time on your calendar 😊

  2. You might set a reminder mid-week to check-in here, to help you keep on track with your intention 👏🏽

  3. End of your week, reply to your comment with an update on how the intentio…

Marianne Nygaard 🔤 ABC

My intention for this week is take another round of 'befriending social media'. 

It is a difficult task for me so I have to approach it in many baby steps. I know that my relationship to social media is crusial in order to grow my business therefore I'm willing to do the work 😉😅🤩

cc: @Mojca Henigman


@Marianne Nygaard Such a wise approach, willingness + baby steps when something feels challenging. That way you ensure you keep progressing. Hope your week is going wonderfully! xx

Co-working: Plans, Priorities & Schedule - Tue 6th June at 5-6pm CET (8-9am PST, 11am-12pm EST)

I'm hosting this co-working for those of us who might have felt a bit overwhelmed, or all over the place, with our schedules recently. 

It always helps me to create a supportive structure (a weekly/daily plan) that includes all my priorities. Then I can get on with it, feeling calmer, knowing all the important things are covered. 

Come join us if you want to create order in your own schedule and feel calmer as a result.

This will be a time to:
• reflect on your priorities for the coming month, 
• …


@Donna Becker @Kayli Larkin  So great to have you in the session today - here is the video on George's CCC approach that we talked about: 
(there's a few different ones on the topic, so you can always use the Search for 'CCC' in Simplero).

Feel free to post about your calendar/weekly structure insights and questions in here, or bring any Qs for George to Thursday Q&A.  I'll tag you when I schedule the next session, for the first week of July. 😊


@Mojca Henigman I'll join you if I can, I've added it to my calendar.

Following my calendar is such a struggle for me, so a reset is in order. Thank you for offering the opportunity!


@Susan Tutt Hi Susan, I will do! I plan to run another one first week of July, as a check-in for those who joined today, and as a focus on the coming month, so equally suitable for those joining for the first time.
It was lovely today and I do hope you can join the next one. xx

Intentions: Week of June 5

  1. Comment with your intention for this week. @mention your Helper so they know what you're up to 🙏🏼
            For example: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.
            Tip: What method will you use to remind yourself of this intention? Perhaps schedule time on your calendar 😊

  2. You might set a reminder mid-week to check-in here, to help you keep on track with your intention 👏🏽

  3. End of your week, reply to your comment with an update on how the intentio…

Marianne Nygaard 🔤 ABC

My intention for this week is to track and notice my consistency in the areas of my life where I'm very consistent and be aware of how I can model that to the business tasks that I dislike and that I'm not consistent at.

cc: @Mojca Henigman


@Marianne Nygaard that's such a smart intention! Observing what already works, and seeing how to apply that to other areas. Reminds me of NLP which I use in my coaching (and modeling is a big part of it).  Wishing you a fabulous week 💛