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The Urgency of Joyful Productivity (prevents wasted time, allows much greater impact)

Here we are learning joyful productivity and you might be wondering, well, why is it important? Is it urgent even. And I would say yes. And let me explain why it's hopefully, you know why it's important because you know you wanna be more organized, be more calmly and joyfully focused, calm, joyful focus throughout the day to be able to accomplish a lot more. In your business and in your life.
Right? Okay. So it's I came across a study of American workers, and it said that the typical American worker wastes about 3 hours a day. Meaning waste 3 hours a day when they would intend to be getting helpful things done in their in their job. I'm sure the studies are mostly, you know, people in jobs and nuts.
And I I would guess that for those of us who are our solopreneurs, it's even more it's even more hours because when you're in a job, right, like, you have someone telling you what to do. Right? You're supposed to get this report in. You're supposed to come to this meeting. You're supposed to prepare for this thing.
Like, your work is defined for you by somebody else. Someone creates. Basically, And this is the the sad truth of those of us who are entrepreneurs and sole entrepreneurs. If we are not able to create our own structure that allows us to thrive in our work, then by default, we have to go to someone else to create structure for us. If you can't create your own structure in life, then someone else has to create your structure for you.
And therefore you'll feel more constricted. You'll have less autonomy and ability to really authentically express because someone else is telling you what to do. So the again, coming back to that study of American workers typically waste 3 hours a day, 2.9 hours per day doing unproductive things in their work. Well, solar printers probably waste more like 3 to 4 or 5 hours productively per day. Meaning, we're like looking for stuff.
We can't find things. We are feeling procrastinating because we're intimidated maybe by the work in front of us. So we serve social media or we do other things that aren't aligned with the mission of our business. And I think this is really important to, like, keep reminding yourself. Like, if I'm waste think 3 hours a day, work day.
So let's say you work, I don't know how many days you work per year, but let's say you work 200 days per year. Reasonable. That's still gives you 3 months off. I work about 200 days a year. I work 40 weeks a year, 5 well, more like 6 days a week actually.
So I work 240 days a year, but whatever. Let's say 200 days a year. If you're wasting 3 hours a day, that means you're wasting 600 hours a year, 600 hours a year, which could have gone towards you know, enhancing the mission of your of your work, the purpose of your work. And another interesting bought that I found this week was, Kao, each person is going to know approximately a thousand people in their lifetime. Actually these days, I mean, those of us who are our entrepreneurs, you probably will know more than a thousand people in your lifetime.
Kao? So but on average, each person knows about a thousand people in their lifetime. And so if you know a thousand people, in your lifetime. And each of those thousand people know a thousand people. And by know, I mean, interact with, you know, on a more than just, you know, it's not just a passing stranger, but interact with more than once.
So if you interact several times with a thousand people, in your lifetime. You're like, I've done that this month already. No. And then they interact with a thousand people. That means you what you do and the and the energy you bring, the presence you bring to those thousand people.
Are gonna ripple out and influence their thousand people, which means you are influencing to the second degree a million people. I mean, I'm just talking about when you are organized, joyfully productive, ChatGPT tends to ripple out in your presence and in your energy towards other people. And so you're impacting a million people by the by by just 1 person out, you know, you know a thousand or you interact with a thousand, they interact with a thousand, your interactions affect these people. These thousand people, which then affect a million people in total, and then think about it this way. And that further your energy further interacts and ripples out to influence a billion people because a million people each know a thousand or each interact with a thousand.
That's a billion. People. It's just it was mind blogging, mind boggling for me when I discovered that. So what does what does this mean? That means the things you do to influence other people and influence yourself, basically the work you do.
I mean, what is work? Right. What is productivity? What is joyful productivity? It is the influencing of other people and yourself.
Your energy. You influence your energy and you influence other people's energy. That's what really productivity is because we are productive when there's movement in the world and that requires energy of ourselves and other people. Kao. So joyful productivity means that you're able to have that ripple effect of more calm, joyful focus, and the mission of your business.
What is the mission of your business? Is it the heal? Is it to transform? Is it to educate, to inspire, to repair, to create, So by being more joyfully productive in doing the healing, the creating, the transforming, the educating, the repairing, the connecting. By being more joyfully productive and wasting less time, you are impacting remember a million people and probably a billion people by what you do and what you don't do.
Like, what we do and what we don't do has so much more ripple effect than we even realize. So this makes me really urgent to get my act together because every day I could either be spending another 3 hours influencing myself and influencing others for good or I could be wasting that time. Which means wasting 600 hours a year, which is a lot of impact that's either created or lost. And we all know the world needs a lot of help. So made this little pep talk inspire you to, like, basically, when you work on your joyful productivity, it's like you're charging the battery that then creates the ripple effect.
You're charging the signal that creates the ripple effect out to a million people and out to a billion people and whether or not you're wasting hundreds of hours a year, not impacting others or impacting others in a positive way. So Again, this comes back to things like time awareness, things like energy awareness. And things like being organized. Right? Like knowing how to find your things.
So whatever it is, you most need to work on. And you can comment below if you say, Kao, yes. I need to work on more time awareness or more energy awareness or more knowledge awareness, information awareness, organization awareness, work on that because by doing so, you're gonna impact a billion people much more with much more joy, shall we say? So I hope this is inspiring and I look forward to seeing your comments below.

Most of us probably waste about 2 hours a day while we’re trying to work… 

That’s hundreds of hours a year that can go towards massively improving your business, and the world for which your business supports… it distracts from the mission of your business.

Each of us knows at least a thousand people in our lifetime, and they know at least thousands. So we are only one person away from a million, and two people away from a billion.

This ripple effect means that the things that you do – and the things that you don't do – matter far more than you think…

Last updated 19 May 2023.