swetha jadapalli

I am Dr Swetha . i am an Ophthalmologist ,integrative health coach specialized in Stress Sleep and recovery management . i am from India and presently live in Dubai. great to be a part of this wonderful community .

Active 3h ago Joined 29 Aug 2023 Dubai (GMT+04:00) Abu Dhabi

Anyone else building something on skool?

Skool offers an insane amount of value right now.

When you join their paid plan, as a community creator for $99/mo, you get access to monthly Q/A with Alex Harmozi, and previous q/a recordings too.

I've been watching those sessions, and OMFG it's so valuable, so deep, and so useful - everything around money, business, sales, pricing, etc.

I honestly didn't know I could access that goldmine for such a cheap price, even if I don't create a community. But yeah, I'm creating something too. 

I thought not everyone in ABC would be aware of this too, so sharing it here.

Also, anyone else building something on skool? 

I'd love to have a conversation about strategies and stuff.

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

Good to know that 🙌Do you think it will be helpful for someone just starting out in their coaching biz… ??

Spotlight 1:1 Coaching with George

I loved the 1:1 coaching I received from George yesterday during ABC session.

I wanted some guidance & direction, and that's exactly what I got, with a lot of clarity.

I enjoyed George's calm and attentive energy. He understood my situation quite well and asked lots of questions to gain clarity before suggesting anything.

I have some homework to do now, and will be reporting after a few weeks :) 

Folks... make sure to grab this opportunity for as long as it lasts ;) 

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

great to know that 👏🏻👏🏻

Now open -- sign up sheet for 1-1 strategy coaching with me on our group calls :)

I'd love to personally check-in with you re: your business strategy, and it can be done with no additional cost by doing this on our group calls. 

The calls are usually quite small -- averaging only 6 participants each call for the past 3 months. 

So think of it as an opportunity to share honestly about your business status at this point, and then we'll dive into crafting a strategy that is uniquely yours, playing to your strengths and passions while acknowledging your growth edges. 

You'll …

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

would love to avail  this opportunity....but the time slots coincides with my work hrs. .Are there any other possibilities George. Will be very grateful ...

ok I'm baffled -- you're not getting your questions answered on the call?!

Hi Folks, I'm really baffled by this... several people are saying that when you come to my Q&A calls, you don't get your questions answered. WTF?

I swear that I do my best (I thought) to make sure I answer all your questions... but I think what happens is that I ask for your questions... and then I wait for 10 seconds... and I see no questions... so then I start my segment. 

Maybe I need to wait 30 seconds, 1 minute, 3 minutes?

Truly, from the heart, I'm sad and embarrassed that you've had tha…

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

Never ever did I thought that my question is not answered George … Even though I attended a very few calls because it coincides with my duty hrs I have always got answers from you. And I am very grateful for that .. And when ever I feel stuck I come back to your videos and I get all my answers in them..I always wonder how in the universe you have so much patience to be there for everyone… I feel really blessed to got to know you George 🙏😍

Shall we talk about emotions -- and how it blocks or liberates business action?

Dear ABC/Masterhearts,

This came from one of our forum threads...

"A big part of my struggle is the emotional side of things - so the being visible, fear of failure, and those sorts of problems. Strategy is super helpful, but at the end of the day if I'm still not doing it there's a block in there somewhere. I have no idea what support around this would look like (other than I'm gonna have to be vulnerable! Ha!) but this would be a helpful aspect to receive support around as a part of the progr…

Mary Barringer 🔤 ABC

@swetha jadapalli@Fi Kahani@George Kao I LOVE this discussion‼️ Looking forward to exploring the vital/vibrant thread of human emotion - in our life experiences & in our businesses‼️😊 💟 🦋 🌻
swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

@Mary Barringer it’s good that we are able to open up here in this safe space 😍
Fi Kahani 🔤 ABC

As a person who studied my own emotions a long time, and who still does practice just "feeling," one of the hardest things for me is to ignore/set aside my feelings in order to stay loyal to my task. The energy reboot has helped me a lot with that. But there have also been psychological barriers around raising fees, reflections on the impact of my race and gender, and comparison. For example, a recent video I posted did much worse than the previous two. However now 3 days later, it's doing way better. Earlier, before finding this program, I would have quit. Or for example, I asked for feedback on the newsletter post but haven't received any. Last year, I would have taken that as a "sign" that I'm not supposed to do it or that it wasn't good enough or that everybody hates me or whatever. But lately I've been sitting in the middle of all of this discomfort and trying to channel it into work. That's because of this program. But it was not a surface discovery. It was something I discovered after being around your work for a while. 

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

@Fi Kahani 👏🏻👏🏻beautiful… feel the discomfort and do it anyway ..🙌
swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

@Fi Kahani ah… Nice… recently I was listening to a video where the author was mentioning the main reason for procrastination or not able to move forward with our biz work as solopreneur is Boredom and Anxiety … and I felt  it is so true … I have noticed the main reason I am not making any progress in my journey is I get so bored sometimes to do the recurring stuff and I feel anxious about putting myself out there or being judged … so I am getting to understand that if I have strategies to get over these and manage these emotions well .. I will be on the right path… so it’s all about noticing them , naming them, accepting them but not giving them power over me 😃

Scale my social media

In the Market Discovery program, you commented it might be a good time to explore scaling my business.  I could ask colleagues to share my post with their network for this post.  And I am curious whether this is a good post to do my first ad with. LinkedIn is my main social media platform.  

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

As a physician myself I can relate to every question you have mentioned..And I feel it’s a great post to get shared among as it resonates with many… great connecting here as a physician and Health coach for women physicians 😊🙌

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

@Deborah Munhoz definitely would love to …

First Instagram

I am slowly wading my toe into Instagram, and decided to try my first Instagram Carrousel related to the US Presidential debate. I generally avoid politics publicly at all costs, and tried a middle ground with this one. Hoping it is still aligned with my overall work.

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

great start 👌very clear and simple...😊

I can help you prioritize and plan 😊

One of the feedbacks from some of you is that it would be helpful to better understand "what to do in week 1, week 2, etc.... bite sized actions."

The reason I can't give that to you is because each of you is at a different place in your journey and the relevant actions are different.

However, I'd be glad to help you clarify what is your likely-productive actions to take, in bite-sized pieces, with a monthly or weekly plan 😊

If you'd like my support with that, comment below with some info about…

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

Hello George here i am finally clear about my coaching program and my ideal clients and have been  almost creating content consistently and even serving my closed inner circle of friends and their friends  who fits into my ideal clients criteria but not sure how my coaching can help them with their goals . 

so what should be my next step ?is it working on collaborations to spread my word even more ? more market research conversations   ? or creating any specific offers or courses because as of now i have only 1-1 coaching offer i am promoting ? I Know i need to  just invite people for market research calls but not able to do that ... So i  need your help in planning and prioritizing George

@George Kao .i will be in the q&a call this Monday on 17th June. Thank you  🙏
swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

@George Kao thank you so much George 🙏
swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

Great offer George …  It will be beneficial to many 😍🙌

8 Days Along the Camino and Its Learnings Just Begin

We finished our 8 days of walking the Camino yesterday from Lauzerte to Eauze, France, where we walked 104.1 miles/167.5 kilometers in total. There were a number of sections in the past 3 days that were barely or unpassable due to the flooding and deep/slippery mud, and glad to share I only fell once, tangled in the mud, and just missed a larger fall due to trying to avoid the mud. Will share more as I continue to process all this and what it means to my personal and professional life. 

Even with these dangerous storms, the Camino provides opportunities for reflection and life-changing invitations to bring good into the world.

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

Amazing … Glad you had a beautiful experience.. looking forward to hear your  great learnings 😊



@George Kao 
I'll be on the coaching call in a couple of hours - sorry this is a bit last minute. 
I have a question about upselling on a (paid) workshop that I'm running next week. (It's a 3-hour workshop for $44, Earlly Bird price, in case that's relevant.)

I totally get the whole idea of offering something more to the participants... but it often is the most awkward part of the whole thing for me. I can feel my energy shifting when I go into sales' mode, even when intellectually I think it's a perfectly reasonable thing to do. 

I'd love to hear your thoughts, what you recommend or find effective. 

Many thanks, and looking forward to seeing you on the call. 

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

Thanks for asking … I feel the same … 😍

Very very important reminder for all coaches who create content...

Been loving Alex Harmozi's recent few long-form biz videos, and this one particularly made me share it here.

We don't need huge followings in order to make good income.

Full video:

Enjoy! :)

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

🙌Thanks for sharing 😊

Prayer Intentions or Personal Requests

I am planning for my third year of walking a week along the French route of the Camino de Santiago (in French, the Chemin de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle) the first week of June 2024, and am again offering to take any Prayer Intentions or Personal Requests with me. These are all shared anonymously, and I welcome anybody to share anything they want me to bring along with me. An anonymous form is here for anybody (within or outside our community here) to use.  

For transparency, this week of wa…

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

Beautiful  and best wishes  🙏😊

Focusmate -- free month of paid service

Those of you who are interested in Focusmate, can you help me test something... 

I need 3 people... 

1. Someone who has never signed up for Focusmate before.

2. Someone who has a Focusmate FREE account.

3. Someone who is already subscribed to Focusmate's paid account.

Click this link.

Does it give you a free month of paid Focusmate?

Comment below and let me know which type of person you are ;-) and whether the link successfully gave you a free month.

Thank you!

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

Hi George .. I have just signed up and have never used focusmate and yes it gave me 31 days of free trial 🙌

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

May be it’s time for me to utilize the opportunity 🙌Thanks George 

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

@George Kao will join for sure George … already done with 2 sessions and I am loving it 😍 

Feeling the "threat" of AI...

Who else is feeling the onslaught of AI faster than ever expected? I mean, I knew it was coming, but not at this insanely fast pace! For Thursday's Q&A call, if there's time, I would love to hear about how you ( 

@George Kao  and everyone else) are navigating this potential "threat" to our (coaches, counselors, educators)' livelihoods!

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

As someone who has been personally using AI to hone my coaching skills I feel AI can never replace human experience.. awaiting to hear for others experiences 🙌

Patience. Pace. Progress. 🐢🐌

Hello Everyone‼️😊

I hope I'm posting in the right area. 🙃

I haven't had the opportunity to be as involved in ABC as I would like due to my wacky work schedule & getting sick 2 times since Christmas - highly unusual for me. 😳 Nevertheless, I'm still SO grateful to be a part of this AMAZING community + program. 🙏 Thankfully, I've always been patient w/ myself (& others). 🌻

Some of the things I LOVE about ABC:

🌸 The rich variety of posts (& your many thought-full comments)

🦋 Watching LOTS of Q…

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

Thank you for the message and glad you are feeling better now wishing you a amazing learning here 🙌😊

*Free Course* CATALYZE: Quiet Impact to Transform Lives and Create Lasting Change

Is making a positive difference in the lives of others important to you?

(I'm kind of guessing it is because you're here in this group of Authentic Entrepreneurs. 😎)

I've created a group experience for people who want to:

  • Stack the deck for transformation with clients, loved ones or friends
  • Create experiences of deep impact and lasting transformation
  • Find deep enjoyment in the process of helping and guiding others

I'm making this available FREE for ABC Masterheart members because I know how…

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

Thank you for this amazing offering…😍

Intentions : May 2024

These "intentions" threads can be motivating to do!

As you see other members post their intentions, it can be an interesting way to get to know  them. Cheer them on by replying under a few comments as you're able to 💛

How to participate:

  1. Comment with your most important intentions for the month. Feel free to @mention your Accountability Buddy so they know what you're up to.
            Examples: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.
    Tip: What method will …

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

Keeping it simple :

1.working on creating my signature coaching program

2. reaching out to people & net caring and offering free coaching sessions 

@Stephanie Benedetto

Free alternatives to FB groups that foster community for an online workshop?

I am launching an online workshop, and in the spirit of working lightly, I don't have the details worked out yet. 🤣

My loose plan is to use facebook groups to host the workshop. 
There will be a few live group calls (held on google meet), which the recording will be posted, plus some other recordings that I will prepare and post in the group, and then daily posts for practicing skills. 

I had someone approach me and ask what the format would be for the workshop, and when I told them I was plan…

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

WhatsApp groups really work great and can consider uploading your live recordings on You tube and sharing the link will be most simplest and easiest way.

Intentions : April 2024

These "intentions" threads can be motivating to do!

As you see other members post their intentions, it can be an interesting way to get to know  them. Cheer them on by replying under a few comments as you're able to 💛

How to participate:

  1. Comment with your most important intentions for the month. Feel free to @mention your Accountability Buddy so they know what you're up to.
            Examples: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.
    Tip: What method will …

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

My April intentions :

1. getting back to  posting on social media with a daily tweet /thread and weekly IG post 

2. work on my NOURISH -2 to be relaunched in May 

keeping it simple 

@Stephanie Benedetto 😍

Progress so far ...

Alright, I have been in the ABC Community since the very end of 2023 and it's time to share what I have accomplished so far 🤓

But first, so many thanks to

@George Kao, and to everyone who has been hosting implementation sessions, met with me 1:1, and to my awesome buddy helper @Rob Wagner .

Here what I have accomplished in a little over 3 months thanks to this community:

- Today I launched my podcast: https://repurposeyourpurpos...

I already recorded 10 more episodes (all interviews), and wi…

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

Amazing 👏🏻👏🏻congratulations 🎊 on the progress …

Signature Workshop and/or Podcast Collaboration Swaps

I'm looking for opportunities to collaborate with niche-mates and niche-adjacent mates (is that a thing?) who have communities/audiences around the following interests:

  • Coaching
  • Conscious business
  • Spirituality
  • Wellness
  • Social issues
  • Personal growth
  • Creativity
  • Community building

I have a free Signature Workshop I'm taking on tour to other people's communities, "FLOW: How to Find Clarity and Confidence For Your Next Step In Business" (you can learn more by scrolling down the page here.) Or y…

Monthly Questions via the Simplero App

I enjoy listening to some of the various Q&A sessions you have, which you then summarize in a monthly grouping such as here. It took me forever to find these in the Simplero App, though they are available there (if not a bit hidden). I'm sharing this for anybody else who may want to watch or listen to these while using the mobile app. 

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

Thank you … I find this very helpful 🙏

The Power of Tiny Creators

I'm learning so much about the power of creating and sharing from my 100 YouTube Videos Challenge and the content that's naturally emerging through the creation of my courses called, no coincidence, CREATE and SHARE.

When I point myself in the direction of seeing something more deeply, it shows up everywhere!

The other day, Spotify’s Discover playlist introduced me to a song by an artist I’d never heard of before.

It was the perfect song for that moment, and it moved me to tears.

“Who is this a…

swetha jadapalli 🔤 ABC

Beautiful sharing

@Stephanie Benedetto ... CREATE & SHARE only for that one person who might need to listen to it that day ...😍